A song to go with this post from the band called, falling in reverse
Pointers on falling in process
Your falling within yourself/process does not happen from within only, outside factors within this entire existence can and will trigger your falling.
If you fall, you know it already existed within you.
Falling can be in the smallest points all the way to the biggest.
Your falling does not only effect you, yet it is your self responsibility.
When falling, fall in reverse to change, not to blame and victimize. Forgive, change
Falling in your process isn't just an inside job, it effects reality, people.
Falling can happen in a single moment to being something that is happening very slowly over time.
When we fall, we will not be able to think straight, it is the point of falling, it brings out what already exist within oneself, thus the falling is to bring it all out. Try and focus as much as you can on simply breathing, slowing down, till you can write.
Falling isn't meant to be nice, it isn't meant to look, feel, or be nice, it is falling, there will be pain, hurt, shame, regrets, spite, and all the evil of self that will come out, you might not even be fully aware of what it all is till it comes up, breathe.
Falling will also bring out the falling points of others, thus compounding the point one is falling within to really bring the points out so one can face self, so remember to not make it about others, even when others are also falling because of your falling and it is effecting each other, all will be exposed in the Who am I point, we are all interconnected and equally responsible, thus to change is to not focus on eachothers falling, it is to focus on self to stand and the other doing the same.
Falling also exposes our strong points, points we have stood within and corrected already.
Falling is to shred all that can be shredded away so that only what is real remains, so that self can stand up and walk with what is real and not the illusion/delusions of self and reality. Those that stand and show themselves within this process, walking openly, will fall the hardest and receive the most backlash, those who do not will fall in secret and much less pressure will be on them for falling. Thus recognise your position and location and do not take it personal when falling and how others respond, it is about you, you standing up, with a new you here, one that is even stronger, more standing, clearer.
To the extent that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to exist within the mind will be the extent of the fall. thus always showing the importance of writing/self-forgivness, so that when we do fall, we do not fall into the mind only and lose ourselves and become possessed. which can lead to self harm and harming others.
What I like about falling within myself, my process is, it shows me everything of me. I obviously do not like it while it happens, as it is falling. Bernard said, if you fall, know it already exited within you.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge falling.
Falling will happen to everyone, and it will happen for most in the most unusual ways so do not judge, compare, or try and hide and run away from the one falling, that is self also falling, ways we did not and could not expect. This is how falling is real, just like walking and tripping over something and then we are shown how we were/are not here in the first place, or some parts of ourselves that we still missed, or that we simply blatantly walked in ignorance/justifications, and that tripping and falling now through pain, through reality being shown to you gives you a moment to correct yourself, to stand up and change. To also stop any and all fear.
Yet, if we keep on tripping and falling, at some point it becomes greater, the tripping and falling scenario becomes bigger, especially if we walk our daily lives in awareness of points within ourselves and our reality that needs to change and yet we do not, it all accumulates to a FALL/FALLING, because we must wake up, or if we are awake, we must change and stop postponing.
Falling also becomes greater if one is standing as a certain point within their reality and that point of responsibility isn't lived fully, as it must come back to self, as within so without, to give the equal consequence for one to see and learn and preferably stand up and not give up. To start living what one sees, to not fear, to not hold back, to shed the voices of self as others from ones mind, to let go of the constructs we place within ourselves of what is right and what is wrong, who is more and who is less, all these things in our selves must end to truly stand and express fearlessly.
If we do not, we will only live in fear, falling will heighten what exist within self, and we will have two choices, crawl into a corner of the mind, fall and give up, get possessed and become a mind demon, or stand up and shed it all, self forgive all the nasty shit we have accepted and allowed that has only caused harm to ourselves and others, forgive and walk forward self-responsible, learn from the fall, fall in reverse.
Let your falling become your standing. do not be afraid to fall, do not feel that there is humiliation in falling, it only makes the falling wore, do not care about what others think about your falling, it will only make the falling less effective and be a response to change for others, not self, thus also exposing self is in a consistent state of victimization and blame when our change is tied to others, we are holding them responsible (or prisoner) when we are the only ones.
Falling and standing can happen in seconds, a whole day, a month, a year, do not rush the standing, fall, stand up and walk out of the falling to see all the points, to know they self, forgive self, change.