I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to speak with emotion.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to remain emotional by holding onto a reaction that came up within me, and to then re enact that emotion as valid, thus validating the emotional experience and acting on it, keep it alive and to have influence over me.
I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that it is okay to stop, to take a breath when there is a reaction within me, to see it and to let it go, to clear myself, and that I do not have to act, re-enact that experience, creating more consequences within myself and my reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am reacting very strongly, and have a lot of back chat and thoughts coming up within me, to go into the believe that this is here to show me I must act and do something with that emotion to get it out, to release it, instead of seeing and realizing that what I must do with the emotional reaction is clear the story behind it, clear that which is keeping the emotional point within me as valuable and thus giving it space within me, through writing, through breathing, through forgiving myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to train myself to respond with reactions on impulse, as I believe it makes me “strong”, that it makes me open and not holding anything back, when in fact the act of me acting on it is limiting me to only my point of view that I have formed within me through my back chat over time, and thus keeping me in the past and holding me there.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep telling myself that my emotional reactive body is too much to change, too much to take self-responsibility for, and that I am a victim of my emotional body and thus anyone bringing any reaction up within me through their words/actions are to blame. Seeing and realize that this way I am always perpetuating my emotional body and crowing it more and more as I have already decided to give up.
I forgive myself that I have NOT yet accepted and allowed myself to develop through discipline and breathing to first remain silent and to first with any reaction to come up within me, FIRST clear any and all points that is emotional within it, to the point where my point of view changes, before I speak or say anything.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I have an emotional reaction, to point it at the person or people or situation that brought it up within me as the ones to blame. And so within this play the victim card, the blame card to not have to change, to not have to actually stop.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize that each time I participate in a emotional reaction by speaking it, or playing it out, I am in fact diminishing myself as I am giving myself away to the emotions, back chat and the reaction as truth.
I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to really take the time to stop, to take every breath and moment to focus on myself, and to instead of doing that, focus on all the thoughts, the thinking, the back chat that follows with the emotional reaction (trigger) and look at ot all to conjure up my own stories to justify my own reactions, seeing and realizing this is my own prison I am creating and sentencing myself to it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold others hostage for my emotional reactions and to live them out, by not taking full self-responsibility before I say a word or take an action and to make sure I am clear, and nothing is moving within me.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to SEE and realize fully, to the extent of all of myself in every moment, that I create my won regrets through keeping myself in a emotional cycle consequences through acting and speaking when I am in an emotional reaction.
I forgive myself that I have NOT first made peace with myself and acknowledged to myself that I am a very emotional person, and to not make myself a victim to that, but to be able to know myself and walk with knowing myself to always be aware of what I must do and live FIRST before speaking or doing anything, to stop creating regret, and to move forward.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify and deceive myself within why my emotional reaction are valid, and thus use my emotional reactions to justify and manipulate others in return, as I can only live what I do and who I am towards others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I do not respond NOW to someone or something that brought a reaction up within me, that I will lose, that I will miss out, that I will be weak for not responding NOW and be taken advantage of, NOT seeing and realizing that within that reasoning I am losing and being taken advantage of and missing out, by myself towards myself, as all I know in that moment is my emotional reaction and not me. Thus I see and realize I must breathe through the reactions and the urgency I feel within me to do something with them, and to stop and remove the reactions first, by doing self-writing, breathing and slowing down till I am clear.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
hold onto the idea that I must contain myself when and as I have an emotional
reaction, seeing and realizing that this is me missing the point and only
bottling myself up, Seeing and realizing that I must taka full inner action to
understand the reaction, to stop the emotions and to change so that the emotional
reactions I have stop and do not keep coming, and even if they do, then I know
them and can simply breathe and stop, thus not bottling things up harming
myself and others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to FEAR slowing down
and stopping myself when and as there is an emotional reaction within me, to
fear that I will miss a point, not be able to make my point, give my input and
then let others make decisions without me involved, and that this will cause me
to lose, to be last and so I am left alone as a no one, THUS I see and realize
that I must go there, I must stop, I must breathe to actually correct myself
and change myself for myself and to stop making it about others.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that when and as I act on my emotional reactions that I am not even able to consider asking for support, help, guidance, as I simply act and then it is too late. Seeing and realizing that there are many ways to guide myself within a point once I take first self-responsibility, slowing down and breathing, to have clarity within myself on how to best direct myself where I stop creating regret and living in the past.
I commit myself to when and as I there is any energetic movement within me, to recognise it as a reaction, to then stop, breath and slow down, to take responsibility for me and only me till the reaction is settled, to then take a new direction forward as the cal me, the me that I can trust and honour and respect.
I commit myself to slow down, to find my words within me to express myself, to expand my vocabulary to be able to express myself, instead of relying on emotional reactions to guide me in my inner world, and to get to really understand myself and the nature of myself that needs to stop and change.