In this moment I am within a certain point that I am walking, I walk points all the time, till they are done or time loop, preferably till they are done. But I have found that I mostly walk the same point over and over, I may push through a point, but then the next layer comes along, I am dealing with eighteen years of layers, forgiving myself and moving forward living what’s best for all life.
So when I take a point on I take it on, I walk the point till I have pushed through, I never give up on myself no matter how difficult it gets, because I know in the end who I am, it’s the preprogramming that isn’t me that I have accepted and allowed myself to be me, so I have to take self-responsibility for my own creation.
Now I want to write about the points I am walking, sharing it, yet I have already written about it many times before, and this is where I go into self-judgment about me writing it again, maybe I will just repeat the exact same, but what I am taking for granted is, this time around it is different, It is the same point but a different layer.
And even if it wasn’t a different layer, I must not judge myself, I must do it for myself and write it out, even if I write about the exact same point a million times, I know that once I am done I will definitely understand the creation and ending of such points lol.
For instance, this in itself is a point; did I see that till I wrote about it? No, thus write.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for writing about the same points over and over.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold it against myself when I see it is the same point again and to not write about it, thus keeping it the same point.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold back.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to dis-empower myself within not writing about a point because I believe I have already written about it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress my writing and creativity and to rather go into the creepy mind and stay there as my limitations.