Day 101 – Fear of being Tired – its late I must sleep now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I see myself looking at the time to go into the thought of seeing myself as “tomorrow I will be tired and not physically capable of doing work” this I can see comes from past experiences as memory/past where I have before went to bed late and thus woke up and feeling all tired and not “ready” for the day. And to then go into the back chat of “ If I do not go to bed in 10min when it is eleven o’clock I will only get 7 hours of sleep which is already less than 8 hours, as I was taught in school and by my parents that a person needs at least 8 hours of sleep to have a healthy body and mind to function” “ I have to go to sleep before 12 otherwise I will be a walking zombie tomorrow” – and thus I see and realize the brainwashing as knowledge and information taught to me by those that went before me, as thsi is a point of fear, where the parents and teachers taught me that I must get at least 8 hours of sleep a night or I will not have a healthy body and mind, as the parents and teachers have the fear of me not being healthy in my mind and body to function well enough to take in the information needed to be programmed me into an effective making for the system to make money and survive, thus I see and realize that as I have accepted and allowed this fear within me of not getting enough sleep I have within myself manifested the physical consequences within my daily living when I have not had enough sleep according to the knowledge and information given to me that I will actually use this knowledge and information to tell my body when it has not had 8 hours of sleep that I MUST be tired and that I can not function to my full potential, realizing that this is brainwashing and mind control, instead of breathing and being here in and as the physical where I walk as the actuality of the physical and not within thoughts/feelings/emotions/back chat based on knowledge and information of how I must apparently feel because I did not get 8 hours of sleep. 

I forgive myself that  have accepted and allowed myself to go to sleep in the fear of not getting enough sleep when and as I see the clock/time is already past 11 or 12 and that I have to wake up in 6 or 7 hours which is not 8 hours and to then already through going to sleep within and as this fear of tomorrow I will not be effective and my body and brain will not function correctly as I was told of How I should experience myself when the situation occurs and to the already determine how I will experience myself when I wake up, instead of realizing that it is only me that is keeping the knowledge and information within me of what should and should not happen that is giving actual signals to my body of how it should now be or not and thus I am within the back chat/thoughts/feelings/emotions creating my experience as such instead of breathing and being here where I give not signals to my body based on the knowledge and information taught to me and thus the physical will show me what is real and what is not as that which is here.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that if I was never taught about the “need” for 8 hours sleep and how I will or will not experience myself that It simply would have never existed for me and never effected me and that I would then only have learned the truth of what is here and not what is based on knowledge and information but as the physical and what the physical is showing me what is already here and is always here and does not require knowledge and information to tell me how I should or should not experience myself. 

I commit myself to when and as I see myself looking at the clock/time to breathe and to not connect any mind ideas/beliefs/opinions about what the time means in relation to how I should/should not experience myself and to instead breathe and see what is here one and equal as the physical and to move and direct myself according to breathe and not time, yet to use time to give me direction and indication of functioning within the current system to remain practical yet not to connect any thoughts/emotion/feeling/back chat to the time.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself connecting any thoughts/feelings/emotions/ideas/beliefs/opinions/memories/back-chat to the time to stop and to breathe and to remain here as breathe and to use and see as the physical what is here as me as breathe in fact and to move and direct myself as such and to not be limited or enslaved as time yet to move time as me one and equal as the breath.

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