Day 432 – Children starve to death every day Part 1

                                                            LIVING INCOME . ME

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that I am not responsible for the thousands of children starving daily and dying of starvation daily.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not make it my problem that thousands of children are starving daily and dying of starvation daily.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am separate and different from the children starving daily and dying of starvation daily.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that the Thousands of children starving daily and dying of starvation daily isn’t my problem just because I am not affected by them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that as long as my life is okay then the thousands of children starving and dying of starvation daily isn’t a problem, JUST because I am still okay.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize that this makes me a psychopath in fact – where I can accept and allow the suffering and Murder of children on a daily basis where it is obviously preventable and does not have to exist for anyone.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to find it difficult to see the connection between me being responsible for a child dying of starvation and how I am living my Lifeseeing and realizing how I have separated myself from LIFE and how things in fact work and function as a whole on this one planet and that we are all one and equal in the substance we all are made of and one in how we function.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny even the possibility that I am in fact connected and one with everything that is here and how everything functions on earth and within the physical reality as a mathematical equation we all can apply and check for ourselves and thus that I am in fact responsible for the thousands of children dying each and every day of starvation which is a most basic need not met and that is most possible preventable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not even give it the slightest effort to investigate how I am responsible for a child dying of starvation in another country and how I can become a solution instead and to create a world where not one child will ever die of something as preventable as starvation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to MAKE my life too busy with everything that is irrelevant and not important in life and call it living while children are dying from one of the most BASIC needs not being met for them as one of the most preventable things.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ENJOY a life of ignorance and bliss as a deliberate way of ignoring the problems that exist and not facing these problems as a co-creator on earth and fixing it and bringing about a world that is best for all and doing onto another as I would like to be done onto – just so that I can have fun while Billions suffer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that the problems on earth such as children dying of starvation on a daily basis will simply sort itself out.

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to TRUST that the system I live in and participate within has assigned highly intelligent people to sort out the problems on earth such as starvation/poverty/famine/war – and to use this Blindly trusting point to justify my actions of self-interest and greed as my sorted out life where all is just good, and for me – NOT seeing and realizing that it is these so called intelligent people that has created the system that is here where all these monstrosities exist and that they have been in charge for many many many years and yet things are only getting worse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my self-responsibility as a co-creator on earth and what exist here though my direct and indirect participation as that which I accept and allow through saying – it’s okay there are people who have studies and who have degrees and who have the brains to sort the things out for me/us/our world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to MAKE it so fucking inconvenient for myself to take self-responsibility and to take practical steps of self-corrections and to really start self-investigation and investigating what is here and how I can as one man/women as one vote make a difference with my fellow man and to bring about a world that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize the shit we are in as a whole as the humans on earth, when I see a child dying of starvation or hear about it on TV to not even have the slightest care in the world and just watch it like it is a movie and as if the child was just something dying, and now imagining that everyone is like this, what monsters we are to even allow ONE child to die as a whole of something such as starvation and not yet to mention ALL the other horrible monstrous things existing on this planet through human creation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make being popular more important then what really matters on earth such as bring about a world that is best for all life and to not stop till it is so in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make looking good and having lots of parties and wearing the right cloths and being a perfect robot more important then what really matters here on earth as the Physical, as that which we cannot live without as LIFE as earth as the animals as the air we breathe and having a planet where NO abuse exist that is preventable in all ways.

To be continued.

Happy New Year readers.

Day 431 – Just another Happy new Year's Blog for 2014

Everyday about 3.4 million blogs is written and blogged, here is one of them for this day.

When I say may all our creations become real, I am not saying it in a positive and good way, I am saying it so that we can stop and take a good look at what those words mean for 2014 and beyond. as that which we are creating on a daily bases in a silent agreement as a whole, through our direct or indirect participation, both requires our acceptance and allowance to exit and be here – I mean the news and the radio and the Internet and everything existing on earth – of which we can all agree is mostly negative shit while we all try and pretend we are so positive and always good and happy.

War is still on going and it has only worsened, when will there NOT be war on earth, it’s like the one thing we ALL do not want to exist and yet it’s not happening, war just isn’t ending, it is like this tiresome thing that always just continues to exist – and war is growing like a Cancer, it is spreading into all parts of this one body we all share called earth, just look around how many countries are now at war and how many has been devastated and destroyed and turned to waste land and we are the cancer because war exist only through the human species, but we are also the cure if we are willing to look at the problems and find solutions together as one as equals.

Poverty: I can say the exact same thing here, Poverty is something NONE of us want for ourselves or others, it is something none of us want to exist here on our planet, YET after decades, after thousands of years we still have poverty, we haven’t evolved to be better at all – STILL up to 30 000 children under the age of five die DAILY of starvation/poverty, Poverty is getting worse and worse, these days well educated and people with degrees are seen homeless and not finding a single job for themselves, we are losing it.

Environment – we are destroying the earth by the seconds in masses, we are moving at a great and consistent pace within destroying the forest’s and the ocean and all other parts of the world, Fuck even deserts, we humans are really persistent in what we do, we make sure we destroy every pat of earth just so that we can at least say we were thorough, for such small and almost none existent species as ourselves when compared to the earth itself, we are still the ones destroying our own planet, as if it is our goal to do so and as if there is a prize for us at the end of it all.

What’s going to happen in 2014 that is New – a BIG nothing, nothing new is going to happen, we are a ball of Ice rolling down a mountain of ice, its going one direction and the snow ball is just getting bigger and it’s going to reach the bottom with a very big Smash, maybe that will be when something has changed, but then it will not be for what is best for all and what we all actually would like, it will be everything that is Shit and evil that existed this year just more and bigger of it all.

People have been saying for hundreds of years Happy new year, yet there is no new year, it’s just another next day with everything else moving the exact same way as before, maybe its different for kids as they are almost leaving school and going into higher grades, YET the Jobs in this world is getting lesser and lesser and money is getting lesser and lesser, so do people want this new and bright and promising year coming? I for one would not call it anything so it seems that it is as if it is a new beginning.

If each year was a new beginning, then each year we all would start over with No debt existing for anyone and all wars would stop and all poverty would be eradicated and all environmental damage and destruction would be reversed and everything would be formatted and reset and restarted and then we can call it a new year, otherwise it’s just another day of everything existing the exact same way and another way for people to make lots of money on this special new year’s day.

Catching my drift?? Its keeping it simple and real.

So – I suggest that for ALL who have ears and who can hear and those with eyes who can see, to make ti your goal this year to investigate and support and join and vote for the LIG (living Income Guaranteed) and let us all create a new way of life, a path for us all that’s better and best.

Day 430 - Is this Possible - Standing as all Characters Part 3

When and as I see myself separating myself from other characters that are here in this world as the humans through judgments, I stop I breathe and I stand stable within breathing and do not accept or allow any judgment within me that is of separation from another.

When and as I see myself accessing the “belief” or the automated pattern where I “belief” that I have to judge other people as their characters in a good/bad manner in order to feel save and to only protect my own self-interest – I STOP, I breathe, I see and realize that it is but only a Belief and a Pattern that I have automated to protect only my own self-interest, and that within this I am separating myself from the other being and thus creating “fear” within myself that is unnecessary and only sabotaging myself and the other person.

When and as I see that I am within the Pattern as the Behaviors and the thoughts/back-chat within me where I am attacking/judging another in a good or bad way just to protect my won fears/self-interest, I stop I breathe and I rather direct myself and what I give attention to, to myself and my breathing and me being here as the Physical in practicality and learning to know thyself as another.

When and as I see myself judging myself as the characters that I have accepted and allowed myself to become/exist as in a good/bad relationship just so that I can judge another characters/people to feel good/bad about myself as a way to fuel the energy that I am addicted to as the patterns that I have constructed for myself as endless cycles of doing the same thing over and over again just to have the same energy feelings/emotions just so that I can feel I am surviving and living and protecting myself as the patterns of separation that I have created for myself I stop and I breathe and I direct myself out of this endless cycle of self-abuse and “broken record” living, and to move myself to rather stop the separation within myself and to stand and walk in another’s shoes as my own and or walk my own shoes first to understand myself and how I created myself so that I can walk a solution and become the living example for myself as that which is best for all life in full understanding of all the mechanics that is here as creation as myself.

When and as I see myself being in judgment while helping or attempting to help another – I stop and I breathe, I realize the consequences of my actions as all actions and words I speak in the attempt of helping another person will be contaminated by my secret judgment and thus not be helping but rather creating problems, as I see and realize that I am helping another through seeing them and their situation as separate from myself and not standing in their shoes as them as myself in that moment and helping them as I would have helped myself in such a situation.

When and as I see that I am in fearsof another – thus fearsng standing in their shoes in fact in the moment in separation coming from a belief of that I am different and that I would not have done the same if I was that person – I stop and I breathe and I allow myself to really Talk or communicate with the other being or to be here in breathe listening unconditionally and to place myself in their shoes and to see for myself in fact if I were in their shoes what I would have done and how they have done what they are doing or did and to check myself the truth and to only then give an answer or direction to them as myself and not in separation as judgments that come from self-interested characters that’s only in it to protect themselves and their own energy sources from/as the mind.

Day 429 – Is this Possible – Standing as all Characters Part 2

Clarification – when I say walk in anothers shoes, I am not saying go and actually do things, like if you walk in the shoes of a murdered without judgment, it does not mean go and murder someone just to walk in their shoes, see we humans have this ability that isn’t about feelings or emotions or imagination or mind basically, this ability is where we are all in fact ONE, and thus we can as ourselves within ourselves place ourselves with and as another to see their life and creations as ourselves – because we are all in the end the exact same in how we function and create characters and live them, it is to walk each process of each character within self to see the creation process and to understand it and to stand one and equal to all characters – this is where one can stand as all characters and not be in fear of characters and then take it further – walk as each character the process of self-forgiveness and self-change to be that which is best for all life and to be life – and thus one find’s as yourself the solution and takes a position of authority – so there is no excuses and a clarity for all existing characters on how to change as you are the example, and this will lead to where one will find many characters require a System change to give them the opportunity to change. This understanding within self and all will be motivation enough to why Living Income Guaranteed is a Must.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from all other characters that are here in this world as the people.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as judgment as the point of separation of what is here as all characters that exist as the humans here on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief that I as the Character that I exist as have to judge all other characters in a Good/bad relationship in order to feel save and to only protect my own self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge all other characters as Good/Bad just to protect my own self-interest as the character that I exist as.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Judge myself and my Character(s) that I exist as in a good/bad relationship and to within this judge all other characters to feel good/bad about myself as a way of keeping myself in check within my own self judgment and the judgment of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT consider walking in another person’s shoes unconditionally in fact through taking off my shoes for a moment and to fully understand another as myself so that I can stand as the Problem and the solution in clarity in fact as that what is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when I am helping or attempting to help or support another being while being in judgment of that person and their character that I cannot help them but instead all I can/am doing is making decisions based on the judgments I have within my mind towards/about the other person instead of the actual problem and thus the solution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be ignorant to the message of “walking in another’s shoes” as a point of judgment which reflects the ignorance of actually in fact understanding the implication and the practical application of such statement and to walk it practically in fact in each breathe/moment.

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to fear stepping out of my own shoes, out of the comfort of my own shoes and to step into another’s shoes in fact as myself and to walk, as the fear is of what I might find and what I have to admit and realize for myself and that what I have judged and believed was/is always just a lie and not real and the abuse that exist within that and all I have done thus far through the separation, thus seeing and realizing I must walk in the shoes of another to understand myself as them and to within this not place any judgment of good or bad, but to do so within the principle of what’s best for all life being my guide.
To be continued.

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