Choices, Justifications and Fear. Can I express myself Truly

I forgive myself for wanting to justify myself in my self-expression.

I forgive myself for always binding my self-expression to others, to reasons and justifications of why and what and how I want to do things, knowing that like a child I simply want to express, I yet do not have the words to justify myself, and I should not regardless, all I do know is I must express myself. 

I forgive myself for BINDING everything I want to do or am doing to others, and so create blame and anger towards others as not agreeing with me, not giving me space, not allowing me to make certain choices.

I forgive myself for denying myself my self-expression, the choices I want to make but am not as I can not find reasons to why I want to specifically make certain decisions and live in the expectation that I must be able to explain myself before I can make any decisions and so never make real decisions, decisions that support me in my expression and self-realization. 

I forgive myself for FEARING that if I can not in detail give good reasons as justifications to why I want to make certain decisions that I know I want to express, yet not knowing how or why, that I will hurt others and disappoint others in my decisions, as I bind my decisions totally and completely to others as being a slave for others, and so not express me, not live me foolishly and letting go of fear and justification, yet always living within principle to live what is best for all, and what is best for all is to not live in fear and justification. 

I forgive myself that I have made my mind SOO BUSY with back chat and inner battles of my own voices through conjuring up reasons as justification to present to others as why I want to and have made certain decisions in my life, when the fact is I have NO reasons for decisions I have made or want to make, it is here and the points are here, I express me. 

I forgive myself for judging myself for having choices/decisions within me that I can not explain, they are here and I know I must live them, I must go with it, and as long as I do not I am basically killing myself slowly but surely, as I am living in fear and justification and not as breathe as me as expression which is self-dishonest and so dishonest to all those around me. 

I forgive myself that I have placed a morality on what I can express, live, and what I can not base on how I have built reasons and justifications in my mind bound to others and their possible moralities, fears or ways and choices, and so fear to make my own choices and disrupting others choices. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not set myself free within this process through owning up to choices I want to make and to follow through with them and express me, as I see I have actually directive power in moving and directing myself in choices within expression and NO power in living in justification and fear, and thus as long as I hold myself back in fear and justification I will always remain powerless, even within my own expression as who I am here one and equal. 

I forgive myself for  not giving myself the space to make choices within self-expression

I forgive myself for not giving myself my authority to simply make a choice and stick to it without justification or it being bound to someone or something else and owning up to my choice and living fearless, blameless, back chat free. 

I forgive myself that I have a NOT accepted and allowed myself to SEE and realize that I still see a lot in this world from a retrospect position, and there is nothing wrong withing making simple choices without reason as justifications and fear guiding my decisions, but rather me as my expression as what is best for all within self-realization.

I forgive myself for hoarding and collecting and spinning tons and tons of knowledge and information around in my mind as my back chat trying to build up stories and reasons and justification to why I have a choice within me and wanting to live that choice, as to first have this CASE that I can present to the court as to get a jury on my side to agree if I can be free or be sentenced to life in prison, instead of simply standing within a choice I have and living it, and even if people want reasons and answers and justifications, to not give into fear and justification but to rather stand by expression and sharing my expression in doing so. 

I forgive myself for not moving myself as self-expression within what I stand within as what is best for all, and so move myself accordingly within what is here as my self-expression as what is best for me, as that is best for all, me at my best, and so move me, not bound to others as justification or fear. 

I forgive myself for holding myself back through not having any justifications or fear of the choices I make or want to make, but rather give into the fears of what others will think and so go into hyper mode of looking for justifications to ease their minds and get them to agree, which never works and will not work and is robbing all from realizing their own points by playing a mind games. 

The End 

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