Blank mind- Day 6 of 21 – Day 591

Today is a short blog. Yet a very relevant one, as I have encountered this point many times, and it is part of the process. Hitting a blank.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go blank in the moment of sitting down to write.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the moment of going blank within me on what to write about as meaning “there must be nothing then” – yet within self-honesty I know I am not yet standing one and equal as all life and have dealt with every point within me, not am I aware as all LIFE yet, and thus I am still mind enslaved as consciousness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the blank mind thought that the mind is throwing at me as to prevent me from forgiving myself for what is here.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize in the moment that when I have a blank thought that it is still a very obvious indication that I am not the authority of me yet as the mind is able to shut me down from seeing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I have a Blank thought like the idea of not having anything to write about and to jut use it as an excuse to sit and do nothing, or to just indulge within self-interest as there is nothing right now to write on or apply self-forgiveness on.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give the thought of the idea attention to NOT write today as my thoughts are blank and wanting to be led into that temptation of just being directed and remaining a slave to the mind and how I feel.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ALMOST live the regret of not writing and to make it okay again and to just go with it, within the justification of “Oh well, it is just for tonight” and so knowing how this usually works, it will then snowball effect and I will end up using this excuse over and over as I know I am getting away with it, as I know no one else can say anything different from me not taking self-responsibility for myself and that it will only effect and harm me so no harm done, and thus not considering reality and how things work in fact as we are all inter connected and in fact effect everything in existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ALMOST give into the temptation of the mind as accepting and allowing myself to empower my least potential and to become okay with that and to then always live within that least potential as my own burden I will carry and thus it is “okay” – not seeing and realizing that the burdens I place and carry on me effects EVERYTHING I do in and during my day, and thus my reality, even when I think it will not and thus the consequences is always long term, and where later in life I will ask, but how did my life and all life on earth come to this, this fucked up point that isn’t best for all life. Yet I am responsible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create every excuse and justification available in the book to NOT write and YET will never do the same for writing, for supporting myself and assisting myself and taking self-responsibility and birthing myself as LIFE and what is best for all life, and thus this brings the question to – what the fuck is going on that for that which does NOT support all life as myself is always placed last and will never be fought for, yet for abuse and the lesser we can come up with every single excuse and justification in the universe to why it is that way and must be that way and why it must never change = we are fucked.

1 comment:

  1. something that has helped me, that may help you is that when I have a great revelation or a great idea that I can blog about, I write it down in a list.


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