Day 18 - Rotten Child Syndrome. Rotten world.

I am about 4 years old, I am sitting at the dinner table, I do not want to finish my dinner, I do not like the food, one of my parents say, if you do not finish your dinner you will not get pudding, I slowly start eating more and I find I can not get it all in, I consider to be deceptive to hide the food, it does not work, I fear I will not get the reward of desert afterwards, even though my body can not take more food, I start complaining and making loud noises, my parents say OK leave it, go get your desert. I feel I have achieved something, I can have my desert and I am happy.

Self forgiveness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a family system to exist where the child must submit and manipulate to get his way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the family construct to exist where the child is trained to manipulate or deceive others to get his/her way through a reward system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a family system/construct to exist where the child has to be motivated by a reward system to do a specific task, realizing that this motive takes away all self responsibility with in a child to move themselves with integrity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the current rotten family system to exist with in me as the rotten child where I seek all point where I can and may only get a reward with in what I do for my own self interest with in surviving in this world, realizing that I will seek only to do what I feel will reward me and thus neglect earth and all other life forms that do not have the capacity to reward me and my self interest till it all is destroyed because I never cared to live by a principal based on integrity of self that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make money my motive to do things as it is a reward that I need to survive with in this world and thus I see and realized that this was trained into me as a child to only go after rewards instead of principal and integrity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a family system/construct where the parents have to reward the child to comply, instead of teaching the child real values and principals to live by through education and understanding.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a reward system taught by the parents to get the child to comply to the parents rules and regulations, instead of giving the child principals and integrity to live as that is based on common sense and what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blindly accept a reward system that comes from the family system with in the first 7 years of the Child's up bringing as normal and good, not seeing and realizing that the child is with in this learning to manipulate and deceive others to get what he wants as rewards as the child realized he/she can simply do the opposite of what was asked and a reward will be presented to get the child to stop.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a reward system as a solution to teach a child, not realizing that a child can and will learn through a reward system how to manipulate and deceive others in complete self interest to get what he/she want as it is easy through simply throwing s tantrum or being extremely nice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only be willing to do something in my life if there is a reward at the end of it only for me, as this is a result of a child that has been brought up with no set of principals that is best for all and thus resulted in a rotten child that has been spoiled rotten through a reward system creating a rotten world to the core as it exist today.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to enjoy a reward system as I realized as a child that the parents could simply be manipulated through my behavior. so I will get what I want as a reward from the parents, not realizing that through this I am creating a world with out principals and integrity that is best for all life and so i am the direct cause for a rotten world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the point of rewards with in the family system through manipulating and deceiving to get my way and so adjust it to fit into the world from my family outwards to be able to use the same skills I learned with in family to survive as the evil that exist with in the world and even greater evil to not loose but gain my rewards with in self interest.

I commit myself to bring to light the rotten child/adult syndrome through exposing myself as the end result and to thus reveal all as myself so that we may take self responsibility for ourselves and stop rotting away through being spoiled.

I commit myself to not reward a child simply because I want the child to finish his/her food, but to instead communicate directly about all points and why it is important for the child to eat the food, and if the child does not want to eat then it may be so, but to never go to the reward system point as this will give the window of opportunity to the child to learn ways to manipulate to get his way as rewards instead of learning integrity and principal.

I commit myself to breath and to be patient with in working with children and to not want to want instant results, as this would require a reward system to get the child to comply and thus the child will learn to use it against the parents to get more rewards and end up a spoiled rotten child. 

I commit myself to instead of teaching children how to manipulate and deceive through presenting a reward system, I will instead teach the child principals and common sense with integrity.

I commit myself to look for different ways of educating parents as myself to be able to bring up children with out having to use a reward system but to instead create self directive beings with principals to live by and stand by and that, that will be how they move themselves and thus no need for manipulation or deceit.

I commit myself to raise and educate children with principals and integrity so that a new world can be born from the rotten child syndrome.

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