I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I see I have to “stand UP and Move myself’ to go into the though of “seeing myself doing it later anyway” and so have the back chat of – ‘ I can sit a bit longer, I will get to it later anyways” – “ there is still a lot of time for me to move myself I may sit a little bit more” and to then go into the energetic experience of feeling relaxed and content with myself when in fact it is me justifying laziness and the judgment of me having to move myself, thus I see and realize that as I participate within the thought of when I Know/realize I have to start moving myself that I am compromising me as who I am as the living expression of life as doing what is best for all life in all ways and to then once I have given the thoughts/back-chat permission to define who I am and what I do to trap myself in the energetic experience I deceived myself with as being okay – and to then later on run out of time and not having enough time to do all the things/responsibilities I have to do, and so go into more thoughts and back catch to justify it as being okay and that tomorrow is another day – not seeing and realizing that if/when I do not move myself when I know I have to and leave things to compound and get more for the next day I will literally trap myself within the overwhelming of things to do that I deliberately created myself, as I realize within the common sense that if I do not what needs to be done today that it will not remain the same amount of stuff to do the next day, it will be today's stuff and tomorrows stuff all together.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that I create and manifest my own consequences though participating in just ONE thought that leads to many outflows that I accept and allow deliberate, realizing that nothing happens by coincidence or by being someone else fault.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take on the character of me not moving myself as a reason/justification of I deserve to rest, this is my treat, I will treat myself to rest just a bit more and then my treat for tomorrow will be to suffer and give up more and to have to much shit to do, lol realizing that my treat in fact will be to do everything in the time given to me till it is done and to then, the time that is left to use it to rest or watch a movie, and this way to practically distribute my time with no thoughts/back-chat involved, only the consideration of the physical reality that is best for all life and where no thoughts is thus needed as it is a physical decision mathematically calculated as 1+1=2.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I see/realize that I must get up within myself and move myself” to distract myself with other things around me such as quickly getting something to drink while I am not thirsty but only for the idea and to then tell myself I will just finish this cup and then go do what needs to be done, not realizing that I do not know what will happen or how things will change from this moment till the next, and thus quickly drinking something just for the sake of giving myself more time within a “reason” to not do anything yet that I will within accepting and allowing such pattern to play out and where I have given the character within the pattern permission to play its role of “avoiding what needs to be done as much as possible” that more things will suddenly pop up so inconveniently that I need to do, such as taking a pee and then to get something to chew on and then to just quickly get some fresh air outside and then just to quickly check what is on TV and before I know, time has gone by and I never got to what needs to be done, leaving me with regret and feeling as if I now have to rush and get things done, while I had all the time in the world but before instead chose to use it on doing nothing relevant – seeing and realizing that Who I am has not been a self commitment to myself as life as doing what is best for all life but instead still based on the mind as energy movement within and as how I feel/think, realizing that this is limiting me and enslaving me to the patterns and characters that I have created instead of setting myself free to be able to freely chose to do what is best for all life in all ways as who I ma as LIFE in all ways and through moving myself as actual real self directive deliberate decisions I make in each breathe as what is best for all life that I am deleting such characters and patterns and walking through the limitations and mind enslavement and to birth myself as life as self movement and to move myself as all that is here one and equal.
To be continued.
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