Day 23 - running out of energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within patterns of energy as moods, that is not best for me and not best for all, as moods and energy changes and determines who I am instead of me in each breathe as Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate with in a system of polarities such as energy where the one energy relies o the other to exist, thus going into good moods and then bad moods and so FUCK with myself and everyone around me that is unnecessary and not best for all life, as it only ends up in abuse and conflicts that has not value, no real matter with in what is here and best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that any energetic experience I have with in me is valid or real, I realize that what is real is here in the physical as that which we all equally share in all ways and that what is with in the mind or with in self as an energy is simply a self created feeling/emotion that occupies self to keep self enslaves to false gods as thoughts/pictures/memories as the mind consciousness system to feed of the real god as the physical, as LIFE here in the flesh for its own energetic experiences as negative or positive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give validation to any energetic feeling/emotion/experience I have with in me, blindly through the believe that if I can/am experiencing it with in me that it must be real, realizing that I am making it real and keeping it real only with in me through validating it as real with in me, realizing I can simply stop the connection I validate it with and the energy that directs me and that determines who I am through my acceptance and allowance and stop and start directing myself here in the physical one and equal as Life, as that which is best for all life as myself in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by energy as positive and negative.

I forgive myself that I have not considered before that I can stop all energy as polarities with in me and direct myself in the physical with in each breath and that no inner energetic experiences are needed for this simple self directive movement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  be addicted to energetic experiences I have with in me, if they are positive or negative and to be a slave to these energies through letting them move me as a slave with a invisible whip.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be a slave to energy as positive or negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself in all ways through only move myself depending on how I feel as a negative or positive experiences, realizing that I can do and move myself so much more and effectively if I move as the physical instead of the mind as a limited confined space based on thoughts and energy that created boundaries and limitations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am what I experience with in me as a positive or negative energy, realizing that if I continue to live as an energy I will end up as one simply dying out once there is nothing to keep my energy going.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place some energies higher than others just because of how they feel to me, realizing that with in this I am creating the lows just so that I can experience the highs, and so create a life of self abuse and abusing others just so that I can have my energy hits as highs and lows to feel/believe I am alive while I was only existing as a light bold, switching on and off.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to not see and realize that the energy addiction existent with in this world as moods/experiences as positive/negative is what is creating the world the way it is, where children has abusive homes depending on how daddy or mommy feels, and where wars break out and millions are killed, depends on how the countries feel, and that money is the ultimate HIGH in energy people can ask for, and thus everyone is doing their best to fuck up LIFE here on earth just so that they can have their HIT (energy) as happiness, neglecting LIFE as one thing and separating everything instead and thus creating/accepting/allowing extensive abuse/deception and inevitable consequences for all equally.

I commit myself to identify all energetic patterns with in my life where I have accepted and allowed energy to move me and to determine who I am and to stop the energy experience thought breathing and t see what I am doing, if it is practical or not if it is best for all life or not, is it common sense or not and to be self honest with myself and change, and to stop energy enslavement as the mind consciousness system.

I commit myself to stop all moods and to write, self forgive, be self honest with myself and to stop the moods, stop the roller-coaster of energy and to remain here in each breath as that which is best for all, so that I may be the same, stable and to be myself as a living expression and not an robotic energetic being moving and functioning only as he/she feels through data input output. 

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