Day 397 – Male Ego/fear relationship Commitments.

These commitments are from Day 394 Male ego and the fear relationship part 2 part 1

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move myself only when there is energy moving me.

When and as I see myself looking/waiting for energy to come up within me for me to move myself – I stop and I breathe – I take a moment to see what is here practically to do, or what I can do within the time that is here and to direct myself/Move myself, seeing and realizing that waiting for a positive/negative experience to move me is impractical and can take forever and thus I might never move myself within walking/moving/directing myself as energy, thus I commit myself to when and as I see that I am waiting for energy to move me to stop and to breathe and to move/direct myself within common sense and practicality within the principals of what is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that energy as the Ego which is from the mind as thought/feeling/emotion is required for me to move myself.

When and as I see that I am waiting for a thought/feeling/emotion to give me direction to move myself – I stop and I breathe – seeing and realizing that thought/emotion/feeling is already a reaction/energy as the ego moving/directing me – thus I commit myself to when I see myself waiting for a thought/feeling/emotion to move me to breathe and to focus on what is here as seeing direct what I can do within the moment and what is here as self-movement

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only move once I experience some form of energy as the ego which is at its foundation a fear energy/negative.

When and as I see that I am moving myself from the starting point of fear – I stop and I breathe – seeing and realizing that moving as fear does not mean what I am doing is wrong or I should stop moving but that I must change my starting point where my movement is within moving myself within the principle as that which is best for all life as fear is completely useless, thus I commit myself to when and as I see that I am moving within fear to breathe and to change my starting point to what’s best for all life as a walking principle

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I require fear to move, and that I must first experience this fear to be motivated to move, and then out of fear create an Ego which is a cycle of patterns that will always ensure fear to exist within my life so that I can always be motivated to move.

When and as I see that I am accessing the belief construct that I require fear to move and that I must experience fear to be motivated to move – I stop and I breathe – seeing and realizing that I am accessing a pattern of sabotaging myself within self-movement, thus I commit myself to de-construct this self-created belief of fear enslavement within moving myself through writing and self-forgiveness within the principle of what’s best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as and participate within a polarity construct where I create the negative to achieve the positive and to always go back to the negative to motivate myself again.

When and as I see myself participating within a polarity construct where I create a negative experience just to seek the positive experience as a point of moving myself – I stop and I breathe – seeing and realizing that I am enslaving myself to always time loop and to not really move forward but only swing from one side to the other, thus I commit myself to investigate this polarity construct that I use to move myself within fear through writing and self-forgiveness within the principle of what’s best for all life.

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