Day 444 – The Burden, and the Story of True Potential Part 3

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to carry the past as the thoughts I have with me at all times, believing that the thoughts as the past is who I am.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that the thoughts as the past I carry with me from moment to moment is only me if I accept and allow them to be me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted an allowed myself to burden myself with carry the thoughts from yesterday into today in each moment and to do the same for the next day before the next day is even here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in the past and the future through participating within thoughts/back-chat at all times which is a creation of the past within certain moments that is now consistently being projected into the future and lived in the present, never really living HERE in each breathe as I trap myself in the cycles/patterns of thoughts I have made myself accustomed to – for the purpose of survival.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within survival mode the whole time through burdening myself with the past as the thoughts/back-chat I entertain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the MIND as energy as personalities/characters wants to survive, and for the mind to survive the mind needs the physical body, and thus the mind will trap the body in cycles/patterns that is of limitation, within the purpose of keeping the body limited within its capabilities as the physical so that the body can live linger simply for the mind to MINE is for a longer period of time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Fight for my limitations – which in return becomes my burden, because when I am fighting for my limitations everything else I have to do becomes a struggle, it becomes a extra thing I have to do that I don’t FEEL like doing, that I don’t LIKE doing, and thus when I have to do it regardless it is seen as a Burden within me, which in return creates a lot of back chat and thoughts that now argues and go against what I am doing, what needs to be done, and thus the point of responsibility becomes a burden within my mind, when the facts are it’s only the mind that’s the burden because in reality as the physical, the body can do it, the body isn’t seeing it as what it likes or dislikes doing, the body does what it practically can do or cant, and that’s the point that isn’t walked and thus only the mind as the thoughts/back-chat is walked and in the process the body is carrying the mind, whipping it the whole time saying NO, you are my slave, you shall not do this, you do not want to do this, you are too weak, you are to stupid, you are incapable, you are inferior, and since I gave the mind permission to do this the body listens, the body obeys, and carry the burden I place upon it, as I am the one in charge, the being that has this one opportunity to walk in the body with the mind to take self-responsibility as both and to stand one and equal as both and to direct both one and equal in each breathe, but cannot because I, the one in charge has fallen a slave to my own mind instead of being the director.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to torture my own body through submitting to the mind as the thoughts/back-chat I have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse myself and my body and my mind through not standing as the director as the one in charge and to just let them BELIEVE what they must do, and thus just letting the mind and the body play along, while I stand Idle and feel bad, or feel like I am carrying a burden.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that I as the being must stand one and equal as the mind and the body and merge them as one as me and to rebirth myself as all that is here within and as me as one and equal and to walk as the director, as the Authority and to be the one who decides and not leave it up to the mind to decide and to be something separate of me, and the body to just submit and me just accepting and allowing it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from my mind and my body as being something that isn’t me, and thus they can do as they please and I will try and do as I need to, seeing and realizing that such a relationship of separation with myself isn’t healthy not effective.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that through separating myself from my mind and my body – that I have created a relationship of me having to deal with the mind and then the body and them myself, where I have now made it a burden to deal with the mind and the body as I have separated myself from the mind/body, not seeing and realizing that I am the mind and body and that I just move the mind and body as me, and thus it’s not a burden as me having to take care of two other things within me, it me taking care of me.

Day 443 - The Burden, and the story of True Potential Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Burden myself with the thoughts I have in my head.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that there will never be consequences for participating within the same daily thoughts/back-chat and that it is totally fine to just have them over and over again, and to keep on following the thoughts and to then later on say nothing is changing and just making everything in my reality a burden, when I am the one quite obviously creating it, living in the evil cycle of thoughts, in the spider web of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the only burden I carry is the one I am filling with stuff every day, which is the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I change my thoughts that things will change, seeing and realizing that a thought is a thought and it does not matter what it is, it’s the same things, and thus the burden in itself is thoughts that I participate within, and the more thoughts I participate within and entertain the more my head is being filled, and the more the burden becomes, as the mind works like a filing system, if I file the same thoughts every day, I will only find the same file everyday as that’s all the file cabinet will be filled with.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to burden myself with reoccurring thoughts through daily entertaining these thoughts as real, as something that I must participate within.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to automate the same thoughts for me to have every day every time I enter a certain environment with certain people and with certain thoughts, as I know I will daily enter these factors and yet I blindly set up the same thoughts/back-chat for myself to have to have the exact same play out to take place and thus the exact same things to keep on happening, and thus create Burden for myself through not stopping , not checking what it is I am actually doing and to change through not participating within thoughts/back-chat and to rather focus on breathing and directing myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the reoccurring thoughts is here for a reason and thus I must entertain them and give them my time and attention, seeing and realizing how following this pattern becomes the burden.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow this pattern of everyday burdening myself with the same reoccurring thoughts within the belief that it is all there is, and all there can be, and that if I change this pattern and do not have these reoccurring thoughts that I will not know what to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rely on reoccurring thoughts to be my direction within what I do and how I do things, thus I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that this is what becomes my burden that I carry with me all the time, the thoughts I have with the back chat backing them up and then me making it real.

So what occurs most in my head? As thoughts or back chat or both.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the thought of “not getting to do the things I would like to do” when I have to give time to other things in my reality, and to within this have the back chat of, “I do not have enough time to do what is required” as a way of not doing what needs to be done to the fullest so that I can skip on that and get to spending the remaining time on things I rather want to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let the thought of “ seeing myself not getting to the things I would like to do” reoccur within my mind, where I not do everything else before me half assed to just get it out of the way and to then get to what I want to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let the back chat of “ I don’t have enough time to do what is required” reoccur within my mind multiple times a day – where what I am currently doing then becomes a burden because I am in my mind doing something that I don’t have enough time to do, yet I am doing it just to do it so that I can say look I have tried and to then go on with what I wanted to do, for which there is more than enough time all of the sudden.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let the thought of “seeing myself failing within what I am busy doing” reoccur within my mind in the back ground, and to within this have the back chat of “I am going to fail within this anyway, so I might as well just rush it and get to what I want to do” reoccur within my mind, NOT seeing and realizing how this is just existing within my mind on a daily basis and where I am creating these points for myself, and through accepting and allowing this thought and the back chat to reoccur within my mind, I am burdening myself with the thoughts/back chat and what I play out as the patterns from having them, accepting and allowing them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to entertain the thought of “ seeing myself failing within what I am busy doing” within my head and to create anxiety/fear within myself in relation to what I am busy doing, where I then play out the same pattern over and over and later on just don’t see the point in what I am doing, and then start thinking about what I could have been doing, or what I wish I could have been doing – where I am now splitting myself into two worlds, the reality and the mind, and thus I make the reality a burden and the mind something I am chasing, instead of focusing on what’s here and changing what’s here to something else, through stopping the thoughts/back chat and thus my participation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to burden myself with thoughts and feeling/emotions through spending time within the mind thinking and judging myself and others, instead of spending my time breathing and moving myself within the physical and what’s here within considering all practical points at all time, to live HERE and do my best with what’s here.

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