Day 298 – To soft To Kind for the Job, Commitments Part 3.

 Day 296 - To Soft To Kind for the Job part 2

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am accessing the Kind and soft character to stop and to breathe and to look at why I am doing it, to assess the point self honestly and what the consequences of my actions will be.

I commit myself to when and as I have assessed myself to direct myself within common sense and self honesty without any energy movement within me and to do what requires to be done.

I commit myself to when and as I access the character playing the roles of being kind and soft to be self honest with myself in the moment to see the consequences of my actions in the moment and to direct myself rather to act where the consequences is what is best and not that of self sabotaging.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself go into fear of confrontation to stop and to breathe and to trust my breathe and to let go of the experience within the moment to not avoid going into the character of soft and kind but to prevent myself from blindly going with it.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself going into the fear of facing conflict to use the knowledge and information I have of “knowing thy self” and to practically apply myself in the moment to prevent myself from falling into the same potholes as the “soft/kind Character” that always have to consequences of me being used and taken advantage of and not standing by principal, seeing and realizing that within playing the character of soft and kind as manipulation I am giving everything else permission to equally manipulate me, give as you would like to receive.

I commit to when and as I see that I am about to open myself up for manipulation through my own actions/words of manipulation to stop and to breathe within the realization that I do not like to be manipulated and thus I must not manipulate but to simply be direct and straight forward.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself confusing being direct and straight forward with being mean and reactive and loud to stop and to breathe and to correct myself through stopping all inner experiences and to focus on the physical here as movement and words and not as energy and reactions that in itself is still manipulation.

I commit myself to when and as I see that there is conflict/confrontations to breathe and to not let any energy move within me, to within this instead focus on resolving the conflict or to face the confrontation.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I want to win a conversation where there is conflict or confrontation to stop and to breathe and to face the reality of what’s going on and not the back chat inner conversation or to follow the energy reactions within me.

I commit myself to when and as I see that others are manipulating me or using me to NOT react or to make it personal for myself, but to breathe and to do the job till it is done. To not compromise myself or my job for the sake of self interest.

I commit myself to when and as I see that others are attacking me in their words or being nasty or mean to NOT take it personal but to breathe and to see within myself what’s within me instead of making it personal and to resolve that which is within me and to breathe till I am clear and standing.

I commit myself to NOT be taken for a fool and to stand up for myself when and as I see that what’s happening isn’t part of the job but simply abuse of and from people, to speak with common sense and not with reactions and FEAR.

I commit myself to when and as I I have to do a job to do everything to get the Job done without morality or personal Ideas/beliefs about myself to keep me from finishing the job.

I commit myself to be assertive within speaking to people.

I commit myself to Not have morality within the system and to try and attempt to play by my rules while I am within the systems rules, seeing and realizing how this compromises and sabotages my effectiveness within the system.

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