Photo by <a href="">Matthew Henry</a> from <a href="">StockSnap</a>
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that as long as I have a reaction/fear towards how the current pandemic is handled within the world, that is validates my opinions about it, not seeing and realizing that my reaction/fear is contaminating my seeing and information processing, and thus my opinion is just that, an opinion running wild with assumptions and projections, where I am projecting my fear and reactions into and onto reality, wanting it to be validated and confirmed by others to feel safe, to feel that I am on the right path, and so as to not have to experience fear or my reactions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that as long as I have a reaction/fear towards how the current pandemic is handled within the world, that is validates my opinions about it, not seeing and realizing that my reaction/fear is contaminating my seeing and information processing, and thus my opinion is just that, an opinion running wild with assumptions and projections, where I am projecting my fear and reactions into and onto reality, wanting it to be validated and confirmed by others to feel safe, to feel that I am on the right path, and so as to not have to experience fear or my reactions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear letting go of my opinions/believes/ideas and to be still/quiet within me
regarding the pandemic, the world and what is going on, to really see what is
HERE, in fear of that what I believe it to be not being real, not being my
fear, not being what I want it to be.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
NOT see and realize that I want my opinions/believes to be the TRUTH of what is
going on within the world, as I then feel in control, and so when I feel in
control I feel I will not lose, and so I will impose and even manifest my
opinions/believes and ideas to be real just to be in control to win, to be
right., and thus I see and realize that I am the creator of what I fear, by
acting out of fear and on my fears.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear being caught with my pants down regarding what is going on in this world
regarding this pandemic and thus fear what I am going to do, thus who I am
going to be, and so I see and realize that what I fear is me, my reactions, my
experiences, my worst fears coming true, and not the pandemic itself, but
rather me within it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear the unknown, to fear what I can not see and do not know, and so within
this state of fear go into attempting to make things Known to myself, by taking
the fears and projecting them outwards into my reality and manifesting them, so
that I can see them, anywhere and everywhere as to attempt to make everything
known, so that I can point fingers and say, LOOK there it is, I am right, I
know, I can see, and thus not only manifesting my fear in my reality within
what is here, but to in fact reinforce it through getting others to agree with
my opinions and to stand with me, as two or more in my name, and it shall be done.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Fear
the virus, to make my fears about the virus, and thus anything and everything said
about the virus becomes fuel for my fear, and not my common sense, my self-trust,
and thus I sell out myself to fear of the virus, where the virus is this
monster, yet not looking at what brings a virus about within this world, how it
spreads and how it is handled, which can show it is not the virus to fear, but
rather seeing that mans fear manifested a world where only fear exists and thus
a virus can exist that effects all equal and one, and so I see and realize it
is a world that I must change by being the change first within myself, stopping
me existing as fear and rather living within consideration of all life, as what
is best for all life practically.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
create more separation between me and my fellow humans within this pandemic by NOT
stopping my thoughts/feelings and emotions FIRST and foremost of my interpretations
and projections of the pandemic, and to actually have a real conversation with
my fellow man, instead of simply IMPOSING and forcing my opinions and believes
of the situation onto them.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
make myself and my position and my OPINIONS the GOOD side, where I am on the
right side, and I CARE and everyone else that does not share the same FEELINGS
as me towards the pandemic will be BAD people, and so in fact create more separation
and the signature of WAR between my fellow man, and thus I see and realize I
must stop, I must slow down and look, is WAR with my fellow man a better option
than dealing with the pandemic, is separating myself from others a better way
forward? I see and realize this is NOT best for all, thus I take self-responsibility
and I stop, as I see and realize it is best to deal with reality here as it is
with my fellow man rather than separating and creating war with my fellow man
while also dealing with a pandemic. Thus, I see with me and my fellow humans
connected, standing as one, we can prevent and take action that is best for all
dealing with what is here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to conspire
against my brother and sister.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
give away my responsibility as my brother’s keeper to fear, to wanting to be
right, to wanting to convince my brother/sister of my point of view, or ELSE,
or I do not care, I do not stand with them, and within so keep going into
circles of win and lose, never coming together.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
eat from the three of good and evil as the tree of knowledge and to abandon the
tree of LIFE by giving into my fears, opinions and beliefs of what is here,
versus reality, where reality is, I am here and my fellow humans are here, we
must untie, not in opinions and believes, not in convincing and converting each
other to our way and view of seeing what is here, but rather within the
principle of LIFE and how can we direct and manifest what will bring an outcome
that is best for all life based on the basic needs of every man women and child
within this reality as a physical living NEED, and to deal with pandemics where
all needs are met, and where all are take care of, where we do not accept and
allow abuse of one another and being each other’s keepers, seeing and realizing
that as long as we fight, split, and divide, we will allow and accept abuse, we
will not be able to direct reality here as we each will be stuck in our minds
in alternative realities of what is going on and fighting to be right, versus
supporting each other in this reality instead.
To continue.