Day 187 – Spiritualism and Me – The Broken Character Part 5

Day 182 - The Day I said Fuck Spiritualism 
Day 183 - Spiritualism and Me Part 1
Day 184 - Spiritualism and Me Part 2 

Day 185 - Spiritualism and Me Part 3
Day 186 - Spiritualism and me, the Broken Character Part 4

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that spiritualism is a Product of Capitalism targeting Broken characters, as spiritualism is only an option for those who have judged themselves as less than and in need of something they do not have as a lack of something, thus spiritualism is the product that sells fulfillment to Broken characters in a broken world, keeping the characters in a paralyzed state of ever changing and fixing the world for real as the fear is too much, to lose that which I/they Belief now fulfills me/them and completes me/them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I was a broken character as a child seeking attention and love and instead I got the cold shoulder and in turn I started seeking ways to not feel broken or that I am missing something, seeing that spiritualism later on in my life became the ultimate sales pitch that I fell for as it was promising a FIX and that I could fix myself with spiritualism and do not require others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that spiritualism is the Product I fell for because It promised me a fix to my peculiar problem - as I judged myself as a broken character due to how I have judged past experiences where I did not get attention or love or happiness from others and here is this Product called spiritualism that gives me all that i never got and fear not having such as validation/love/happiness in a Broken world and It is a DIY system. It is easy and convenient because I did not have to do anything and still be happy even if the world was burning around me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Not see ad realize that I fell for the Product of spiritualism as it was/is a product that each one can abuse/use as they please and that there was no set principals and thus could use it and train myself in the product to become a great manipulator in that which I Fear never having such as love and happiness and joy and to always get it through making myself special and seem more than others and unique and wise and thus get Love and attention and happiness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I fell for spiritualism because I saw it was bullshit and that I could use it to my own self interest and agendas for getting attention and validation and eventually SEX and MONEY as that is to where all points lead.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide my true motivations from myself of that first time I decided to become spiritual and to then forget the secret motivations and agendas as to deceive myself to be effective in the deception of love and light to attain those secret motivations and agendas such as getting SEX and Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize that spiritualism is a lie and that it is made up within the understanding that Life on earth is fucked up and that there is a solution required but No one is willing to in fact change and thus spiritualism is the way to hide as it takes self responsibility and the fact away and leave it for the children to come to deal with as everyone now believe life only starts after death due to believing in things we make up and cannot see.
To be continued.

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