Day 235 – Childhood Memory and Emotional Body Part 3.5

This is a continuation of:

Day 231 - emotional Body and childhood memory Part 3.1

Day 232 – Part 3.2 of Emotional Body and Childhood Memory.

Day 233 – Childhood memory and Emotional Body Part 3.3

Day 234 - childhood memory and emotional body Part 3.4

What have I seen and realized thus far within the Self forgiveness I have done in the previous blogs. I have seen that through and within my childhood years I have been raised to compete with other Humans.

The starting point within competing with other humans is to WIN, there are always only two options when competing, this is Win or Lose and it does not matter how many are participating, there can always only be one winner and the rest are losers.

Through competition in childhood years that is taught to us children is done with specific intentions – these intentions are imposed onto the children from the adults through their behavior and words.

So once each child has Identified the behavior/words from the adults to why the child must compete and what is expected within competing from the child, the child has now created multiple dimension within such a point, mainly fear, because no matter what is imposed onto the child to compete and why the one point that is always the same is do NOT lose, or rather we hope you do not lose.

So now as the child has been taught to compete from the starting point of fear the child starts creating inner conflict – this is thoughts/feelings/emotions – and since a child is never taught what thoughts/feelings/emotions are they are left with it to themselves to do with it what they want.

This is where the child will start to compare himself to other children, and within this comparison at a physical level Judge him/her self accordingly. And according to the judgment that is done from a observation with the starting point of fear as to will the child be able to compete and win with the other humans, the child not starts creating Emotions or feelings towards the thoughts of comparison.

The comparison happens at a physical level of integration when there is competition and some Physical bodies that mature faster or slower will be compared with the child him/her self and it will be classified as winners and losers within the mind.

So within my example that I have walked within these blogs I can see that I have taken place in physical activities where the motivation was to compete to win from the starting point of fear which came from those that has gone before me, and within this physical participation of competition I have created memories, the memories is created from. within certain events/scenarios that took place where there was certain impressions given to me from my physical world and the people, and according to their physical impressions I experience myself a certain way dependent on the impressions given to me, either happy/excited adults, or sad/angry adults, and accordingly I create either emotions or feelings, emotions is that of negative and feeling is that of positive.

So now what the physical activity has taken place and the memories have been created from certain events/moments that impressions was given to me on how I am doing within competing I now create thoughts.

The thoughts will come up as a reaction, a response to certain events/scenarios/moments where competition is involved and the thoughts will be to either create or to avoid certain things – as the thought is me looking back at a memory and taking a moment of that memory and reflecting it back to myself in my mind, then I will either have a negative experience or positive experience.

Taking my example again within these blogs and what it is about I see that I have mostly created emotional energetic charges within me, as the memories I have of the past from which the thoughts come from was mostly me Losing and then facing the impressions from everyone around me in their words and behaviors, and accordingly I made those impressions something I want to avoid.

So I use the thoughts that is like a warning sign for me to not want to experience that again or the other way, those emotions – so when and as I do participate within physical activities that is of competition it is within fear which is already a negative emotion, and then if I lose within the competition there is more fear, because now I have already had the thought of what I want to avoid and then the thought becomes reality again because I did not avoid it, that in itself is already more fear and more self judgment, more suppression's and self hatred, then there is more impressions coming from the adults once I face them in my Lost and being a failure and not good enough.

So as time moves on and these situation happen over and over again and I keep on accepting and allowing these thoughts/feelings/emotions to exist and come up within me they start to compound more and more and create layers after layers within my physical body, as the information is stored within the body.

This eventually created my body as one big compounded emotional body.,

To be continued. This is getting more and more specific, stay tuned.

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