Day 459 – Well Hello Stranger

Why are we strangers to one another, may it be from the guy on the corner to the girl walking by on the street, all our lives we have lived in our own bubbles, we call these bubbles “family”, and this is where we learn that we are separate from all the other Families.

When in fact it isn’t so, we are one big family living in one big house called earth, we have been blinded by self-interest and fear to live in an illusion of separation, and this is why we can abuse one another, when the self-interest and fear tells us that others will abuse us, it is actually in reverse, the self-interest and fears are what makes us abuse others, one another.

I have been facing this illusion in my live, on a daily basis I have to go to strangers and I have to be with them and spend time with them, I have learn that it takes only ten minutes for me and the family to be a family, ones the fear and the self-interest is out of the way through talking and sharing we are suddenly not so different, in fact almost the same.

So how have I pushed through this illusion when it has been brainwashed into me for many years that it is real, that the fear I feel is real, and there for a reason.

First I had to make an agreement with myself to work through the inner fear through self-forgiveness and writing, secondly I had to let go of all the ideas/beliefs unconditionally, as I realized that it isn’t real.

Once I realized fear isn’t real, I still had to push through the physical manifestation of fear within me that I have created, this I had to make peace with and that I will face the fear in real time.

Real time is the difficult point, when I go up to a stranger and I start talking to them I will first have the initial fear that I might be invading or be harmed or be shunned or whatever the mind can make up to believe, to keep me away from other human beings, to not realize the truth, that we are one big family.

Yes the mind doesn’t want us all to realize that we are one big family, because that will mean we will stop living and existing the way we do here on earth as we do currently.

At this stage I must BREATH, this is the most important point, as breathing slows me down and thus the mind, the mind does not have time to interFEAR with the real time living that is occurring, this is me simply speaking/interacting with one of my other family members, and it usually starts off with the atmosphere almost like two family members that hasn’t seen each other for many years and now have to speak and inform each other of their lives..

It is quite interesting when this situation isn’t observed but lived, the real time interaction is simple, it isn’t complicated, it is practical and direct, but once the comfort sets in, then both sides are now ready to speak what is really going on inside, this is where the family issues are coming out, this is where the sharing becomes more, real and revealing.

This is where we can see that our entire family on earth is within the same messed up situation, and the only way we can actually change this messed up situation is through meeting strangers and realizing our actuality as a big family.

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