I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I wake up to think about the Day already and to within this create an emotional experience that I connect to the day ahead based on the previous day, realizing that I am within this re-creating the past in the present and the future which includes all the past memories/experiences and thoughts and feelings/emotions and thus I am only living in the past.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wake up in the past through allowing the first thing I do in the morning to be a rush of thoughts, instead of breathing and being here, where I decide ine ach breath the moment within what is best for all life, where no thoughts feelings or emotions is needed – that only compromise and sabotage my day and my experience of myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assassinate my day with a thought in the morning instead of breathing and remaining here as self movement.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that I need to have a thought in the morning that creates and energetic experience either as a emotion/negative or a feeling/positive to motivate me to move and get things done that will only lead to more and more feelings/emotions building up as the thoughts accumulate and the back chat is loud.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I wake to think about my next move instead of simply breathing and moving.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think when I wake up about the amount of sleep I got in, and to within this accepting and allowing “thought” I accept and allow all thoughts within me and that they may be here, instead of breathe.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I wake up in a certain experience of myself due to a dream I had to give into the experience and to think about it and to wake and walk within and as this experience, realizing that if I do not take self responsibility for and as the experience through breathing through it and to stabilize myself as breathe I have already decided my whole day as the experience of myself in that one moment.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that ONE thought in the morning will determine my entire day if I do not take self responsibility for the thought as Breath and to stop, as the one thought is like a switch that activates the whole mind consciousness system within me and that over takes the body as energy and that directs my whole day when accepted and allowed as automated, instead of me breathing and taking back me here as the breathe so that I direct my day and who I am and what I do in each breathe as that which is best for all life in all ways within self movement and not as a robot that just got a Mission (thought) programmed into him to act/move/direct a certain way according to how it/I feel.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blindly accept the thoughts that I have in the morning and to see them as harmless and that it will pass once I am more awake and into my day, realizing that this is exactly the though pattern that creates the rest of my day, as I participate within my day seeing and hoping that everything will pass later on and I will get through the day in time by itself, and thus I have the belief/idea that I do not have to take self responsibility because it will pass eventually, yet it does not it is actually creating my day and how I experience my day and most of the time it is always the same as the day before, realizing that this is so because of the same pattern/thoughts I accept and allow in the morning, instead of breathing.
I commit myself to when and as I wake up to Breathe through and thoughts/feelings/emotions that is here till I am stable and that I am moving me as breathe in self awareness.
I commit myself to when and as I wake up to not jump out of bed or to crawl out of bed according to how I feel, but to instead – open my eyes and take a deep breath and to keep breathing and from and as the breath to move myself in awareness here as the physical as me the body in full awareness that I am creating my day as how I experience myself and what I accept and allow.
I commit myself to when I wake up to first breathe and to when and as I see any thoughts/memories/projections/beliefs/ideas about the day coming up to forgive myself and to not accept and allow any of those to influence me and my breath where I ma in the eye of the storm in silence and darkness with myself and to Life that which is best for all life as me as the director creating it and to not repeat day after day the same day.