Day 461 – Death and form.

I will die, it’s a fact, everyone will die, in a hundred or more years everyone that is on earth now will be gone and there will be new humans on earth running what we have left behind.

The new people that will run the earth and the human systems and looking after the earth (I wish) will never think or even care for that I existed, I will be dust again and that is it.

How and why am I stating these points, I was sitting the other day by myself in the lounge and waiting for food on the stove to boil, as I sat there I started massaging my hands and breathing nice and slow.

Within this my hands became very warm and soft, I could really feel my hands and I was here inside my body, no thoughts in my mind and no energy trapped within my body, everything was quiet and here, me as the physical breathing and being chilled.

I then took my hands as I was massaging them and I started to really look at my hands, I noticed the details of the hair on my hands and the sweat poor’s and the skin texture, I also noticed the veins running through my hands and where they might be going with the blood obviously flowing through them.

As I looked at my hands I then wanted to now pick up my leg and see my leg, as I picked up my leg I realized that I was picking up my leg, for some reason I did not pick up my leg using my leg muscles, I used my hand, I grabbed my leg and pulled it upwards onto the chair, within this I felt the bones and the shin and the veins running with the hair, and for but a moment It felt like I was picking up something separate. The same as me picking up a rock.

I then looked at my leg and my hands holding my leg and I realize that the body I have isn’t me, it will one day age and die, or die through other means. My body will return to the earth.

My body does not have fear, my body by itself does not experience fear of have any fear for this transition that has to yet come – where the body dies and returns to earth in its more basic form.
If I had to remove myself from my body my body would have no fear as the fear come from the mind which I use as the being to create and generate energy from.

I also realized that the fear I had of the Body dying was the mind fearing it, NOT me as the being here, because the mind knows that it requires the body to exist, as the mind takes the energy from the body to exit in energy as the feelings/emotions, yet me and my body are calm and here, we understand the process of LIFE as one and equal, as the physical and that death is real, yet not to be feared.

Because me as the being and the body as the solid physical form, we do not require energy as thoughts/feelings/emotions to exist, we are here, we simply have to breathe as the body and even when the body stops breathing each cell on its own as a being will continue living and I as the being that for a time used the physical body as the vessel to move around and to learn about the physical and life and creation and to reborn myself through using the awesome body form that is solid and thus a practical tool to self-realize, will be here – yet I also saw in that moment how I as the being have chosen the mind over the body and have lived within the mind for as long as I can remember, and thus I have created myself as a mind being that will also end with death as I would have never self-realized myself in that moment if death has to occur, I also realized that I as the being as the one with the creation powers are the one choosing between the mind and the body at all times, and the body is rarely chosen but only neglected and abused.

As the body is solid here and the mind is floating up there in energy – I am consistently always one breathe away from self-realization, and self-realization isn’t something special, it is HERE, the physical is that consistent reference as the body and the earth, even though I will not be the body after death, I will still be here as the Physical, if I create myself s the physical, choosing the physical and self-realize what is here.

Day 460 - Church as the Perfect and Oldest Business system

In my line of work I meet a lot of people, not just in a quick way but in a personal way, which takes up to two hours of talking with a person or a family.

Within this I am discovering what is really going on within the lives of many different people, not just in terms of personalities, but within their life in general.

Within meeting and sitting down with hundreds of people within the past year I have come across some interesting things, such as where do people spend their money?

From my research, most people spend their money only on things that matter to them personally within their immediate environment, things that has to do with their survival first and then their entertainment/self-fulfillment.

I have to sit down with families and help them go through their finances and see what is happening within their financial matters.

What I have come across within 80% of all the people that I have met was quite fascinating and disturbing in some cases.

Before I get to that point I must inform you that this is South Africa, and most people I meet and work with live in middle class or below, this means salaries can go from twenty thousand rand a month to as little as one thousand rand a month.

And now regardless of the BIG difference from twenty thousand to one thousand rand salaries a month, what I am about to reveal takes place in all those salary classes.

I have come across a certain Business that is involved in everyone’s business of living/life, this business is called Church, it has NO product you take home, it has NO guarantees, it has no warranties, it has no proven research, it has NOTHING that proofs its reason for existence, except a Book written by humans that says a few things about history and then mentions a GOD that apparently exists.

And somehow this Business called Church is receiving TEN percent of the peoples Salaries EVERY month; it has been hitting me now in my face seeing this monthly fee people are paying Churches all over the place.

So when I meet a person that for instance have a salary of one thousand five hundred rand a month of being a kitchen staff, this person is giving one hundred and fifty rand to the church every month.

I ask the people straight up, why do you give to the church, some say the Bible says we must, some say because God will bless you, some say it is to not go to hell, everyone has their own reason.

WHY does everyone have their own reason, because the guy standing in front of the church every Sunday preaching, has actually TOLD these people these things, priests are the BEST sales people in the world, selling an idea/belief for actual money? NO product, nothing physical you are taking home, just playing on FEAR and thus Survival, the number one priority in people’s lives.

This guy just says things in front of the church to hundreds of people believing everything he says because he says so, because he is standing in front and not them, because he got a degree in doing that specific JOB. Not because it’s based on actual facts or anything real. Just fear once again.

Now imagine there are in some of these churches Thousands of people, they have many services a day to accommodate all the servants, and all these people GIVES their ten percent every month to the church.

It is a definite pledge they NEVER compromise on, it is in their core to do whatever they can to have that ten percent every month and to give it to a Peron in the church and then that money is never seen again, no one that gives money knows what is happening with it, maybe there is some believe that god comes and fetch it at night like what the tooth fairy does.

And this they all do even if it means falling short on bread or basic things for the month, as I have noticed/seen. Some even compromise on education for their children to be able to pay that ten percent, as in their minds it is more important, sacrificing the children’s future for fear of death and what may or may not happen after death or having good luck or being blessed.

So now I can understand why the Church is the OLDEST and most powerful business in the world.

Imagine if this is used right, what can be achieved, where this kind of system is used not to benefit one but to let the collective have a say as their combined power/money and to decide with that money what happens in a democratic system within the current system, millions committed to one cause with actual real practical physical objectives to achieve and to let all those who contribute KNOW where their money is going, and then we shall see GODLY work be done.

Day 459 – Well Hello Stranger

Why are we strangers to one another, may it be from the guy on the corner to the girl walking by on the street, all our lives we have lived in our own bubbles, we call these bubbles “family”, and this is where we learn that we are separate from all the other Families.

When in fact it isn’t so, we are one big family living in one big house called earth, we have been blinded by self-interest and fear to live in an illusion of separation, and this is why we can abuse one another, when the self-interest and fear tells us that others will abuse us, it is actually in reverse, the self-interest and fears are what makes us abuse others, one another.

I have been facing this illusion in my live, on a daily basis I have to go to strangers and I have to be with them and spend time with them, I have learn that it takes only ten minutes for me and the family to be a family, ones the fear and the self-interest is out of the way through talking and sharing we are suddenly not so different, in fact almost the same.

So how have I pushed through this illusion when it has been brainwashed into me for many years that it is real, that the fear I feel is real, and there for a reason.

First I had to make an agreement with myself to work through the inner fear through self-forgiveness and writing, secondly I had to let go of all the ideas/beliefs unconditionally, as I realized that it isn’t real.

Once I realized fear isn’t real, I still had to push through the physical manifestation of fear within me that I have created, this I had to make peace with and that I will face the fear in real time.

Real time is the difficult point, when I go up to a stranger and I start talking to them I will first have the initial fear that I might be invading or be harmed or be shunned or whatever the mind can make up to believe, to keep me away from other human beings, to not realize the truth, that we are one big family.

Yes the mind doesn’t want us all to realize that we are one big family, because that will mean we will stop living and existing the way we do here on earth as we do currently.

At this stage I must BREATH, this is the most important point, as breathing slows me down and thus the mind, the mind does not have time to interFEAR with the real time living that is occurring, this is me simply speaking/interacting with one of my other family members, and it usually starts off with the atmosphere almost like two family members that hasn’t seen each other for many years and now have to speak and inform each other of their lives..

It is quite interesting when this situation isn’t observed but lived, the real time interaction is simple, it isn’t complicated, it is practical and direct, but once the comfort sets in, then both sides are now ready to speak what is really going on inside, this is where the family issues are coming out, this is where the sharing becomes more, real and revealing.

This is where we can see that our entire family on earth is within the same messed up situation, and the only way we can actually change this messed up situation is through meeting strangers and realizing our actuality as a big family.

Day 458 – let it be on Earth as it is in Heaven

Let it be on earth as it is in heaven, this has come to past and we are living in heaven. The heaven we are living in is the creation we have on earth as the man made world.

We have for thousands of years misinterpreted “heaven” as we have believed heaven to be something out there, something that exist beyond the physical plane we exist as, we have believed it to be something beautiful and amazing and magnificent, we have made ourselves believe that it is something that is yet to come to earth and that it will come in a single moment like magic.

Because we have made ourselves to believe that Heaven is a place far away controlled by a being called god and this god is somewhere out there doing his job in mysterious ways, that is mysterious in its ways, yet all who believe in him apparently knows his mysterious plan, like he has one, like they have been told the plan, but when a man has a plan then he can only claim it’s a plan if he sees it and understands it and knows what the outcome will be of the plan, but by guarantee it’s impossible, because God never told anyone he has a plan, it has only been assumed, mysterious cannot exist with a plan.

So when we say, or pray or sing let it be on Earth as it is in Heaven we must realize, heaven is at the top and earth is below, as heaven is our minds, and what we think and what goes on within our minds on a daily bases is what we are creating on earth, as above so below, as within our minds to we create what’s below our minds – the earth.

So we can now also realize that heaven is a nasty place, our minds are nasty, we live only for our own plans and our own self-interested desires/wants and all that is not best for all life.

Heaven is here as the reflection of ourselves and we have already been living in heaven as it is, as we are capable of using what we call the mind, the brain to Plan on this Planet first before we make a move, take action and live what goes on within our mind to not fuck up or to not miss points and to prevent any harm that may come from our action and to live and create a life that is best for all life, as that is then heaven on earth, as above so below, yet we have missed the point completely.

We have placed heaven as another reality outside of ourselves and we have made it more and bigger and superior then ourselves, as the creators of heaven and earth, because we have done the same with the mind, we have placed it above us, we have made it something that functions on its own, we have made it a living entity on its own, we have made our tool our master.

And here we are, waiting for heaven on earth to descend upon us all and to change everything for us, like a cloud coming down to earth, when in fact heaven is but resembling the idea of our MINDS, and how we can create that which is GOOD as what is Best for all life within our minds and an idea, as Heaven and create it on earth one and equal in practical steps, one plus one, yet we missed the point for so long, for thousands of years we have Lied to ourselves so much we have come to believe that heaven is actually something where we go to when we die, when we clearly simply return to dust.

And the dust we return to will either be the dust of heaven that we created or hell that we created.

So to have a reality check, it is Below as it is above simply look around and see the world and what exist here, what exist here is what is going on in our mind, evil secret thoughts/back chat emotions and all that which is self-interest as fear, so check what is going on above inside your heaven and see if it is heaven inside your mind, where you live what is best for all life, breathe what is best for all live move as that which is best for all life and then you may be still and know that you are god, a co-creator of life.

We may currently call this heaven Hell, it will only change once we change – investigate Desteni, investigate the Courses that is here as the DIP Pro and the DIP lite (Free Course) and become a co-creator of and for life, and let’s make this heaven for all on earth.

Back-chat isn't a Game

Back-chat: any form of back chat is EVIL, it is poison against yourself and others, it is the chattering that is happening in the back of your mind, in a filthy secret hidden place, it is always nasty, even when its colored in, like a rainbow, we can see it but its only within or own mind and not really there in fact.

Desteni has BEEN around for many Years, since 2007 Desteni has been active in the public eye, Desteni has taught and shown over many years what it is that’s evil within this world.

Desteni has a Forum, Desteni has Courses for people to partake within and to change within so that things can change without, as we know what’s within us creates what is outside of us, the world is but a reflection of our inner realities.

It is a mess, the same way we can look at our own rooms and see the living expression of ourselves mirrored as our material possessions and how they are positioned, it comes from within and thus lived without, the way we move during our days is the way we think within our minds, it is clear that there is something wrong, the problems has been showed and the problems has been explained in detail, to the tiniest of details in interviews, videos and extensive writings, done by a man and women who has walked the path no one else dares to the fullest act.

I have come to realize that after many years of the information being available to anyone at any time at all times and not even hard to find, that the human is bound to the mind.

the mind is an interesting thing, yet it is simple to explain, yet for scientists it is the most beautiful thing, they can’t seem to explain it themselves, not to mention where it truly exist, yet Desteni has done this and many has done the research themselves and found that the mind is…… well find out by visiting the Desteni forum and see for yourself.

Now back-chat will come in and it will poison every breathe, it has a tendency of lurking in and seeing what’s within and bring it out to ring in your ears and make you do or not do the things that matter, the matter that is here that makes up all of us even the atmosphere.

Back chat is that little voice talking In the back of your head, it is the should have’s and the should not haves, it is the can I or can I not, it is the must I or must I not, it will obviously always choose limitation and fear, because within the atmosphere that is here as the humans existence on this sphere called planet earth, we only live and care about our own birth till our own death.

Thus when you have known and have seen and have investigated Desteni and what Desteni in fact stand for as the solution to life then you will know by now not one bit of Back chat is ever good for you or anyone else, as good redefined is that which is best for all life.

I have stopped my back chat to a degree where I can move without it interFEARing with me, it is but something that comes up and then I breathe it away, this is how I move every day, one layer at a time I remove the brainwashing conditioned by all that I ever called mine, the self-interested me is what I am setting free so that I that am here can live and truly see.

When I see the back chat coming up I stop, I do not give it one more moment of my blood, I move myself to the best I can be to live the utmost of me that is within the best interest of all life and me, it is the way forward and it the way for life.

I have seen through my own faults and failures that back chat is a devil, it is evil within me, it is what we used to call LIVE, to live out our back chat used to be the motto, I used to rather lay on the couch and do nothing, play a game till the morning or sit around and moaning about life being so dame unfair.

The unfairness I discovered was simply me as the back-chat playing a game of Russian roulette with myself in a bet, a bet that I thought I could win because I was playing with cards that looked fair, only to discover I was playing with the only pair and with no one else there, obviously always winning, waiting for the other to pull the trigger, the loser, only then to discover I was the only one with a turn. Back chat was the other, the winner and I actually always the loser in reality, as the back-chat basically made me argue myself, fight myself, limit myself, create delusions for myself, and to end up doing nothing, and so let the next invisible round begin, Because its all in my head.

Life moved on and time went by, I was still the same old me waiting for life to change me, or for me to change my life, the things Back-chat does, the things we chat to ourselves are the most dangerous, it is best we self-forgive and move forward otherwise we will find ourselves in a cycle, no different than a hamster in a wheel, it will only end once we die, as there is nowhere we are running to. or where we can hide.

I strongly suggest that the Desteni message is solid within self, investigate, research, apply and live, so that it is within the abstract mind where it is to be found, as long as we keep it within the concrete stage at the back of our mind lingering as the back chat we have we will never live the potential we possess as the living expressions we are of life, yet to realize in each moment and to move as each moment to do what’s needed to be done and to not falter within our own self-created trap called the back-chat.

Day 456 – Being comfortable with myself Part 2.

Day 456 – Being comfortable with myself Part 1

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be comfortable with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I can and am allowed to be comfortable with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that to be comfortable with myself I must wear clothes that are accepted by everyone else, instead of wearing clothes that are practical and comfortable for my body/me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what I wear will make me comfortable with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that the cloths I wear will change how I experience myself inside, seeing and realizing that the inside experience I must change from within by breathing in air instead of judgment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that how big my physical body is and how muscular it looks will make me comfortable with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the more manly I look the more comfortable I will feel with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the more LOUD I am the more comfortable I will be with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the more silent I am the more comfortable I will be with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when other people look at me that I must become self-aware of myself to be aware of what other people might think about me so that I can start defending myself already within my head and within this then become uncomfortable within myself, seeing that it is the thought and the back chat that is making me uncomfortable and not that other people are looking at me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame and judge others for looking at me as if they have the power to make me feel a certain way within myself, when I am in fact the only one who decides what is happening within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must feel/experience something within myself when other people are looking at me, within the believe that I must be self-aware to prove that I am aware of myself and how I look and all that to the other person, as in judging myself before they can judge me so that if something happens like they confront me I can already have an excuse or a justification for why the back chat and thoughts were accepted and allowed to compromise me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see that comfortablility comes from within, from breathing and that any thought or back chat will compromise the point of being comfortable and thus go into reactions and the mind, seeing and realizing that if there is back chat or thoughts about myself as judgements that I have that can and will come up in sudden moments to compromise me, I must investigate my physical participation as what I live and my inner and align them within self-honesty and practicality and thus live within that starting point instead of making it about a self-conscious point of being in others heads as my own judgments out of fear.

To be continued.

Day 455 – being comfortable with myself Part 1

What is it to be comfortable with myself? I have been working on this point for years, and yet it is still within me, no matter how small or how big the point is within me, it is still here.

Today I was in a new neighborhood; I faced two specific points that showed me that the point was still within me of not being completely comfortable with myself. 

I was walking across a soccer field to go to the bathrooms at one point, within this there were kids playing soccer and a couple of dozens sitting on the side-line watching, but not really watching, as they were simply talking among each other and playing.

As I was walking I had to cross the field with the kids playing, and as I was crossing all the kids were watching me, the kids were between the age of 10 to 13, so I am seen as the adult within their eyes being there, yet within myself I do not feel like the adult, I feel just like one of the kids.

So within me this created a conflict within me that started making me feel uncomfortable within myself, and thus I started walking weird and I I kept on looking downwards to the ground, also within this I noticed how I suddenly became very self-aware of the cloths I am wearing and the way I am walking and each part of my body became a point of self-awareness in this long walk, it was like a 200m walk to the toilet.

I weren’t comfortable with myself feeling uncomfortable in a sense of being self-aware in a states of self-judgement. 

Another scenario was now at night, in a new town for the first time with different people and areas and malls and so forth, within this we went to get food me and two other people on a road trip, within this we were standing outside of the restaurant waiting for our food to be prepared.

As we were standing outside by the tables, there were a group of men standing across from us on the other side of the road, they were laughing and talking and they stood around their cars in the parking lot, they looked our way a few times and as they looked they then started talking and laughing.

Within this I assumed it was about us, so I looked at the guys for a while and within this I saw them as being men, they have cars and they have money and they look like MEN, this definition is a contaminated one as it has nothing to do with being a man, where they were big, they had bellies and big arms and they were tall, everything I am not, so I started feeling like the kid. 

This then became uncomfortable within myself, not the scenario, because it is all about what went on within me, the judgements I made and placed, and this all obviously comes from how I have defined myself and the value I have placed within certain points.
Self-forgiveness in next blog, stay tuned.

Day 454 – Hierarchy systems, the great illusion Part 3

Regardless of where I am within a hierarchy system, I need to take authority of myself. This is important because in hierarchy systems there is authority and the authority is the people at the top, so say we all. Yes they cannot have authority over me but only within the specific line of work or position they are within, in a business sense, not a global sense.

Most if not all accept and allowed the people at the top of the hierarchy systems in the world to have authority over them and their life’s, this is a mistake.

This is why things such as war, poverty, famine, minimum wage, etc. exist without change, because someone up stairs, that someone that is at the top of the command chain is making decisions and has the Authority to make the decisions that not only influence and affect them but billions of lives on earth, because they have received the authority over everyone below them through every ones permission through the “beliefs” the bottom feeders have of the top dogs as the hierarchy systems’ to do so, without the bottom eaters doing anything or saying anything, the bottom eaters mostly don’t even see themselves as existent and thus don’t care.

This is a pyramid, this is a hierarchy system, it functions as a way of control and control is gained through fear, not fear of war or fear of famine or fear of a global environmental disaster, but through the fear of personal self-interest not being met, which equals fear of survival for self.

That’s why the poor man will do nothing but live his poor live, because even within being poor humans find self-interest, a poor man will not sacrifice his life to show and to expose the system and to not give up until he is heard and change is in place, because doing so will mean he will have to give up his self-interest, which he created/found for himself in his poor life, may it be alcohol or drugs or simply to be lazy or do nothing, even a poor man in the face of having nothing and in the face of dying of starvation or because of not having all basic needs met such as shelter and safety, he has found his fear.

The fear can be fear of not having alcohol, the fear can be fear of not having glue to sniff, the fear can be fear of having to work for the food he is begging for, the fear can be fear of having to give up the comfort of doing nothing even while starving, the fear can be fear of having to now change, because if the poor man had to change to challenge the hierarchy system he will have to give up those points of fear to stand as what he is asking for.

I am not saying ALL poor people are like this or that any poor man is like this, I am showing how fear control anyone’s life and how fear can control even the poorest – and how a hierarchy system has got everyone screwed through implementing fear, even if it is a invisible being in the sky that we make up as the highest of high levels in a hierarchy system to justify why we fear the top dogs and to justify it.

It is god’s plan, he has a plan, god is the top of the pyramid so he makes the decisions, he has planned this for me, he has a plan for me, I cannot interfere with his plan, it is impossible to change the plan god has for me, this is one more example to see how even a poor human on the verge of dying of starvation can justify why they did not do anything, rather than to challenge the hierarchy systems. Because that would just be uncomfortable, who challenges god? I do..

See how the hierarchy system is but one big excuse as well ,for people not to take self-responsibility and to have a place to go to and blame or point fingers and to keep that fear in place to remain in self interest in a state of only caring for self and survival for self, and this survival of self isn’t even the real self, it is the mind, the top dog in the hierarchy system within self. Protecting itself.

So how do we take back the Authority in a world controlled by hierarchy systems, a world that is entangled by hierarchy systems – these systems are literally created to only confuse people to create fear to have control to enslave?

Imagine seeing millions of pyramids made from sticks, the pyramids are all different sizes and the Biggest ones is so high you cannot see their tips, they are all also entangled within one another, like they were built into one another as if there wasn’t enough space on the ground, and each pyramid has massive open levels on them with each level containing a number of people, may it be a million on the lowest becoming less and less till at each pyramid at the top there are only one standing.

The few BIG pyramids are built to stand over ALL the other smaller ones, yet only the big ones touch one another and together stand over all the rest, so the millions of bottom pyramids cannot see the few big pyramids at all at the top, yet the few at the top are smiling and waving at each other.
If you can see this picture I painted then you will have a better understanding, now how do we take back authority?

Realize that the pyramids mean nothing; they are but pyramids that are bigger and smaller in size, and the authority each pyramid has is given to them by the beliefs each human has created within their mind about each pyramid they see/saw according to their size, and then the authority and power is given to the human at the top, so realize the top guy is but a human and that our beliefs as a collective gives them and the pyramid they run the power they can have.

So we are the ones with authority, so we must realize we have the authority already, they just manipulated us to belief they have it, by making themselves standing high and unseen and on top of something that LOOKS big to the rest, yet it’s just a man on top and use in our minds making up/assuming and creating beliefs that gives them all the power they need from us.

Day 453 – working with Hierarchy systems - the inner system - Part 2

I ended off with my previous blog: Day 451 Hierarchy systems Part 1, sharing how I have never done research or investigations on how people say hierarchy systems work, but how I in fact face them in my daily life within my business, not all of them, but the way it is structured in real time and how interactions take place within such systems.

So today I want to go back to self, to investigate this point for myself to see the inner and how we created it as an outer system.

First of all, I had to realize that hierarchy systems exist for real lol, and then I had to realize that I am living in one and part of thousands of hierarchy systems on a daily basis.

The first hierarchy system I face and live with daily is ME, I have my own mini hierarchy system within me, and I can call it Mind, body and spirit.

I have a mind – which currently is the top of the ME hierarchy system as my mind is in control, my mind is giving direction and orders and all that a BOSS does, then my spirit comes into play, after the mind has made a direction there is now something else required to make this happen, which is spirit, I will say spirit is the energy that the mind uses to kind of pay/bribe the body into doing whatever the mind wants the body to do.

The mind obviously exist within a few layers within itself, which is the conscious, subconscious and the unconscious mind, and they are a hierarchy system within themselves, the unconscious takes lead over the subconscious and the subconscious over the conscious, as the conscious is merely an outflow of the subconscious and the sub conscious is constructed on top of the unconscious.

The unconscious is the world systems and beliefs and all that is running in the Bigger scheme of things that we are not aware, and then our subconscious is the behaviors/patterns that we live out that is constructed from viewing the world in order to survive, then we have the conscious that is all the thinking and thoughts and pictures we have daily and that entertain us and keeps us occupied/brainwashed, its literally like laundry falling around in your eye balls, unable to see reality.

So who is the boss in all of this, the conscious the sub-conscious or the unconscious? Well the unconscious obviously, because we live in a world consistent of billions of other humans and beings and all kinds of world systems our very lives depends on knowing the world and surviving within it, but we can obviously not be aware of it all consciously all the time so we place it in the back and let it run freely for us so that we can simply follow the behaviors and patterns we have set/created for ourselves in space and time to follow through the world systems/unconscious and then we have the conscious mind that keeps occupying us to distract us from looking at the systems running us like hamsters in a wheel.

So after this hierarchy system has been created, now it needs fuel, something to get the worker to move and do what it wants it to do, which is like money/gold/resources etc, and this is SPIRIT, these days we can literally say people are driven by spirits, we call it alcohol, but the alcohol needs money to be in hand, so the mind is mining energy from the body to create feelings/emotions, taking resources from the body to pay the body back, to get the body to belief its being rewarded or getting something to do something for the MIND. Because the mind is always only wanting to survive, as its aware its self-awareness is limited and will end, so it seeks an eternal LIFE, which is where we came with the ideas of heaven and hell to entertain the mind into believing it has a chance at eternal life.

Unfortunately the mind as Lucifer got Jealous of God as the physical because god is eternal and does not need anything outside of itself to live/exist or any necessary form, as god/physical is everything/here and thus LIFE.

So now the mind is attempting to punish the body/the physical though enslaving the body to energy and trapping the body in a hierarchy system within itself, where the body completely forgot over centuries of genetic coding and living in systems that only support the mind, that the body is god, that the physical of which the body is, is god, so now the mind sitting at the top of this hierarchy system has made the body belief its inferior to the mind and for the body to get to the top of this INNER hierarchy system is almost impossible, yet all the body as the physical needs to realize is, that it is god.

The same way as the hierarchy system is created within we have created it without….

To be continued.

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