Day 43 - bully - a creation of love.

Day 43 - bully - a creation of love.

Bullies do love you, they love to bully you, they love to hate you, they love to hurt you, they love to come to you and give you their attention, bullies are big balls of love.
A bully does what he love's to do - he bullies you.

I mean if everyone has the right to love and their choice to express their love anyway they can, then the bully is on the right path! or is love evil then?

Obviously bullies got this love from someone else, it always starts at home, a bully isnt someone that only physically abuse others, bullies exist in all types of bullying, the emotion bully, the mental bully, the friendly bully, the dominating bully, the friendship bully, the I love you bully, there are many and they are in all of us, in some way or another we are all bullies,

A bully is simply someone that is doing what has been done onto them in the name of love.

Why in the name of love, because parents say they love you as a child yet they will beat you down, they will suppress your expression, they will scream at you, they will deceive you, they will say trust me when they do the opposite, they lie a lot, they pretend, they force you to do things, they say do this do that, stop it, shut up, sit still, be nice, show some respect, I wish I never had you, you were a mistake, if there are more than one kid in the house they always have a favorite and you can clearly see it yet they say they love you both, and much more. and you can see bullies do the same thing then onto others. shut up, give me your money, beat you up, scream at you, etc.

So how confusing all of this is, now imagine being a kid between the age of newborn till seven, and all this is happening to you as you are learning and being educated, it is the perfect mixture to create bullies and abusers with love.

Obviously it is not to blame parents as they could only teach you what they knew, it is called the sins of the fathers. It is to realized that the current way of life isnt best for all life and definitely not for you or the new generations of children entering this world. Is it sick, it is madness, it is evil, we all accept and allow parents to teach children what they know as if it their right of free choice even if no one is educated on how life works, how the human works, even if it creates deceitful abusive humans as one is called the bully.

I was a bully since the age of 5 as I can remember till now, the bullying has not stopped but simply changed its way, how I bully in subtle ways, people will call me a nice guy and a good guy and they will see me as having a great friend, yet this is part of how my bullying has evolved to the evil it is in all of us currently, we all do this the same way, some prefer to remain out of the closet bullies, bullying is in everything, telling someone you love them in a relationship and yet you screams and yell and call each other names and blame and judge and have secret thoughts and being spiteful towards teacher, that is bullying.

Love (evol) creates the biggest bullies hidden in plain sight.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that love is the creator of bullies, as this is a direct reflection within the whole as life here on earth and how fucked up life on earth is.

I forgive myself that I have not seen and realized that love is the source of all accepted and allowed bullying in this world.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that a bully is created through some and or any form of love and that it started within the first seven years of childhood within the family.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that bullies are simply the outcome of some form of input within the child within the child's first seven years within how the child was educated through the environment and the parents and anyone else that had an influence on the child's life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react and resist to accept and allowing myself to see and realize that love creates all evil as the world is a clear in your face reflection of who we are as apparent loving beings while everything is being fucked up in the name of love.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that through claiming to love someone and doing the opposite is being a bully, realizing that within saying I love you trust is implied and through the actions of not trusting each other after claiming love for each other through fighting, screaming, blaming, being spiteful, rejection, anger, hate, judging, and physically abusing each other we are bullying each other.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that bullies are people that will do anything the can to win and to gain the energy feeling/emotion they want to feel better about themselves, realizing that this makes a bully no different from someone that is in love, as both are out to get their fix of energy at any cost.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that the love for a loved one is no different from the love a bully has for bullying others, realizing it is the same energetic feeling/emotion that feeds the mind consciousness system that supports the enslavement of man within limitation as energy, being a slave to energy instead of breathing here with no energy movement where one can direct self in each breath in clarity as life as that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that a bully is simply a person that is addicted to as a energy feeling/emotion which is received through others reactions feelings/emotions - realizing this is not different than how love works, as I can see that love is simply bullying candy coated as it is based on self interest to fulfill self own insecurities and to feel better about self.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that loving someone is the same as bullying someone for their energy, as both are about getting what self wants to feel better about self and to feel accepted either through someones approval as love to abuse them for it, or through force as being a bully, yet the same outcome.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to  to see and realize that all bullying starts at home and that with in the home as a family that loves one another as trust it is seen okay to bully each other openly because of the candy coat called love.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that bullies are people that only physically abuse others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that bullies are simply people doing what they love to do as it was done onto them within a game of energy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge bullies as being bad and wrong, yet I could not see my own behaviors within being a bully in other areas of life such as relationship, animals, plants, earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to call others bullies yet not willing to look at myself and where in my life I am a bully.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to look into my life and how I was created through my acceptance and allowance as a bully and equally to see and understand how others have been created as bullies, as this requires me to look within my first seven years of life within the family.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from bullies only to not look at myself and where I am a bully within my life and take self responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge bullies.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself form bullies as apparently being more and better, not realizing that within the act of separating myself form bullies I am a bully within accepting and allowing them to be bullies and to remain in their own suffering.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to stop bullying in the world without first looking at myself and stopping the bully within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself as the creator of bullying being a bully.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself as the creator of bullying/bullies with in what I accept and allow within me an so with in the world to manifest as a system based on abuse and self interest that only seeks to fulfill self interest at all cost as a feeling energy.

I commit myself to expose love as the creator of bullies as it is within plain sight within what is reflected within the world as all evil, where the human is bullying self/each other and earth for all natural resources to fulfill a addiction to energy as feelings/emotions within and as the mind

I commit myself to show that love is the greatest bully, as love is accepting and allowing the world to exist the way it is currently existing with billions suffering and where nature is abused and being destroyed in the name of love as a energy feeling of the mind consciousness system that support self interest and enslavement of man.

I commit myself to expose love for the bully that it is through showing that love only gives permission to abuse and deceive as a bully's love to hate/abuse/hurt/gain energy and dominance over others only to fulfill a energy feeling/emotion of the mind.

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