Day 410 – Breathe Part 2

Day 409 - Breathe part 1

So simple yet so difficult, why is focusing on breathing at all times difficult, breathing already happens naturally, all I have to do is focus and be aware of my breathe, and as my breathe focus on my body and be aware of my body, and as I am aware of my body I am here and so aware of all my senses. Physical senses, and thus aware of my environment.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that I have given all my focus/awareness as myself as my body as the physical reality to my Mind only, as my thoughts/feelings/emotions and all internal experiences of and as the mind consciousness systems.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Give all my focus/awareness as my Breathe as my body as the physical reality to my mind, within my mind within the mind consciousness systems as energy, as thoughts/feelings and emotions, seeing and realizing that through focusing myself within my mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions instead of breathe, I have no awareness of myself as my body as the physical reality and thus I cannot live fully as a living being but only function as a robot as reactions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust the mind more then what I trust my breathe, thus go into the mind instead of remaining here within breathe, seeing and realizing that within my past I made decisions within myself within certain moments/scenarios/situations to rather hide within my mind instead of remaining here as breathe directing myself and reality. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place my trust within what I do and how I do things within my mind within a process of thinking/calculating, instead of breathing and being HERE as all that is here and directing myself accordingly in each breathe which isn’t determined by a process of thinking/delaying and that have reactions and conflicts, seeing and realizing that as the physical as my breathe in each moment in real time, I can make real decisions based on what is here (here being a moment of all that is here as the physical as me as the physical as breathe) and thus move myself in alignment with the physical/life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live/escape into my mind out of fear of my environment, the people within my environment and having to interact with them, fear of other people taking advantage of me or stepping over me, and so instead of breathing and remaining here I go into my mind as my battle station where I can always feel ready to defend or attack, as I use the mind as the past to prepare myself for moments, seeing and realizing that the mind is a creation of the past/history and thus when and as I go and live within my mind I am living staying in the past as a way of my Ammo, where I have all my ammo ready to use my physical as a weapon to speak or move against others to attempt to prevent my fears from becoming real or facing myself as those fears. 

Thus I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that I actually Fear being here as the physical as my breathe = because that means forgiving, and facing each moment as who I have accepted and allowed myself to be, instead of just hiding within my mind as the past defending who I have accepted and allowed myself to be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the mind as a way to escape, my here moment of facing myself, correcting myself and to NOT hide in the past as the mind as consciousness as thoughts/feelings/emotions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear letting go of the mind, to Stop and to breathe and to NOT go into my battle station, my defense systems as the mind consciousness systems and to Live for real in each breathe, each moment new and me directing myself as the physical as my breathe one and equal and to stop defending my limitations/reasons/excuses/justifications and all that I have ever created about myself as my personality as fears and insecurities based on past experiences. 

To be continued.

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