When and as I see that I am thinking – I stop, I breathe and
I focus my attention on breathing, within the realization that the thinking isn’t
real as it require me to “think” about which is the same as making stuff up.
Thus I commit myself to when and as I see myself thinking to
stop and breathe and to Not suppress what I was thinking about, but to see why I
was thinking, what was behind the point, to be self-honest with myself – to be
brutal with myself in my self-honesty and to really get down to earth and earth
myself as breathe and to stop floating around in my head.
When and as I see that I am justifying why I need the mind through
using the mind, I stop. I breathe, seeing and realizing that when and as I breathe
and focus on breathing I notice a very peculiar thing, the justifications
suddenly is gone and the need for the mind is gone and was never real.
When and as I see myself going into back-chat as internal
gossip with myself about others/things in life, I stop. I breathe, I focus
myself as my breathe within and as my body as my reality as the physical and to
be here in real time in fact, where whatever I was back-chatting about is instantly
useless and debunked as made up shit.
When and as I see myself moving or not moving myself within
a certain experience of myself which mostly is that of fear, I stop. I breathe
and I focus on my natural breathing that is already naturally happening/being
done and I focus on my breathe till it stabilizes and I move from and as that
breathe of stability within my reality within real time as breathe.
When and as I see that I am using the mind to impose
deliberate limitations onto myself as a way to manipulate myself and my reality
in spite of others or myself as a way of literally limiting myself for the sake
of being spiteful within what I can do or cannot do I stop, I breathe. I focus
on my breathing and how my breathe goes in and out of my body in and out of existence
as the universe and I move as the universe as the physical where I do not
accept and allow myself to be any limitation or lesser version of myself as
that which I know I can be.
When and as I see that I am giving my focus/attention my
being to the mind as who I am within each moment and what I am capable of or
not, I stop. I breathe and I see what is here in fact as the physical as I
stabilize myself as my breathe and as my body and as me here in actual real
I see and realize that this is a new way that I must
practice and give my attention to, my focus and to be discipline within walking
this new way as the principle of life of oneness and equality and doing what
best for all life in all ways, as I see and realize the plan, and as this is
the plan to live I discipline myself within each moment to breathe and stand up
if I fall and to do this till I become it as who I am, as I see and realize that
as I created myself as the mind through practice, through space and time so
must I equally create myself as life one and equal.
When and as I see that I am faced with a point of self-experience
within myself, where I am within any self believe or disbelieve of myself, I
stop, I breathe and I use what is in fact here as the physical to check my
points and to have real cross reference, as I see and realize that when I stop
the mind through breathing, focusing my breathe and bringing awareness into my
body as/with my breathe as myself and so into my reality as me here, I can see
when the mind is stopped if what was within the mind was actually real, which I
know is never real, it’s made up.
When and as I see myself NOT focusing my breath, I stop. I Breathe,
I do not judge myself I do not hold that which was within my mind within what I
was participating within against myself, as I see and realize that holding it
against myself I will only do it again and again and time loop and get myself stuck
within the mind, and thus I commit myself to Forgive myself in that moment or
to write the points out and write/apply self-forgiveness and to move on as
breathe unconditionally for and as myself.
I see and Understand that it is not to suppress the mind, to
hide the mind or to block the mind, it is to use breathing as myself to walk
through the mind, to understand the mind, yet not to get stuck in it, to do
this within self-honesty and common sense and to understand the mechanics of
how I created myself as the mind, as understanding gives way to standing up and
to stop standing under everything and to stand one and equal with what is here,
with what I have accepted and allowed to exist. And to then through this re
birth myself as the physical at the same time, as I remove the mind through understanding
and self-forgiveness/not separation, I have my support, my reference as the
breath as the physical for what I am standing as that which is real and matters…
as the physical is the matter that we all exist as, as a matter of fact.
I commit myself to walk this process breath by breathe in
patience within real time, to not miss the points that can be seen and walked
and to commit myself to this process till it is done, till all are free one and
equal and we all walk as one as the physical, the one reality we all share in fact,
as we all can see that together and confirm it together and thus our oneness is
here as the physical and not the mind, as the mind has many alternate realities
only each one is aware of for themselves and thus really all made up and still
this is what we accept and allow to direct our lives/our world. How is that
even possible?
Breathe – as the universe as matter, an action of expanding and
contracting, all is here. Breathe is U in reverse, from the mind to