Day 380 – There is No such thing as the Right Time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that I can only do certain work/project that needs to be done at a certain time in the day.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Not see and realize that it is an excuse to only want to do certain tasks/projects a certain time of the day, even if I have the time right now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sit and wait for the right time to do something.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that it is actually me following thoughts/feelings/emotions based on what I like and dislike and thus time in itself isn’t the problem.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make time the problem, and thus not looking at myself within that moment and questioning that moment within self-honesty and common sense.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide behind TIME and that TIME is responsible for what I am doing or not doing, seeing and realizing that time is a man created Idea according to the mind, thus time is within the limitation of the mind, and when and as I am following time I am actually following the mind, still understanding that time can be used as a practical tool, but that is all it must be and not become more.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am using time as an excuse for having to do a task/project to stop and to breathe and to reflect for a moment here in breathe in actuality and what is going on, to see my excuses and reasons and to stop and realize it isn’t real and to move myself as breathe.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am not moving because I believe or more Feel like it isn’t the right time to do something right now, to stop and to breathe and realize that I am limiting myself within time and as the mind instead of breaking through the pre-programming and walking as the physical.

I commit myself to give to myself the actual physical evidence that I can do this through walking the correction and to stop talking about it and to actually walk it, less talk and more walk.

Day 379 - BIG (Basic Income Grant) will save the BIG Five.

As we know it, All wildlife is under great threat, many do not want to believe this blatant fact, as it will mean that the many will have to consider an alternative way of life that supports all life, a life that isn’t based on what you want, but rather a life that is based on common sense and what is best for all life.

We have many great examples of many Animals that we are all familiar with that is on the endangered species list, and that will in our life time go extinct if we do not do something soon, and this is only the animals we are all equally familiar with that we mention here, many species go extinct daily, believe it or not, new species that are discovered, is only discovered once they are extinct and we find their dead bodies to look at, due to deforestation and killing off habitats with great big machines.

The basic income grant is a simple yet effective solution to all of this, because the basic income grand takes away the reason for why everyone is doing what they are doing, it gives everyone money where the money they earn isn’t dependent on if they have a job or not, as most jobs don’t even give enough money for people to even have all the basic needs met, so what the fuck is the use of such jobs anyway.

Poaching a rhino is a JOB for the poacher to make money, poaching an elephant is a job for the poacher to make money, destroying hundreds of thousands of hectares of the Amazon forest to plant palm oil trees, is a Job for many people to get money, even if it mean putting the orangutan and Billions of other species almost at the brink of extinction and soon will, everyone needs that one resource called money to feed their bellies, it is as simple as that, if we give to people a basic income grant each month, I can guarantee you, poachers will not poach, because they don’t like doing it, they only do it because they MUST do it to feed their families and themselves, and to survive, they are within environments and circumstances where there isn’t any other option’s that pay as good, that will meet basic needs, poaching and selling the goods from poaching, gives enough money to meet their basic needs. 

If every person got a basic income grant each month that is enough to support all their basic human right’s to water/food/shelter/education/transport/electricity, a dignified life, then all the abuse that is happening now such as poaching and all the “wars” around poaching will end.

Because now these poachers are given what they need, and poaching isn’t needed then.

Standing in another shoes.
I earn enough money monthly to support me and my family and all my basic needs, I have literally just enough for all that, and I can promise you, I have NO desire to poach a rhino, I have NO desire to go out of my way and kill an animal and torture an animal and poach an animal for its horn or tusk to make money, more then what I am earning now, because I can tell you, it just isn’t in me, BUT I can guarantee you, if I had nothing, and I have been starving for a week and suffered seeing my children starving and almost dying or actually die, I would have had it in me to Go and poach a Rhino, or an Elephant, because I am forced into having only such an option, there might be a job in town, but it pays just enough so I can feed my children, and then I will die of starvation and then my children have nothing and so they will die. So FUCK that Job, it simply does not work. (This is an example). So PUT yourself in the shoes of another and be honest with yourself. 

yes some rich people also poach, trophy hunting is poaching, no difference, its only legal, really an animal is still hunted and murdered and a horn or tusk is still lost in the process. and the animals numbers still goes down, legal or illegal both are counting the numbers and leads to the same outcome, extinction. but you see, game reserves have to do it, it is how they make money, so yet again, showing you how evil this world system is, BIG will solve these problems.

If a poor man is starving and his family and he has NOTHING to lose anymore but his life and his families lives, then any rich fucker will be able to exploit that man to do anything he wants by using the one thing that man needs, that basic need, that thing called money, that paper that we print and put numbers on and give so much value to, and that poor man will for that money do the bidding of the rich, because it is the poor man’s solution, it is the poor man’s way out of his dreadful hell, and he will kill, he will become someone else for the sake of the ones he cares for, the ones he love. BUT if this same man is given a basic Income grant each and every month and his wife and his children, and they can meet all their basic needs with this basic income grant, the rich fucker that wants the horn or the tusks, will have NO power over the poor man, because he will not be poor, he will not be forced, he will not be in a state of survival, and he will be content with himself, he will have dignity and honor and self-respect, and he will NOT go out and poach a rhino, he will NOT risk his own life for something he does not need, because he has it.

Instead this ex-poor man will use his new strength, his health and his state of dignity to go out and to make a better life for himself and his family, he will use what has been given to him to give back, because he will have respect and honor, a full belly and energy to care, he will start to become a Positive impact on society instead of being a negative.

The rich fucker will not get his rhino horn or elephant tusks, because the ex-poor man is now instead guarding the rhinos and the elephants and he is caring for them, and the rich fucker will have to have sex without rhino horn and cure all his diseased with normal doctors and he will have to make plastic elephant tusks to display in his bathroom, because there are no more slaves that can be driven with the whip of money. 

The real question comes, are we as the evolved human race ready to a solution to life, a solution that has been around for more than two Thousand years, given by a man a very long time ago, give as you would like to receive, love thy neighbor as thy self, do onto another as you would like to be done onto. 

This solution is advanced, it requires a new human species, one that does not have fear but instead common sense, and to the surprise, this solution is also the solution to capitalism, to business for others, this solution is a real solution to the problems we as Humanity face within all our relationships to life and life here on earth. 

There is a lot more to this point on the BIG (basic Income Grant) I suggest before any opinions or ideas of beliefs are created around this solution, please first investigate all the blogs/links given below to get a BIGger perspective and understanding. 

Day 378 – Candy Crush Saga - helping me in my process Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question what I accept and thus allow daily as who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am currently is all that I can ever be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am currently is all that I can ever be and thus all I can do is but allow it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to simply allow everything that I do every day as Normal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become so used to who I am through my everyday actions of simply repeating it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that somewhere in my process I am stuck, not moving myself not directing myself and that within this I have come to live and accept that stuckness everyday as normal and that it is all I can be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get used to who I am and thus only live as the limited me I am every day, not pushing myself, not questioning myself, not investigating all of me, but only the few obvious points.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that just because I find it convenient to be stuck, to have something as normal, that I must remain within it and not question it not push myself to change and to go where I believe I cannot.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to go where I believe I cannot go.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to go where I believe I cannot go simply because I do not find it normal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am currently, is all that I can be because I have been who I am currently for so long, I have become it, I have literally become unable to even conceive that it is possible to do more, to become more.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am as Stuck and never moving forward is my limit, it is where I must be, and that I simply have to repeat everyday as this being stuck and struggle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is no room within my life to move out of this position of feeling stuck within myself, within my process.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I have become accustom to this stuckness because it is part of the survival character, where this character will keep and pattern that is relevant to surviving even if it means being stuck. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the survival character wants to create normality in order to let the personality survive, even when this normality is a complete compromise and a pattern of self-destruction, because the mind will find a save spot, a place that is save, where the mind isn’t interrupted and thus can feed off the body, the physical flesh while being stuck, and thus I see and realize that I must move myself within and as breathe out of this pattern, out of being stuck into corrections, points where I feel that what I am doing isn’t part of my “likes’ and rather push through to points of expanding, growing, moving forward, and even if it means asking for help.

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