Day 429 – Is this Possible – Standing as all Characters Part 2

Clarification – when I say walk in anothers shoes, I am not saying go and actually do things, like if you walk in the shoes of a murdered without judgment, it does not mean go and murder someone just to walk in their shoes, see we humans have this ability that isn’t about feelings or emotions or imagination or mind basically, this ability is where we are all in fact ONE, and thus we can as ourselves within ourselves place ourselves with and as another to see their life and creations as ourselves – because we are all in the end the exact same in how we function and create characters and live them, it is to walk each process of each character within self to see the creation process and to understand it and to stand one and equal to all characters – this is where one can stand as all characters and not be in fear of characters and then take it further – walk as each character the process of self-forgiveness and self-change to be that which is best for all life and to be life – and thus one find’s as yourself the solution and takes a position of authority – so there is no excuses and a clarity for all existing characters on how to change as you are the example, and this will lead to where one will find many characters require a System change to give them the opportunity to change. This understanding within self and all will be motivation enough to why Living Income Guaranteed is a Must.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from all other characters that are here in this world as the people.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as judgment as the point of separation of what is here as all characters that exist as the humans here on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief that I as the Character that I exist as have to judge all other characters in a Good/bad relationship in order to feel save and to only protect my own self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge all other characters as Good/Bad just to protect my own self-interest as the character that I exist as.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Judge myself and my Character(s) that I exist as in a good/bad relationship and to within this judge all other characters to feel good/bad about myself as a way of keeping myself in check within my own self judgment and the judgment of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT consider walking in another person’s shoes unconditionally in fact through taking off my shoes for a moment and to fully understand another as myself so that I can stand as the Problem and the solution in clarity in fact as that what is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when I am helping or attempting to help or support another being while being in judgment of that person and their character that I cannot help them but instead all I can/am doing is making decisions based on the judgments I have within my mind towards/about the other person instead of the actual problem and thus the solution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be ignorant to the message of “walking in another’s shoes” as a point of judgment which reflects the ignorance of actually in fact understanding the implication and the practical application of such statement and to walk it practically in fact in each breathe/moment.

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to fear stepping out of my own shoes, out of the comfort of my own shoes and to step into another’s shoes in fact as myself and to walk, as the fear is of what I might find and what I have to admit and realize for myself and that what I have judged and believed was/is always just a lie and not real and the abuse that exist within that and all I have done thus far through the separation, thus seeing and realizing I must walk in the shoes of another to understand myself as them and to within this not place any judgment of good or bad, but to do so within the principle of what’s best for all life being my guide.
To be continued.

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