Day 103 – Parents held Accountable Part 2.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when a child is born into this world that the child is an empty Vessel and that who/what the child becomes is determined on what is put into the child and that this is the responsibility of the parents and how they teach their children, and so I see and realize that all parents must be held accountable for what is here on earth as the end result of how they raised their children as children of the future.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see the blatant truth in and as the physical as what is here as the parents being the ones that brings the future as the children into this world that as how they are taught and raised by the parents and their acceptances and allowances that the children will accordingly create the world, and that the evidence that is here in and as the physical shows clearly that what parents are teaching and how they are bringing up their children and what they accept and allow within the children as themselves is not what is best for all life and that it is in fact destroying life as we know it.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that I as the parents are equally responsible for what is here, as I am a copy of parents and thus I am the end result as the parents and thus I can see as who I am as the parents is not what is best for all life in all ways and thus I must change me, as I am the change and in so take responsibility to show the parents that the way of parenting was and is not best for the child and the world at all through my change and what is possible and how, and to in this hold the parents accountable as I hold myself accountable for what is here and to stand together and walk till a new way of parenting is here that is best for all life in and as the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold parents high and as if they are special and know what they do, not realizing that the world is created though parenting, and if all parents as they give themselves to be, were the good parents knowing what to do with their children that the world would have been heaven on earth and as the actual physical evidence is showing it is not heaven on earth and actually hell, thus confirming that parenting is currently only an idea people have in their minds that they try and force onto reality and not an actual consideration of the physical and the new born baby.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that there is no such thing as good parents or bad parents, but that all parents are ignorant and not informed on what parenting actually in fact mean, as each parent must be made aware that as they have a child they have the future of the world in their hands and what is here and exist here on earth and thus all parents must be informed that they will be held accountable as the responsibility they have as children determine the course of history for all life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that a child can only be who the parents are, and thus through this understanding I see and realize that who parents are when they have children must be that which is best for all life in all ways, if the parents have children and they are based in fear and self interest they will only create demons to roam earth and continue hell till all is burned down.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that Parenting isn’t a gift that one gets, it is in FACT something that must be taught to the couple that wants children before they have children to give principles and guidelines and thus when and as the child is born the parents will not have the child in fear of “what the fuck now” but they will know that they planned and it and with direction and a set of rules that will create a child that has no mental disorders, no physical disorders and to instead raise a child in full awareness of how the PHYSICAL body and mind function to raise and educate the child one and equal with what is here in understanding and direction so that the child WILL develop to its full potential.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that parenting happening out of emotion and feeling and from the starting point of self interest and love and ideas will not be successful as feelings/emotions and beliefs fade away and so the child will feel and manifest as the consequences of abuse either mentally/physically or emotionally and thus create a broken child that will never meet its full potential as the parents starting point was in fact all about themselves and how they feel and not what is best for all life in all ways as the child’s life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that parenting isn’t a gift but it is a skill that must be taught and given to those who want to have children and that to want to have children with blind faith is in fact abuse as you will create a child that is blind as your faith and that will be a manifestation of hope and feeling lost as there was no physical direction given to the child.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that Parents before they have children must proof that they are worthy of having children and they know and understand how to raise a child in and as the physical one and equal as the physical mind and body to raise a child to its fullest potential and not to create and manifest a child that is less than what they child could have, as this is a in fact a point that all parents must be held accountable for that they did deliberately through not preparing for a child physically and mentally within full understanding of how the physical functions of the mind ad body to only benefit a child and to create and manifest a world as the result of the child that id only at its fullest potential within that which is best for all life as the result of the child’s upbringing.

To be continued.

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