Day 166 – Can you do this for ME!! - The Dishes

I forgive myself that when and as a Person asks me to wash their dishes for them to react within the Idea/belief that they are only taking advantage of me and my time.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when and as I react to when someone asks me to do THEIR dishes for them to react to the though of – seeing myself do dishes while the person who asked me sits somewhere else doing nothing” and to within this have the back chat of “why can you not do it yourself” and to then instead of breathing and realizing that I am reacting and thus it is a sign that I am existing as the mind as energy movement like a robot, instead of self movement and thus it is not about what the other person is asking me or what they are doing instead of!! It is about Who I am and what I accept and allow myself to be limited by and a slave to it and if I am going to accept and allow it or not – Thus I see and realize that as it is about WHO I AM and not the other person, that I must move myself, and as long as there is a energy movement within me to that moves me, to WILL myself to do the dishes for Myself to break the enslavement of energy movement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as someone else asks me to do dishes for them to Make it about them, not seeing and realizing that it is always about me and who I am that determines what I do, thus when and as I see that who I am is but a energy movement/reaction as the mind that only exist in self interest and limitation, to stop and breathe and to correct myself in and as breathe to do what is best for all life as Who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am asked to do the dishes to reflect my reaction onto another in the fear of doing something that I know is not within my pre-programming as a slave to the mind and that I will Change and that the change will be seen as weakness and that other will take advantage of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the real weakness is me reacting and not WILLING myself to do the dishes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that doing the dishes reveals a strength that is not of power or dominance or self interest – It is the strength of me Willing myself to do what is best for all life and set aside my self interest and ego and to be humble to another as I would in fact like them to be towards me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when and as I am asked to do the dishes for someone else to first want to know the reason WHY? And if the reason isnt valid in my opinion to act in spitefulness towards the other being as a way of gaining some weird sort of power/authority and diminishing the other person and to make them feel bad for asking me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize the evil within my actions towards my fellow beings through my words and deeds in self interest where I defend my own limitations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am asked to do dishes for someone else to be more concerned about what they are going to do instead of doing their own dishes and to feel that I ma being abused for it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am asked to do dishes for someone else to first check in my secret mind what else I could do in that time instead and if it is worth it or not, and to accordingly have a reaction that will not reflect what I secretly want to do instead but twist the whole point instead, just s that I do not have to feel guilty for saying NO in a mean way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the Character that comes out to play when and as I am asked to do dishes for someone else - comes from a stage/memory from a long time ago where I was a kid that had to do the dishes while mom and dad was just sitting around or watching T.V and I was left with no reason/understanding but simply a Order/duty forced upon me and left alone to have thoughts/feeling/emotions un watched and running wild, and as I grew older the memory became a living expression of the hidden thoughts/feelings/emotions I pondered on as a kid, and now I an automated reactive robot simply responding to a experience, with no self will or movement, and thus I see and realize that it is but a character and not real, I do not have to play this character, I can let it go and create myself a new, as that which is best for all life where I am life a self moving being with the will of Life one and equal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am asked to do the dishes for someone else – to react to my own back chat of “ but it is your dishes, you used it and did not wash it and now the burden is asked of me to do them, you are being selfish and lazy” – Not seeing and realize that my inner words are but revealing my own actions in the moment that I reflect upon another as to not to have to look as self and correct myself and take self responsibility for myself and stop all internal chattering and imagination and to focus on what is here as the physical as that which is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see and realize than when I am asked to do someone else dishes and there is/are NO thoughts/feelings/emotions as reactions that doing dishes will simply be an act of doing it.

I commit myself to when and as I am asked of another to do their dishes, to take a deep breathe before I say anything, and to be self honest with myself and ask myself a honest question, am I reacting? and to be strict with myself and DO the dishes if there is any energy movement within me, till I am clear and not moved by any energy – where I then rebirth myself as a self willed self moving being that can only move myself as LIFE as that which is best for all LIFE in all ways and nothing else can move me – and the dishes will get done.

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