Temptation, I can't resist - Day 585

Thou shall not lead me into temptation is something that I have been looking at within my life. This temptation point is something that we all must consider in our lives in a MUCH deeper dimension.
Most of us think of temptation as something sinful, like I am led into temptation by another women and then I have sex with her and cheated on my partner – or I am at a party and my friend are using drugs and so I am led into temptation and I also took some drugs.

YET – we are missing the biggest picture of where temptation actually fucks us all over on a daily basis, and this temptation isn’t coming from someone else influencing us, anything that can temp us is a inherent temptation and thus we must deal with it, but how we are LIVING temptation on a daily basis is something hidden in plain sight. Let me explain.

Who you are is a Temptation within all its dimensions – are your LIFE or are you SYSTEM, system is what is HERE currently, that which we see all the time, the advertisements on billboards or TV or on the Radio is the Small temptations compared to the LIVING temptation as what we do that stems from who we are. the real temptation is US and our personal living that is shined onto the world.

a small example:

So Coca Cola advertises a Soda, it is tempting you, it is there on a board, you see it, you might even just see it indirectly, but it looks so good, the colors on the board, the words that create a good feeling, a positive feeling, It might say something like, Thirst quenching in the Summer with Friends and a person is holding up a coke bottle in his hands and drinking it while somehow smiling – you now MAKE the decision to sometime during your day, or even in a week to go and buy a coke, you Buy this coke and you now have it in your hands, you as a Person, a human being that is the reflection of all other humans beings as example regardless of what you think or believe of yourself, you are a Model in every breathe, you walk with this coke, you have identified yourself as a coke drinker, you walk with Pride with this coke in the streets, or at your home you have this coke in your fridge where your friends see this coke, or family, and to you it is all “normal” – but one thing isn’t considered, this is YOU leading everyone else into temptation that YOU have a personal responsibility to that lives with you, that sees you, that identifies with you, so you are now a person leading other into temptation – Because people are weak minded (it is evident all around us), their minds are not their own, they are influenced JUST like how you were/are and ME, and so the cycle of temptation keep on going in circles. And this is what keeps the system alive, moving, going, people buying and becoming tempted all the time by everything, especially if you see your fellow "responsible" humans doing it, is by “referral” and what I simply call temptation.

Take another example – when someone shares a video on a social network that is of Kittens, you are tempted, you must click on it, then you feel you must share it, so now you are deliberately tempting everyone else to also spend their time on this video, you are a cause in the chain of what people start seeing and believing as being important, worth it, spending time on, doing. It seems innocent. But isn’t that were the greatest evil can take its cover? Unnoticed, blanketed in something that seem to not have any effect on life? The small things, the detail – there is literally a saying that says, the devil is in the detail.

Once we see and realize that we are Temples of temptation that advertise our religions of ourselves and thus tempting others to live and do the same, we can really start considering everything we do and checking ourselves. This is not to judge a point, this is not to be positive or negative about what is here in this world, it is to become aware of when we do something, what are the consequential outflows of our actions that we are not considering at all, how are we Tempting and LEADING others into temptation, yes we all must be self-responsible, but then we must start living that and rather lead others into the temptation of becoming self-responsible, not keep doing what we have always done and justify our actions with, but they are responsible for themselves, we are NOT yet self-responsible, not to mention even responsible human beings, we are pre-programmed humans, copies that simply do what we see, and specifically what we have been programmed to do as children, of which we have NO memory or idea what is there inside of us.

For example, those that do follow my blogs and what I write, see how you have created already an Image, idea, placed me as a temptation within your mind towards a certain point in life, a representation in your own life ( I know this because I know I do the same), now let’s say I stop everything I am doing right now as standing up for life, walking openly my process with Desteni as a Destonian, exposing myself and what I do and walk, Standing for Equality for all life, common sense, practicality, self-forgiveness, what temptation would that create within everyone that has known me for years, that has read my blogs, seen my vlogs, my hangouts, what I share and stand for?
That everyone else can do the same, perhaps not now immediately with me, but in a year or two, those that stand with will be like, well Gian did it, so why not me. This example goes for those that “know” me. But you can take this to your own life and see it for yourself. I use this extreme example to show, that it happens all the time, we are led into temptation and we are LEADING others into temptation through every single action, word, thing we do in this world all the time, is it best for all life or NOT, OR is it mind based habits, patterns that direct us as our thoughts and feelings and emotions that is done within absolute dishonor towards LIFE and of inequality and only self-indulgence, which is in short ignorance and thus tempting EVERYONE else to do the same.
Take a look at the word temptation and the implications it has in a literal sense on your direct and indirect reality, and we will see the cause of our problems much more. In everything you DO. Lets rather TEMPT the world to be that which is best for all life, for equality, for real change, and this must start with ourselves, we can tempt those around us to want to JOIN equality, self forgiveness, to want to remove brainwashing and mind-control, to become CO-Creators of life and to rebirth ourselves as LIFE. till we are all FREE and temptation can not effect anyone as we all will stand as Creators, equals, full self-responsibility in awareness of LIFE.

and just to clarify, this is about taking it BACK to SELF, not to BLAME anything or anyone, that's actually tempting others to then do the same and so no one ever stands up and we all just blame and become lame.

buying plastic bags
supporting big corporations instead of local Markets/people
indulging in entertainment
Playing games a Lot
watching TV a lot
sitting and doing nothing a lot
only focusing on personal relationships
mind on sex all the time
stress about survival
throwing rubbish out the car window
neglecting pets
indulging in pets
being stupid
joking all the time
writing blogs on world problems and solutions
making vlogs on world problems and solutions
what you share on social networks
where you like things all over the internet,
where you spend most of your time
the cloths you wear
how you wear your cloths
the face you pull mostly
the words you speak
the behaviors you have
the patterns you live daily

I can write down everything in existence here, literally, the question must always be, is it best for all LIFE, is it practical, is it self-honest (to develop self-honesty one must apply a LOT of self-forgiveness on all points) can your LIFE style be lived by every single human being on earth and what will the outcome of earth be then?

Thou Shall not lead me into temptation = the MIND shall not lead me into temptation to LIVE out the mind and self-interest as the mind is MY tool and not ME, I will stand and BE the directive principle and the Authority of ME, thus I WILL myself to be AWARE of me and what is HERE within all dimensions to stand as the solution one and equal to the problem that is here, and live it in each breathe.

Investigate desteni.org - free yourself from all temptations through taking self-responsibility as a co-creator of life.

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