Day 406 – Justification Part 1

From Vocabulary.comThe Dictionary

“Close in meaning to an explanation, a justification is specifically for defending or explaining an event. The idea that he was just trying to scare his little sister was a pretty weak justification for the elaborate gag.

Like its close cousin "justice," justification is derived from the Latin justificare, which means "to make right." When you offer a justification, you're trying to make something right—or, perhaps, even just. The notion that animals don't have emotions is one of the key justifications for allowing them to suffer. For many people, though, the fact that they suffer is justification enough to prevent it.

My writing. 

I like this dictionary definition that I have found here; it really shows how justification in itself is really just a Fiction.

Who the fuck knows, they red it from a book? if animals have emotions or feeling or not, and why the fuck is that important if they get abused or not – that’s like really sick, the way humans think, and I guess that is why we need a word called – Justification, we need fiction in our heads to make sense for us what the fuck is happening and what we are doing and accepting and allowing, because we know its Sick – most of the things is sick, the rest is really stupidity and irresponsible shit that we have justifications for.

I am using the animal point to show how we use the word Justification, how it isn’t justifiable at all based on the reasons and theories and Beliefs, it’s all Fiction, mad(e) up in our heads, so it can never be valid, so it is best for ALL life that we instead live by a principal, a principal of always doing what it best for all life, that way we never need justification, we never need to justify our actions, because once equality and oneness is understood as that which guides the universe in fact – then the principal of doing what best for all life in all ways can be lived because it will be in alignment with that which guides the universe as oneness and equality.

Ok so Justification within sounding the word I hear – Just a Fiction, which is really simple, every time I use a Justification I can see the fiction in my head that I am making up and spilling out just to protect my own behind and to get away with NOT being self-responsible and responsible, the difference is self-responsibility is when I take full responsibility for what is going on within me and that I am the one accepting and allowing what’s happening within me, and thus I can never Judge/Blame etc and move myself to correction within self-forgiveness to re align my relationships within all things that is here to live that which is best for all within consideration of all that is here. 

Responsibility is when I wash my hands every time I made them dirty, because I understand the consequences of NOT doing that and all the possible outcomes for not being responsible, because it can and will affect all those around me within my direct environment, which goes hand in hand with self-responsibility because why would I not wash my hands, because within me I haven’t taken self-responsibility for a point such as self-respect, not respecting myself leads to me not being considerate of myself and not caring and thus it leads to thing such as Not washing my hands and thus Not respecting anyone else either. 

So Justification comes in – when I have my Dinner and as I am eating someone else at the table asks, did you wash your hands? Because there seems to be horse poo on your hands from when you were at the stables two hours ago, then I will see and realize Fuck this can be a problem, horse poo with all that unknown stuff in it that I take my food with into my mouth and I can get sick and I can affect everyone else and give a virus even to all that is here through my current actions, and thus I will instead quickly create a Fiction within my mind of why I did not wash my hands and play that Justification and tell the other person – yes after horses I had to go there and do that and then I got tired and forgot, I will quickly wash my hands, which was all a lie, I just fed the other person a Fictional story that seems to fucking valid, because how will he know the truth? 

So then I go wash my hands quickly, BUT because I saw how easy it was to make up a fictional story and feed to the other person as my Justification – I will instead Not take self-responsibility for myself and responsibility for my action an external world, because the justification was so easy I can just do that every-time, till one day it’s too late and I die from Ecoli Virus. And spread ti to many other people. 

Then I will die as just a fiction (justification), The end.

To be Continued.

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