Day 405 – Sex Part 3

Day 403 - SEX part 1
Day 404 - SEX Part 2

to make sure you have no reaction to the word sex, you must be able to say sex and there must be nothing moving, otherwise you will be a good target for the system to fuck with you.



I commit myself to when and as I hear the word sex to breathe, to not go into any energetic reaction as good or bad or to judge ot to go into the Imagination, Instead I breathe and I remain here within what is real, Sex is a word, a word referring to a action performed by two beings within intimacy (into me I see) and nothing more as the mind has made it through Ideas/Beliefs/opinions. 

When and as I see that I am connecting MORE things to the word sex such as Opinions/beliefs/ideas, I stop and I breathe, seeing and realizing that this is all programmed into me from family/school/friends/culture/religion/society of which none is based on actual reality and all from made up Ideas/opinions/beliefs that are from fear/control/power.

When and as I see the WORD Sex and anything comes up within me towards/in relation to the word sex, I stop and I breathe, seeing and realizing that when and as I hear/see the word SEX and that there is anything coming up within me, that this is a possession, a spirit of mind taking me over, that is not real but an energetic charge that I have connected to the word SEX, which means I am controlled and brainwashed, I am accepting and allowing myself to be Influenced by this word, seeing and realizing that as long as I accept and allow to be influenced by the word SEX that I can be manipulated/controlled and be redirected by any form of advertisement/consumer propaganda or agenda, as all that someone/something else has to do is present the word sex and my preprogramming that I have defined the word sex with will impulse me and thus direct me.

When and as I see that I react to the word SEX through hearing or reading it, I stop and I breathe – I commit myself to NOT follow or to react on the word through breathing and investigating the moment of why I reacted and to forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condition myself with brainwashing that is from Beliefs/Opinions/Ideas created by a society of Zombies that make shit up to feel alive/more/special and to keep it real, reeling in reality so that I am here and focused on actual shit, as shit is real and no plastic rapping or chocolate sprinkles can change shit from being shit. 

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am in fear of using the word sex even when it is necessary, I stop, I breathe, as I see and realize that it is preprogramming that I have accepted and allowed within me to control me and to direct me to keep me enslaved within the mind as fear as opinions/beliefs/ideas instead of actual facts.

When and as I see myself connection a negative emotional energetic experience to the word SEX I stop and I breathe – I see and realize that I am connecting the negative emotional charge to the word SEX due to Past experiences in relation to the word SEX and that this is the present and thus  have a new moment to correct myself and to stop the enslavement of the past and move on, move forward within self-forgiveness of what I have accepted and allowed and to stop the creation of making sex bad/good and to keep it real as an act, a physical act between two beings that has agreed with one another to physically be intimate with one another to express/explore oneself with another. 

When and as I see others behave/act a certain way towards hearing or speaking the word sex as to how they have defined and mutilated the word within their heads/minds and created a warped definition of the word SEX within their mind from and as imagination/desire/fantasies which they were programmed with and brainwashed with from kids to adults through society through all means of media and forms of education/indoctrination , I stop and I breathe, I see and I realize that I have/am separating myself from others as what has been accepted and allowed within this world to exist, and that is what the cause of a shit load of abuse such as rape/molestation and violent crimes comes from/spawns from , and thus I Must take as them, as the characters  self-responsibility and stand one and equal as them as a correction and to present that correction to myself and to live it as myself first and to change and to as an example show the solution to the world and that it is possible to change and stop the abuse that we all do not like and yet call it human nature yet it is in fact just preprogrammed through teaching/learning, and that we are all equally responsible and can stop the excuses of its just our nature, when the evidence all around us show that it isn’t nature, as NO animals on earth does what the human does and they are nature, and our problem is just getting worse because our education system has always been fucked – showing and exposing that our education as our brainwashing/conditioning is actually where we create our human nature and thus human nature is something we create and accept and allow to BE so, not because it is so.

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