Day 347 – Sorry, I can Not save you.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to save everyone I meet personally that is in need and that I can see is being abused on some level.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realizing that the people that I want to save is but only me seeing and realizing that there are humans/people living in this world in conditions that I would never want for myself and thus I want to help, but I cannot because I know I help one now and then there are Billions more all around the world, and only a real solution is a solution and a real solution is a solution that works for each and every one at the same time all round the world and that is permanent and consistent and that is stable and sustainable and thus trustworthy of LIFE forever.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see that I am only one person and that I personally cannot save everyone that I meet daily from their lives.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be distracted by wanting and desiring to save each person I meet at a time, not seeing and realizing that this kind of a distraction will take up my entire life and all my money and everything I have and YET will not achieve anything because the ROOT problem is still existent, and that is the System itself.

Thus seeing and realizing that I just dig into the system and learn to know the Soils and waters the system uses to FEED this root cause and to then cut it all off and take the problem out from its roots and plant a new seed, and that this new seed will not help just one man, but that this seed will help ALL LIFE all animals and plants and humans and the earth herself and that this is a solution and worth my time as I will not just help that one person in that one moment when I feel like I have to, but that I will help that personal for life and all his children and grandchildren to come, as I lay a system that is sustainable and that is always BEST for all LIFE and this seed is the Equal Money System, and giving it my daily TIME and caring and attention, it is growing, it is rooting and it is getting a constant supply of support and thus the tree of LIFE will come from the Seed of Life as a system that supports all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get distracted with peoples personal life’s and to lose myself and my time within it as I try and attempt to help them, seeing and realizing that all I am doing in such a process is making myself feel better and not solving a real problem as what I am doing and capable of doing in such a moment is truly limited and only self-indulgence as the ego.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to first save myself and to rather distract myself through seeking to save others first. 

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