I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
care about what others think about me within how I behave.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not see and realize that when and as I behave as Life (the physical) as that
which is Best for all life in all ways within self-honesty, that the mind and self-interest
will not exist and thus the self-consciousness about caring what others think
about me will also not exist, as I see and realize that only self-dishonest behaviors
and self-interest caring create consciousness and thus the caring about what
others think about me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not see and realize that when and as I care about what others are thinking
about me, that I am within self-interest and somewhere busy with the religion
of self and not living here as the physical one and equal moving and breathing
as the physical and not as a picture as a memory as a thought that is a
prisoner to consciousness and consciousness is a prisoner to all of consciousness’s.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
believe it is “important’ what others think about me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
make it more important what others think about me then caring about who I am.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
believe that what others think about me determines who I am seeing and
realizing that this is way to fucking complicated as it constantly changes with
any and all people, and thus isn’t reliable at ALL in any universe and only
bullshit, as who I am is what I determine and live breathe by breathe as myself
and not by input I get from the environment, as the input always changes, what
if there is no input, am I then suddenly no one lol.
I commit myself to when and as I see that I am within my
mind thinking and “caring” about what others are thinking about me, to stop and
to breathe and to bring myself back to physical breathe and physical movement
and to focus on caring about real thing that matter, that is physical and to
change and to re-direct my focus and attention to what is real and out of my
mind out of the illusions and mind fucks, as I see and realize that caring
about what others think about me all the time is most possibly the only reason I
have insecurities and fears of people and shyness and all that stuff, when it’s
not even real, all it takes is focusing the caring on real things and not on False
images and Ideas/opinions/believes all made up inside my head.
I commit myself to change what I care about that is only
within my mind as things only I know and can see to real things that is of
matter of the physical reality that we all share and to direct my focus out of
my mind and to reality.
I commit myself to I commit myself to free myself from the
prison in my mind that I have created for myself within misplacing my caring
within self-interest to and through placing my caring towards that which is
best for all life and to change my behavior from survival and protecting myself
from what others care and always wanting others to only think good about me to
me living as the physical as breathing and movement where I get back to reality
and to stop creating insecurities and fears and all these things that I
experience within myself only, that is proof it is self-created only, and to
focus on creating a reality that we all share and experience to a place that is
best for all instead.
your last SF statement made me laugh and is so true, as is all of this, I could really relate. thank you for sharing. :)