When I say may all our creations become real, I am not saying it in a positive and good way, I am saying it so that we can stop and take a good look at what those words mean for 2014 and beyond. as that which we are creating on a daily bases in a silent agreement as a whole, through our direct or indirect participation, both requires our acceptance and allowance to exit and be here – I mean the news and the radio and the Internet and everything existing on earth – of which we can all agree is mostly negative shit while we all try and pretend we are so positive and always good and happy.
War is still on going and it has only worsened, when will there NOT be war on earth, it’s like the one thing we ALL do not want to exist and yet it’s not happening, war just isn’t ending, it is like this tiresome thing that always just continues to exist – and war is growing like a Cancer, it is spreading into all parts of this one body we all share called earth, just look around how many countries are now at war and how many has been devastated and destroyed and turned to waste land and we are the cancer because war exist only through the human species, but we are also the cure if we are willing to look at the problems and find solutions together as one as equals.
Poverty: I can say the exact same thing here, Poverty is something NONE of us want for ourselves or others, it is something none of us want to exist here on our planet, YET after decades, after thousands of years we still have poverty, we haven’t evolved to be better at all – STILL up to 30 000 children under the age of five die DAILY of starvation/poverty, Poverty is getting worse and worse, these days well educated and people with degrees are seen homeless and not finding a single job for themselves, we are losing it.
Environment – we are destroying the earth by the seconds in masses, we are moving at a great and consistent pace within destroying the forest’s and the ocean and all other parts of the world, Fuck even deserts, we humans are really persistent in what we do, we make sure we destroy every pat of earth just so that we can at least say we were thorough, for such small and almost none existent species as ourselves when compared to the earth itself, we are still the ones destroying our own planet, as if it is our goal to do so and as if there is a prize for us at the end of it all.
What’s going to happen in 2014 that is New – a BIG nothing, nothing new is going to happen, we are a ball of Ice rolling down a mountain of ice, its going one direction and the snow ball is just getting bigger and it’s going to reach the bottom with a very big Smash, maybe that will be when something has changed, but then it will not be for what is best for all and what we all actually would like, it will be everything that is Shit and evil that existed this year just more and bigger of it all.
People have been saying for hundreds of years Happy new year, yet there is no new year, it’s just another next day with everything else moving the exact same way as before, maybe its different for kids as they are almost leaving school and going into higher grades, YET the Jobs in this world is getting lesser and lesser and money is getting lesser and lesser, so do people want this new and bright and promising year coming? I for one would not call it anything so it seems that it is as if it is a new beginning.
If each year was a new beginning, then each year we all would start over with No debt existing for anyone and all wars would stop and all poverty would be eradicated and all environmental damage and destruction would be reversed and everything would be formatted and reset and restarted and then we can call it a new year, otherwise it’s just another day of everything existing the exact same way and another way for people to make lots of money on this special new year’s day.
Catching my drift?? Its keeping it simple and real.
So – I suggest that for ALL who have ears and who can hear and those with eyes who can see, to make ti your goal this year to investigate and support and join and vote for the LIG (living Income Guaranteed) and let us all create a new way of life, a path for us all that’s better and best.