Day 421 – SOON to be a Father - Part 1

2 - 4 weeks to go...

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create pre occupational ideas/beliefs of what it might be being a father to a child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief that what my relationship was as a child towards my father was right or wrong.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge my child hood with my father/mother relationship as good or bad.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to look at my childhood and see what is practical and what is not, what is best for all life and what isn’t and to accordingly use within common sense what’s best for all within raising my child, to learn from the past and to change, and to not run away or hide or resist.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try/attempt to use my childhood within raising my child, seeing and realizing that this is simply repeating the past and creating a copy of my past onto the child’s life, instead of breathing and LIVING here within common sense and practicality so that my child can live his life and not my past.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to access past memories/experiences of my childhood and project it within my child future as a point of FEAR, seeing and realizing how I not have already predetermined my relationship with my child as a projected memory where I already see how I will instead live or do things that is in avoidance to what I have experienced or seen or done in the past, seeing and realizing that this is exactly what my parents did and their parents and yet it never works as this is how the sins of the fathers work, as its creating separation instead of understanding and thus self-forgiveness and correction within what’s best for all life as the living principle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT slow down and check myself in each moment and what is here moving within me, so that I can see if I am clear and moving in breathe in the present as Life or am I moving as the mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions as the baggage of the past and thus smudging the past and tainting the future with the past and thus recreating the past instead of moving forward.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that where there is fear there is where I am making the mistake of moving, instead of breathing and self-forgiving the fear and moving in clarity as breathe here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize that fear is the past made bigger and more then what the past was and then placing that in the present moment as a total delusion of reality when in fact it’s NOT so/here and what is here is completely simple.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief that my past as my thoughts/feelings/emotions that comes from memories that comes from moments that I created experiences within myself within certain moments and that I have defined myself as those moments/experiences/memories/thoughts/feelings/emotions has any value or anything valid within them as to how to raise my child and what’s best for all life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to simply trust myself as the physical as common sense and practicality as living what’s best for all life in each moment within my integrity as Who I AM, and to trust me as the Physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief that any thoughts/feelings/emotions within me of the mind as memories has any value to them as what has been done to me by those that has gone before me within placing value in the past as memories through stories that has been told within raising me, and that this is valuable within raising my child, seeing and realizing that within such teachings one is only teaching the child how to chain oneself to the past and to live in the past instead of being present and breathing here.

To be continued.

Next on more specific points and SCS.

Day 420 - I am Belief Part 8

Day 419 – I am Belief. 

When and as I see that I am accessing a belief system within myself that I have about myself or towards myself – I stop – I breathe and I slow down, I check myself and why I am within the certain belief system of myself and why I am living as this belief/limitation and to correct myself within the realization that NO belief is ever real or valid, as I see and realize that any and all Beliefs are Lies made up in the mind.

When and as I see myself Living a Belief that I have created about myself or the world/others – I stop - I breathe, I check myself if I am here living in and as the physical as that which is real and measurable or if I am in the mind as Thoughts/feelings/emotions/back-chat that is not serving me or life to be the potential I can be as Life one and equal – as I see and realize that the Beliefs I have of myself the world/others is but only Knowledge and Information that I have made up or gotten and have accepted and allowed Knowledge and information to be real – Instead I see and realize that it is within each breathe as the Physical that I will see what’s here and real and thus no knowledge and information required to add to what’s already here as the Physical.

When and as I see myself Finding it hard to stop a belief because I have created a Belief of what is to be expected after stopping a Belief – I stop – I breathe, I slow myself down and I focus on my breathing and what’s here in the moment as the physical, using my smell, my sight, my touch and my hearing and my Physical presence as me to get real to Be LIFE instead of a Be LIEF.

When and as I see myself living/acting in accordance towards something that I belief of myself towards something that I am accepting and allowing to move me as a response to create disbelief or to create the belief as real, I stop, I breathe, I bring myself back here in each breathe each moment and focus on what I am doing and see/realize what’s real.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am creating beliefs about myself in my mind to stop and to breathe and to check why am I creating a belief about myself as a Image or Likeness within my mind – to sit down to write it out and to expose the belief system of limitation and to not accept and allow myself to be anything less or more then what’s here as the Physical within self-perfection.

To Be Continued.

Day 419 – I am Belief. Part 7

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Create more beliefs everyday about myself and the world through back-chat and secret mind BS within and as the Idea that I can use beliefs to undo old beliefs, seeing and realizing that it does not matter what Belief I create if it is positive or negative the system remains the same, a beliefs as an energetic experience motivation to move or not move that feeds off the body off the flesh of Life to sustain its short period of existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs in the attempt to create or make something more then what is here within each breathe/moment just to feel something called an emotion/feeling to feel my life has a meaning, something more than what is here within simplicity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs out of everything Physical that is here just so that I can belief I am smart because of the Beliefs I can make up/create out of what’s here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs out of everything from why the earth is round to why I am not gaining weight or to why I love or hate certain things or why a dog is a dog and a mouse a mouse just to feel that I have some sort of intellectual power over what’s here as I am creating all these beliefs about everything here that makes sense and seem so smart and where when I sell these beliefs to others they seem to agree and they seem to acknowledge the intellect within my beliefs and thus it means my beliefs must be so true and so real and so Solid as facts.

Seeing and realizing that all I am doing is building a prison around myself a=of beliefs or knowledge and information that I must not remember all the time taking all my time just to keep this system alive within myself of not having to feel any less then.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that I have created a world of beliefs in my mind within myself as a prison for myself and my mind to always be limited within these beliefs just so that the mind can keep on feeding off the energy the beliefs are creating within my prison.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs out of everything that is here in fear of what is here as the truth as the facts of reality and to instead create a belief to justify to reason to excuse me from reality and to not to have to take full self-responsibility as a co-creator.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I am in a prison of my mind where I create beliefs about reality and me within reality just so that I can make myself seem more within reality and what is here and thus enslave and imprison myself within these beliefs of myself and reality to a self-create world in my mind, like copying what is in fact here into my mind into all my beliefs of myself in relation to the world/reality and to then live life from this illusion through my mind first then in reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Live through my mind as my beliefs of/about reality and myself as the illusions/delusions in my mind as the definitions I have attached to all that is here and what these definitions are within my own personal relationships towards the words/reality and to then live accordingly to this self-created Belief or reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to interact in a indirect way within reality within the physical through first looking at what’s here and then copy what’s here and imprint it into my mind as a picture and then to add my Beliefs to the picture and my definitions to the picture and all that’s in the picture and to then after adding all my own self-created beliefs and limitation to the picture in my mind I take that picture with all the newly added knowledge and information I am past it over reality as the physical as a mental projection and then to only move/direct myself within this delusion I have created from and as my mind.

To Be continued.

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