Day 413 - Belief and self Part1
Day 414 - Belief and self Part2
Day 415 - Belief and self Part3
Day 416 - Belief and self Part 4
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
create beliefs out of myself and who I am or must be and thus what I am
supposed to live and live up to, seeing and realizing that this is all past
experiences that I have now created into future projections that now has become
me walking my past as my future and thus only walking in circles and never
reaching these beliefs I have created of myself for myself in my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
see and take what I or others belief of me as true, seeing and realizing that
for it to be true I must accept and allow it to be so, and thus a belief has
not power, no actual real effect on me unless I accept and allow it as who I am
and thus live the belief out as real. Using what is real as the physical here
in each breathe to create what are illusions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not see and realize that when and as I have a belief of myself such as I must
be stupid, that it isn’t so as it’s only a belief and that it is me keeping the
belief alive that prevents me from seeing what’s here and dealing with what’s
here as solutions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Belief
that I am stupid.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the belief
of I am stupid to exist within and as me and to let this belief govern and
determine what I can or cannot do.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
be governed by what I belief of myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
be governed by the belief I have about myself as being stupid.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
create self-definitions as belief systems of myself from past events/experiences
where I have judged myself as stupid instead of breathing and correcting myself
and to Not label myself as stupid.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
carry my past with me all the time within the beliefs that I have created and
uphold about myself as being stupid.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see and realize that I can in fact change what I belief of myself, to go from
belief to actual living application, seeing and realizing that this requires me
to correct myself in and as the physical to Stop the belief and to live the
corrections that is required to correct the physical consequences I have created
for myself through time to be stupid all because I accepted and allowed a belief
of myself to exist within me of being stupid.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to not see and realize that when and as I have a belief of myself as being
weak, that it is the belief that will keep me in that state of mind and thus
direct my physical actions or emotional body to meet the expectations of the belief,
instead of stopping the belief and see what’s here in each breathe and dealing/working
with what’s here as the problem and the solution within actual real time
feedback and to within this NOT define me according to the feedback or the
results mis-takes, but to instead work towards self-perfection, where I stand
within me here in and as the physical and perfecting myself as what’s here and
to correct.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
create an idea about what is weak and what is strong and to within this choose
a side according to the Idea/belief I have created through physical events/experiences
where I then place myself in a category of weak or strong and to then create a belief
of myself that I must life this belief as myself.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see and realize that within a physical reality where we all have different
bodies and different strengths and weaknesses physically, that I cannot create an
Idea/belief of what’s weak and what’s strong but instead I can see with My body
with my capabilities where I have weaknesses and strengths and to focus on self-perfection
within what is here as me as my physical and to push myself to better myself and
to be the most I can be, and that the equality within all life that is here isn’t
to be equally strong or weak or capable but to that we are equal within the
substance of life and being here sharing this life and thus I must realign myself
within my physical body within doing what’s best for all life such as self-perfecting
myself Not based on beliefs but on actual real physical feedback.
To be continued.