Day 652 – No one gives a fuck when you die

You have no idea what happens after death, and you are incapable of bridging that gap, because what happens after death is so much more, and so vastly more in every way possible that you are currently in this world that you are, simply in a wink of an eye disappear – you are in the context of the universe, which are supposed to be equal with, you are equal to only one thought that you are having in your head… Listen to the full interview by Bernard Poolman 

Breathe – ok, while listening to this interview, I was brought back to reality a lot more, in the sense of reality within and without, taking another look at life, a deep look. With the common sense presented within this interview, I simply cannot ignore the common sense and so the implications, and for me when something has an implication within common sense, I must investigate that implication and take what I see and apply it, make it real, LIVE the common sense practically and realistically. It sound easy, yet the mind is a fuckup/we are a fuckup, and what Bernard discussed proofs itself once again, we are fucked, unless we stand up as life/universe. 

If I had to die today, something happens and I die. People will not give a fuck, I mean, people will possibly feel a bit “sad” and then “morn” for a few days, but before you know it – nothing really changed, I am simply one less human on earth. Everyone else goes on with their lives, surviving, making money, chasing dreams and all the crap the system mislead people into chasing, and stress about emotional and mental problems and family issues, relationship issues, sexual issues, drug and alcohol issues, addictions, habits, patterns, people will simply fall into “life” again and forget. 

I can say this because this is my honest experience that I have had throughout time. When Bernard died, many people were sad, many cried, many felt a “loss” – Dozens of people wrote blogs of honoring Bernard and what he stood for and to honor that through their living/standing as he did. It did not take a lot of time and even such a commitment and honoring is lost, gone, as we can see throughout the years almost no one stood and lived as he did, even after writing blogs openly for all to see. I mention this point, because this point reveals a lot and just how fucked we are. 

When I look at family members or friend who have died, they have all left my memory, my life, they are gone, I barely consider them ever, it’s over, it is gone, LIFE as we call this mess of a world we have accepted and allowed and so our MIDS as the fuckup we need to end, simply takes over and nothing matters, and we are back into our own SELF-INTERESTS and putting faces on, playing games, fucking around and consider nothing really except a single thought that pops into our heads and give that attention. 

The point that came through for me within listening to this interview is – I have to care a fucking lot about myself as LIFE, as the UNIVERSE, end the thoughts, feelings and emotions and fucking get real with real implications of common sense. 

The point that hit a nail for me is where Bernard says, we are supposed to stand equal as the universe (here consider that implications in fact in practicality, not as a feeling) and yet we only stand equal to a fucking thought, so when we die, that’s all we exist as, and like a fly, we will simply be smacked and removed, as all we existed as was a nuisance, a pest, something that only cares for itself, and so no relevance.  

I write the way I do to keep it real for myself, real with myself, and so I can get to self-honesty, this process includes Self-forgiveness. My writings according to what came up for me listening to the interview is below. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to keep myself alive as a personality with a face that I present to the world outside of myself, as to uphold a face that “fits” in, where this face is only necessary within this system to a degree, yet selling myself out as LIFE in fact, not considering that when I DIE with eternity ahead of me, I will have fucked only myself through selling myself out to keep  face, thus showing me who I have accepted and allowed myself to become and so exposing my dishonesty as who I accept and allow myself to be for the sake of self-interest. 

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that the faces I am paying, putting on now within this world is a reflection of who I have accepted and allowed myself to be/become over eons of time, and so to stop these faces and deception of SELF, I must face hard truths/realities of myself and this existence. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be trapped within this world design and so live a life where I trap myself within the games of this world design all for the sake of survival/fear, not considering that I will die, and so who the fuck am I then? 

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that as long as I stand as thoughts/feelings/emotions that I will not exist after death, as I can only be what I stand equal and one to, and thus I am not standing as LIFE/Universe and so I will simply be non-existent.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make the world system SO FUCKING IMPORTANT and my survival within it that I neglect myself and even abandon the fact and implications of LIFE itself as an eternal existence and so who I am as that in fact, and to rather make my MAIN focus on me standing and BIRTHING myself as life, instead of making money, surviving, caring only about my relationships, my emotions, feelings and thoughts that is limited and confined to a temporary system of enslavement. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize that if I am only surviving within this temporary system and making that my focus as my life mission, and so Not make it my purpose to first and foremost rebirth myself as life, then at DEATH I would have achieved nothing but for a system to continue to exist that abuse and for myself to then NOT exist. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make survival more important than re-birthing myself as life, thus not seeing, opening up the points of I can survive with the intention of making that survival mean something that matters, where I survive to be able to have an opportunity to rebirth myself and so birth the possibility for others to also rebirth and so as more people rebirth the more we are able and capable of implementing a new world system that can give ALL life an equal and one opportunity. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT consider that when I die I have NO fucking clue what is after death, as I have not rebirth myself as LIFE as one and equal, and so death exists for me, where I simply end, thus not seeing and realizing that re-birthing self as life here is to be the universe, in living or in death. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to JUSTIFY the FACES I play of that having GOOD intentions, that thee faces I play will LATER bear benefits to life, and so in the meantime I must sacrifice myself and give myself up – not seeing and realizing that no one gives a fuck, no matter how good I think I am, when I die, people won’t care, and so I am still with me, and I did noting real and concrete for myself, so then I am fucked and fucked everything else by playing faces and deception to deceive and “survive” with good intentions. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sell myself, my own rebirth as life out to a justification of survival, for the system that is here within the starting point of self-interest, playing games of deceptions with others to see who likes who and who will benefit who and in the end, end up with death where I am all alone, all by myself and everyone else now do not give a fuck anymore, so all for nothing but temporary experiences of thoughts/characters that end. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue living as a character within the ignorance that death will not come for me, as if I have all the time in the world and can play just a little longer and then later change, yet death is sudden and out of one’s control, and one has to stand always regardless.

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that petty things I am participating within my life is the small things that keep myself from re-birthing. 

I forgive myself that I have Not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that all the personal things such as entertainment, happiness, joy, purpose within this world system, goals of one’s own personal life only, and so on is that which keeps me occupied from focusing first and foremost on myself while living within this world.

I forgive myself that I have NOT seen and realize that re-birthing myself as life takes survival as an experience out of life, as I am already living, alive throughout eternity as the universe and so using the excuse of I must survive becomes an excuse and exposes it as just that, as one can survive yet does not have to fear it, or live in the stress of it, or fall in the trap of only focusing on that, as re-birthing mean one is HERE alive as Life for eternity. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to live as less than life through the participation within thoughts. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT care for myself within the consideration of death and so the implications of death and who I am within and as LIFE here and hereafter.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make my life and who I am about and around other people as if what they think of me, or believe of me, or perceive of me as something that is going to rebirth me as life, when in fact literally has nothing to do with it. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to CARE about what others think of me in the mislead idea that what others think of me define me and so will give me access to LIFE as eternity. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself within the false idea that hat others think of me will determine who I am, thus missing the point of I must rebirth myself as life as NO idea, no belief, or opinion and stand as eternity as who I am that stands as life as what is best for all life. 

I forgive myself that I have NOT honored myself through standing as LIFE as who I am, and so dishonor life and myself through standing as characters/faces and fake smiles that will end at death and only contributed to abuse and nothing of actual value. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to dishonor myself through giving into the fake smiles, fake characters as if they will open the gates of heaven to me, and so deceive everyone and play games with everyone within and from a point of self-interest to be in the “good books” to make it to heaven, yes the truth of such acts are evil in nature, dishonesty and deception, and f that I what lets people into heaven, then heaven is full of devils. 

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize the common sense implications of that when I die and there is NO god, then I am fucked, as I am then all alone, and who I am will determine everything, not some entity made up in the minds of humans. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make my “personal” and “petty” problems so fucking important that it consumes my life and swallows me into self-interest and so basically already make myself irrelevant and thus non-existent as all I care about is myself, my problems, how tired I am, how hard I work etc, and not give a second of my time to LIFE as who I am in fact. 

I will end here for today. As a reminder this is my blog, my writings (my points) anything that you misinterpret or take the wrong way, or even act in ways from reading this blog, that’s your points, so take it, write self-forgiveness and end the thinking, get physical and real in breath. Thank you.

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