Day 403 - SEX Part 1

SEX is a very very extreme point within this world and how sex in fact is a major factor within this world, and what decisions people make each day, if not in each moment towards a future outcome or current outcome. 

I remember as a teenager, my every move/decision was and came from the starting point of sex, since money wasn’t an issue back then as my parents took care of that for me while being in school etc, sex took over my life, meaning – I was hunting/scavenging and looking for opportunities and moments where there is a possibility of sex happening all the time. And that is how I remember ALL my friends; yes it includes girls as well that was my friends. 

So what am I writing about, I am writing about the WORD SEX – because the word sex has all these meanings attached to it  from all those past memories and experiences and influences from family/school/friends/society.

Then there are even more and bigger causes to the problem we are facing today with SEX, which is culture and religion and family values that are all based on Ideas/beliefs/opinions and not on facts, where for instance the child will be taught that SEX can only happen after marriage, or weird shit like sex is dangerous with lots of stories and bullshit to back that up, or then there is the preserving your virginity thing that is imprinted into all males and females from the people that has gone before them, because of mistakes they have made, already implying we will make the same mistakes and thus we are the mistakes. 

And there are more of this going around all around – I remember the first time I ever heard the word sex and saw the word sex – I was eleven, our school class  went on a trip to a fun park in a bus we hired. As we all were sitting in the bus and talking and playing and just being kids, I heard some kids laughing, they then turned around and said hey guys, to the guys sitting behind me, look at this, they pointed at the back of one of the seats and said – it says SEX, and they all giggled, I looked at it and I was like, mmm what does that mean, so I asked out loud to the kids at the front, WHAT DOES SEX MEAN – almost everyone in the buss looked at me and said sssss almost immediately, the teacher stood up and said, BE QUITE, my friend next to me then said, Gian don’t you know what that means? I said NO, what does it mean, he said, sex is how babies are made, but it is also when a Male’s thing is put into a females thing and they go up and down. 

I was – ok so that’s it, he said yes, that is it, then we had conversations about it and what his cousins told him etc etc, and since that day I had the impression I can never say the word SEX, and if I do it must be in secret, and that it must be a secret thing, and that I can get into a lot of trouble talking about it. 

That is an example of what’s existent within cultures in relation to the word Sex and thus the act of sex and what has been placed onto sex by an entire society. 

When I see/sound the word Sex I hear– SEE  X – seeing the unknown, and this basically makes sense to me looking back into my past – SEX was this ONE thing that was Unknown. Educations did not teach me properly – the educations in general left out way to many gaps for anything else to take its place as Imagination and creating alternate realities about SEX. making shit up.

From what I have learned in school in math class is that X represented the unknown, anything can replace X, X is just a place holder – yes there is a math that tells us what the X will be or must be replaced by or to where the X must be moved, YET if your math isn’t good, then making mistakes with this X is eXtemely easy and will lead to consequences. In this case the Math which is taught by those that has gone before us and basically the whole educational system from home to school is… maybe there is no education. And we are just parroting shit. And thus teaching is nothing real about sex, just the basic shit and leaving everything else up to the imagination.

So here comes the purpose of finding the Unknown and what is there, why is it the unknown, why is it called private parts, why are those parts always covered, see this is like a perfect set up for anyone to make money on this point of not being educated, create pron, it exposed everything, it reveals the X (unknown) and it addddddddsssss a lot of Bullshit that fucks with everyone that watches it. 

Till here for now

To be continued.

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