Day 485 - The Desteni Language

The Desteni Language, is it different, yes, is it weird, NO – first understand the definition of language and investigate the word language a bit deeper, see that it is everywhere in all things, it’s even how our DNA can do what they do, for the Human it is everything.

So welcome to the Desteni Language.

Definition: Language
1. The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.
"a study of the way children learn language"
• Any nonverbal method of expression or communication.
"A language of gesture and facial expression"
synonyms: speech, writing, communication, conversation, speaking, talking, talk, discourse; More
words, vocabulary
"the structure of language"
2. The system of communication used by a particular community or country.
"the book was translated into twenty-five languages"

Now, onto my explanation to make sense of it all. The following explanation came from my own realizations and obviously in my line of work meeting very interesting people giving me new perspectives/words and opening up my world bit by bit.

Language – most of us, if not all, including myself have been taught that a different language is a language that “ONLY” comes from another country or a different region in one’s own country where one can listen and not make out anything the other person is saying because the other person from another country or region in one’s own country is speaking NOT the same language as you. This is the Idea that comes from most people.

As we can see in the definition of language, it comes down to vocabulary. What this means is that there can be two English speaking people in the same room, the one is a salesmen, the other is a doctor, both of them speak English yet a different language, as both of them has been trained in the same language (English) for many many years just with different vocabulary, so if the doctor starts speaking to the salesmen about his day, and the operations he did and the patients he had to deal with and their diseases, then the sales men will literally have no clue what the doctor is talking about, yet if the salesmen starts talking to the doctor about what he does and how he is selling things, the doctor on the other hand will understand what the salesmen is talking about. Why? Because the doctor has that vocabulary and can thus understand the salesmen. The difference is, the doctor studied for many years the Vocabulary that the majority of society do not study, or have to know about (which is different vocabulary in English) plus he already had the basic vocabulary of English and learned from society how to use/speak the English (thus has a WAY bigger vocabulary), while the salesmen also started with the basic English vocabulary did not have to study many years to sell things, although he did have to learn new vocabulary to fit his sales, it isn’t nessasarely that much different and still falls in the line of basic English.

Now let’s go one step further – The doctor and the salesmen both have the same basic vocabulary that they both learned through the normal schooling system, the one (doctor) went on to study different vocabulary that is specific to a doctor, and this doctor now has also changed his life after many years of learning new vocabulary – as vocabulary/words directly influence how we think and thus what we do and pattern ourselves with as the person/character we become, thus the doctor will now start hanging out with doctors and he will most likely enjoy being with doctors more as they can all relate to one another and have the same way/manner in which they speak, and have doctor jokes and spots to hang out, and the same goes for the salesmen. The difference is the doctor is kind of now living a doctor vocabulary, because he deals with it every day of his life as it is his living, his living depends on his vocabulary, and the same for the salesmen.

Now we have thousands of different professions in this world, where each profession has a different set of word/vocabulary that is required to be known and lived to really be effective and to really be a professional in your profession, even if all these professions are in the same Language as English, they are each their own language in vocabulary and how the vocabulary is structured to form sentences as well, to make it possible for that profession to exist to communicate to move the points and to do what is required to do.

I for example: I know nothing about mechanics, so will I buy a magazine that is called mechanics? NO, because I will start reading it and then not know what I am reading, BUT if I am interested, I will start learning the vocabulary so I can read about it and then I can start applying myself, express myself to do it.

So, when you look now at Desteni, it is simply a new language in terms of a new structure where new sets of vocabulary is used – and it is still English, but you can go and translate it into any language and you will find it is still the vocabulary and the structure that is different for it to be that which Desteni is all about, where this Desteni Language is the language of LIFE – it didn’t just come about overnight, it didn’t just come about through a mysterious unknown development, it came about through development in what Detseni do and stand for, years of research and hard work and really investigating things in this world and within ourselves, and to really truly express it all we had to develop a new vocabulary and how we structure it in our expressions, just like a doctor who needs to know his doctor language/vocabulary to do what he needs to do to save patients and help people, the same for Destonians.

If a person finds the Desteni Language weird or different then you should know that such a person will find any other language or new set of vocabulary they are introduced to weird, and that it has nothing to do with Desteni, it has everything to do with the person and that they are not serious, you know, like me picking up a book about mechanics, a lot of people enroll to become doctors, how many make it? Not all of them, because some finds the language/vocabulary too difficult to learn/comprehend and then suddenly such a person will now be against doctors or downgrade the profession, saying things like: they didn’t really want to become a doctor, that to become a doctor one must have no life to learn those words/things etc., I had a better plan for myself, but such a person will never admit that the problem lies with self, and get everyone around them on their side as far as possible just so that they do not have to admit they didn’t make it, it was the teachers fault, the teacher didn’t teach me right, the university is going backwards.

So understand the Language point, the vocabulary – try and have one thought without using vocabulary/words and see language in all its forms, not just the different sounds, but how deep it really goes.

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