I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
communicate with myself in such a way that I misunderstand myself, without
taking a moment to breathe and be clear within myself and the communication I
have with myself to be clear and direct as an expression of me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
when and as I communicate with myself to fall for the emotions/feelings and
thoughts that come up within me and to follow them, instead of sticking to what
is truly within me as my self-expression and clarifying that.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
take the easy way out by following the thoughts/feelings and emotions that come
up within me, to take them and communicate them, instead of taking a moment to
stop the thoughts/feelings and emotions and to see what they are trying to hide
form me, my true expression and to find words to place with my expression and
live that, seeing and realizing that the mind as me fear expressing myself
truly as it is unknown, different and much deeper on a substance level.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
believe that I must be ready in any given moment to respond and communicate as
a way of defending myself, my ego, to show that I do know, I know myself, I can
speak instantly and at will, I do not need to look at anything before speaking,
and so implying in the moment that I am already right, not taking the time to
see all the dimensions, to see who I am within all the dimensions that are here
and to place me within consideration of all dimensions that is here as my
expression and see what I will say and do as the path forward that is best for
all as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when
and as I experience fear/anxiety/nervousness to go into instant speaking as a
way of hiding the fear/anxiety/nervousness, instead of slowing down, taking a
breath, forgive myself and look inside to myself (not the thoughts/feelings/emotions)
as my expression and who I am and thus what I want to express truly as me as
all dimensions considered in the moment, to bring out my true utmost potential
as life as expression one and equal.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear losing in a conversation, to fear taking too much time, to fear missing
the window for me to speak, and so go into speaking without checking, without
placing the words correctly first as who I am, so that my words reflect me one
and equal inside and out, and so to stop cycles of regret.
I forgive myself that I have NOT seen and realized how I
have throughout my life only ever spoken from thoughts/feelings and emotions
and never truly considered where they come from, why they show up and how they
work, yet I spoke them and acted on them, and so in return created a reality
for myself of always feeling and being misunderstood.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
blame others for misunderstanding me, for not hearing me, for not seeing me,
never considering that I have a world of my own within me, based on how I was
raised and brought up within the education system, and this world within me is
limited to the vocabulary I was taught/given and so the same for every other
being on this planet, and thus when I communicate from my thoughts/feelings and
emotions I am in a position assuming that everyone else have those
thoughts/feelings and emotions the same within them as me, and thus that they
must simply understand me and I do not have to be specific or take the time to
specify myself, and so create more conflict and distance and feeling like I am
all alone within my world when I communicate with others. Seeing and realizing
that it is my responsibility to be clear on my inner world, to know myself
truly and to place the words with me as my expression to express myself one and
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
be to lazy to specify myself.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself
to see and realize that laziness is self-judgement, and so exposing myself within
the point of change, that I simply judge myself as not being able to change, or
that it isn’t possible, so I go into laziness to sit in self-judgement and do
nothing about what I clearly know needs to change.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
believe that my expression within me must simply come from me naturally and
that everyone and everything must simply get me, accept me as I am, knowing that
what I am expression without specifying it, clarifying it for myself in thought
word and deed, that I am not even accepting myself and getting to know myself for
real, or creating myself for real for when I find something is needed.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
expect others to change before I can change, seeing and realizing that I will
wait forever, and thus such though is but a point of postponement and
justification for not taking the time to change myself for myself first and
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
NOT see and realize that when I feel misunderstood, and when I am misunderstood
and I become emotional about it, that I am revealing only to myself that I do
not actually yet understand me, and so I can not go into blaming others for not
understanding me, as I myself need to first understand myself to be able to
fully express myself in clarity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
NOT see and realize that emotional responses/communication is an indication of
lacking self-clarification within myself, and not about what I am reacting to
about others/things within this world. Thus I see and realize that when I have
a reaction, emotional or feeling where an energy takes over my thoughts and
thinking and I want to respond with that to another or about things, That the
emotion/feeling is a contamination that took the place of self-clarification,
and so I must remove the contamination through clarifying myself with words, as
to align my thought and words with my deeds as a living expression of me, and
not a reactive responsive expression with no actual standing/foundation.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
make everyone and everything else a problem, how people react to me, what they
say to me as them being at fault to the things I say from thoughts/feelings/emotions,
not seeing and realizing that the responses are in fact proper responses, as a
thought/feeling/emotion will only bring more of the same, and thus no clarity,
simply energy bouncing around creating friction in a fiction of minds
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
create a character/personality of myself that I define myself as, as who I am,
from the thoughts/feeling and emotions I have, as a way to justify why I am not
specified, why I do not actually know myself, why I have not taken the time to
take what is within me and clarify me within all that is within me and outside
of me as to know myself as an actual being and not just a personality disorder
of thoughts/feelings and emotions that react to life and living, but rather be
the directive principle and living example of what it means to be ones utmost
potential and so create a world that is best for all as self where all
personality disorders end and each being lives in clarity of who they are and where
nothing can manipulate, deceive and justify anything, especially ourselves,
thus creating a world that is best for all as who I am, who we are, being the
living word.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
NOT see and realize that what ever my GOOD intentions may be, if I am not clear
within me, self-specified within my words/worlds that my intentions will never
manifest one and equal, as my living and words will always come out much
different then the intentions I have/had as I myself do not even know how and
what to live to manifest my own intentions, as I exist as randomness within me,
randomness will manifest outside of me, and no intention can find its way within
such an environment to manifest as the intention, and so I see and realize that
as long as I do not specify myself, place words to my expression and living in
details, clarifying myself in each breath and moment, that I am always within
the intention to deceive/manipulate and justify myself and nothing else.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself
to see and realize that I must change myself, specify my self-expression within
what is best for all, all ways, as this is the only way to actually specify, as
all life, and not within self-interest, as that is only self-fish from the
point of not expanding self to all life as who I am, and so the only
specification that can exist is that which is always within what is best for
all life and so me as my best version of myself in living and communication
with myself and others where my words are always within consideration of all
dimensions that exist here.
More to come….