Day 424 - The Little Patterns

I have been exploring my daily life for a couple of years now, this means that I have been exploring myself and who I am within my daily life, this means that for the past six years I have been seeing and investigating my own patterns, because the patterns are what we live/do, what I have been living and doing. And the patterns are the outflow of who I am as the physical living.

This is why I am investigating and exploring patterns within my daily living, to see who I am, as that who I have accepted and allowed myself to be/become as the living flesh as the words I speak and live.

I have within using and utilizing the Desteni material and the tools that are given changed and altered many of my own patterns, the positive ones – or should I say the seemingly positive ones and the negative ones. And I have taken on many of my major/big patterns that I thought was unchangeable before I ever came to Desteni and started investigating and applying the tools for myself over many years and actually living it, actually applying it and to actually see the real physical effects that are measurable by myself and by others.

Now here I have after six years discovered one small point, this point is quite significant when I actually look at it, in all the many years that I have been investigating myself and changing or stopping or alternating patterns I have still many – these many are the ones I could not see, or did not want to see, and they are small patterns, small things I do, the way I type, the way I walk, the way I breath, the way I hold my hands in certain conversations or how I suddenly speak or make remarks, and this is interesting because they are hard to notice, I say hard because I have accepted and allowed it all as Normal – Plus my entire environment has also accepted and allowed it.

So here I am looking at the patterns/points of what is it that I am not looking at or seeing or keeping alive as patterns simply because my environment hasn’t given me yet feedback on them.

And why is it okay for me to live these patterns that my environment has not given me feedback on, do I require my environment to change who I am – yes it definitely has an effect, yet I am always the one who accepts and allows it, I am the one self-responsible for who I am and the patterns that I become as a living being as what I do in each moment in the details of patterns, because those details are also patterns within the pattern that supports all other patterns and parts of me and thus my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Ignore the small patterns that I participate within during my day.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the small patterns within my day as not being important.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the small patterns as being small patterns, instead of seeing them as patterns and that requires me to self-investigate these patterns.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify not looking/investigating some patterns because I have defined them as being small.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate some patterns just because they come up once in a while on some days and thus see them as small and that they do not need to be investigated and corrected through making them small in my head.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist looking at patterns that I have defined and judged as being small and not important.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see it as a waste of time and energy to look/investigate patterns that I have defined in my head as small and not important.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be self-righteousness about why I am not investigating/looking into the small patterns that occur daily or sometimes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see it as acceptable to not look at patterns that I have gotten comfortable with around other people.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the patterns that I have defined as small as Normal just because I can get away with participating within them around other people and no one says anything.

When and as I see myself as shoving a pattern aside just because I have defined it with my own judgment as a small patter, I stop – I breathe and I slow down, I give myself the moment to see what the pattern is in and as the Physical here and not through the mind as my thoughts/feelings/emotions within my limited perspective on it and to not judge/define it as small or big but to rather see it as a patterns that needs to be taken self-responsibility for.

I commit myself to write out all my patterns for myself and to not shove it away as small or big and to give myself the time to do self-forgiveness if not possible in the moment and to then self-correct and re align myself as what’s best for all as myself within and as the physical.

When and as I see myself Judging a Pattern I stop, I breathe I stop the judgment and the thinking process of judging/justifying and I see what’s physically here and what the pattern physically support, if it is either best for all or not.

When and as I see myself NOT wanting to face a small pattern just because of how I have defined/judged the pattern as small and thus resist it, I stop, I breathe and I push myself to correct myself within the pattern not matter how small and to see what is here and thus take self-responsibility.

When and as I see that I am within a “small” pattern that I have accepted as Normal just because others do not give me feedback and thus I continue playing it out, even though I know it’s not supportive or best for all – I stop, I breathe and I focus on supporting myself in Breathe and to correct myself to stand within my own correction that is in alignment with what’s best for all life as myself for myself and to not rely on others to give me feedback but to be self-honest with myself and to trust myself.

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