Day 147 – Living Commitments – Day 18 of 21 - False Image and Likeness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get angry when I find it hard to breathe through experiences or to stop thoughts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as a thought come up within me, to judge myself for having a thought.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as being un-able to stop a small insignificant thing such as a thought.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the thought as bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form a certain opinion about the thought that come up within me, connecting a negative or positive energy to the thought.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Judge the thought that comes up within me, either as negative or positive - dependant on the opinion I have given it, and to then accordingly punish myself for having the thought through having back chat within myself about the thought.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a conversation with myself after I have/had a thought coming up within me only provoking more thoughts and irrational thoughts through the fear of having thoughts, as I have judged thoughts as being something to fear as they may be dirty or ugly or disgusting and as the thoughts that come up within me does not always fit the Iage and idea I have about myself and thus when and as thoughts come up within me which I do not know what they will be, I fear what they will be, because I know what exist within me and the thoughts will only show me to me as what I accept and allow to exist within me and this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the thoughts within me as I know they are within me and only me, as they are my thoughts, knowing that they are always evil and not what is best for all life, knowing that they can still come up within me because they are the parts I hide of me from others in secret in my mind, and that the image and likeness I present to the world is threatened by the thoughts that come up within me as it will expose that who I give myself forth to be isnt who I am in secret.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that the thoughts that come up within me, I can only fear them as long as I have a certain belief about myself, and that the thoughts which is evil will expose and show to me that the belief I have of myself is a Lie and that the thoughts is also a lie and that my whole life has been a lie and that I must n fact re-birth all of me as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to present a certain image to people around me of me being a perfect person while I have evil thoughts that come to me in sudden un-predictable moments and that I will only react to the thoughts if I have false I am of myself that is threatened by the thoughts as it will expose me for who I truly am as the evil in this world.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to be completely self honest with myself about who I am and what exist within me, and that I have hidden who I am and in return presented an image and likeness to the world that is the opposite of that which i hide, thus making it obvious what I am hiding.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the reason I react to the thoughts coming up within me is because I have suppressed the thoughts and HID them away from others in secret, and every time the thought pops up I go into fear and anxiety and stress about it as I fear the thoughts will be exposed and ALL of the world will know who I am in my dirty mind while I give forth a complete false image of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that as long as I have something to hide I will always be subject to what I hide, and live in complete limitation as the fear/anxiety/stress that I create for myself in the attempt to always hide the secret mind, instead of realizing that I must take self responsibility for me and only means what I accept and allow within the space within myself and to stop all abuse and to forgive myself and not hide and bottle it all up, as I can see that the self hatred/frustration/anger is growing as I keep suppressing and only building up the hate more and more towards myself and never breathing but only constantly grabbing thoughts in fear of them being exposed and squeezing them into a bottle (me) and putting a lid on them as if they do not exist.

To be continued.

Day 146 – Living Commitments – Day 17 of 21 Thought are NOT real!!

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that thoughts are not real as the physical shows that when I am thirsty, there is no need for any thought to motivate me to go and drink – it is a simple physical movements of self that will take me to some place where I can drink, and thus through this physical fact of the body needs water, I will in my need for water find Physical ways to get water for myself as a means of being practical in and as the physical and that doing this has no need for any thought, and thus I will through this basic need learn, in and as the physical to be expressive such as finding physical ways to transport water or get water to my home where I can drink water when I am thirsty and that if I have a family to provide with water that I will find Physical practical ways to get water to my family/community as it is a fact of life and a basic need for ALL, and that I do not decide this for anyone through the mind as thoughts/thinking/feelings/emotions as it is already decided though and as the physical that all need water, thus I realize thoughts are only created through past memories as experiences that I had in relation to such a physical fact as needing water and where there was no water to drink and the body responded to the thirst and I created a memory of such event that I made an experience of and thus connected emotions such as fear of not getting water and dying of thirst, and through this I have now instead of moving myself as breathe as the physical to remain practical in getting water to drink, I have now within this fear, started to move myself to get water which is a experience based motivation as an emotional experience (negative) which leads to me becoming “irrational” in finding water and storing water only for myself and keeping water that is here for all equally only for myself and away from the animals/plants/fish and other humans in the fear of being thirsty and dying of thirst, seeing and realizing that this is how people within the current money system have been motivated through physical events that occured in their lives that led to memory creation that had certain emotional experiences attached to them. and these emotions became the motivation points of moving self in fear and thus manifesting and creating that which you fear as we can see the available drinking watr in the world is becoming less and less and thus some have and some do not because thoughts were followed instead of Physical practical points one and equal as all that is here where all equally need water and that no thought needs to decide that as it is a fact. Really simple.

Thus it is best for all LIFE if all have fresh drinking water – and no man has to decide this, everyone one arth can do the simple basic math that all need water and then through the math you will see how we are supposed to live so that all have water equally which means changing the whole monetary system that is existence here currently and the way we are living and WHO we are as Beings need to change in fact, so that all can have water.

And thus we have created a Website Equal that is where we are doing the math that is here – it isn’t math we are making up, it is math evident in LIFE as how all LIFE must function together as one living being to function effectively and not have consequences of abuse and destruction and creating hell on earth for all. And on the equal money system forums/Wiki we are applying the math and seeing what and how we can correct it all with what is here currently as a starter (capitalism) and then once equal money system is in place on how we can Effectively in ALL areas of LIFE apply the math of life so that we can live in oneness and equality as LIFE where we live in such a way that live on earth can continue for eternity – only once the math is applied correctly can life continue for eternity and that will be able to be seen in the math and if the math is correct or not.

Thus we must return to breathe and to this one Dimension we ALL share all the time as EARTH and to focus on this one dimension that we all can in fact confirm is here and that is real as we all can touch it and see it, and smell it and hear it, and where we all share the same breathe.

Time to return to breathe of LIFE.

To be continued with Self Forgiveness.

Day 145 – Living Commitments – Day 16 of 21 – The trick.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the trick is to breathe when And as I am within a certain a experience that I believe I cannot get out of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that the trick is to Breathe and to be consistent with breathe, realizing that when and as I “forget” to breathe in awareness I give way for the mind to play and “mind control” me as I am not as the breathe here physically moving and directing myself, but being directed by the mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions that lead to me creating experiences that I trap myself within.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that when and as I breathe in awareness IN and OUT as Me as the Physical that the breathe Fills up the space within me and that there is then no Space for the mind as Thoughts/feelings/emotions and thus I am here in awareness instead of in a state of Mind control where I give Thoughts/feelings/emotions the space within me as “entities” to take me as the Flesh/Body and control me for its self interest/purposes and thus leaving me with the experiences as the after math where I am trapped within unless I breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted And allowed myself to to not see and realize that all experiences is created by me through my acceptances and allowances within me and what I participate within, like giving a demon (energy) permission to take the body and fuck around and to belief that it is me, yet who I am is the Flesh/Body one and equal as all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall for the trap of believing that anything of the mind is me, when in fact the real actual evidence as my breath always show me that I am here as the physical, rendering all inner experiences False and a lie to myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to be an automated machine that simple go into thought/feelings/emotions without any question and to belief they are real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I am programmed from childhood that thoughts/feelings/emotions are normal through the observations I made of those that has gone before me, and that I was never educated on what they are and how they are created and where they come from, but to simple accept and allow the input as an organic robot, seeing and realizing that when and as I breathe I give me back to myself here as the breathe as the flesh as Who I am and to stop being a brainwashed mind controlled robot and to actually start living in consideration of LIFE as that which is best for all Life as the physical as the one dimension we all share in fact and can be validated by all on earth as being here in fact.

I commit myself to show that when and as one Breathe in awareness IN and Out that thought isn’t possible and that thinking becomes a struggle as the mind isn’t granted space within self to take control of self and to move the flesh around like a zombie dependent on the input of thoughts/feeling/emotions.

I commit myself to Practice Breath in awareness till I am the breathe as LIFE one and equal as the physical as that which is best for all life.

I commit myself to show that Breathing in Living and that living is possible without he mind as everything learned actually happens on a physical level and not the mind, as the mind is but a storeAGE place for everything undirected within the human as a outflow of a lack of proper education on what Life is.

Day 144 – Living Commitments – Day 15 of 21 – Drowning in experiences continued 2.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that any and all experiences WITHIN me is me lying to myself, no matter what the experie4nce is, as the truth is here as the physical and thus anything else that is going on inside me is not the truth and thus a LIE.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that ALL experiences within me is a lie as the experience is always different from reality as the truth as that which is here.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to live as the truth as BREATH as that which is in fact keeping me alive and breathing and that any and all experiences within me that does NOT keep me alive in fact is thus me lying to myself as ay and all experiences within me had NO relevance to life at all within that which in fact gives life and sustains life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall for the LIE of the mind and all experiences within and as me, drowning myself in the LIES – as the Lies always only take me away from the truth as the physical and keep me distracted in the mind/lie where I drown myself in the thoughts/experiences believing that it must be life, yet the physical proof is that Breathe/breathing is life as that is what is keeping me alive and giving me life, and not any experience.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see the obvious that everything within the mind is a LIE trying to repeat itself everyday as thoughts/feelings/emotions trying to be real – not seeing and realizing that within participating in any internal reality as the LIE am denying the truth as that which is here in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that experiences is that which keep me alive – not seeing the obvious that at death Breathe shows the truth as the breath leaves the body and the body dies and not an experience, as the experience only generates a temporary experience in the hope to be real, while the breath is real all ways as life, thus it is to rebirth myself as the breath as that which is real as LIFE through stopping the participation in the LIE/Mind and to live in the truth/physical as LIFE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that the LIE in its obvious way of existence is the truth while the actual truth is that which is in fact always here as the physical has been judged and neglected as a LIE as this is exactly what corporations want people to think so that people can become perfect consumer zombies always seeking an energetic fulfillment through products/entertainment etc.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself in thoughts/feelings/emotions to remind myself that I am participating in a lie, in a reality separate from the reality here as the physical as the truth of Who I Am as Life, and to within this realize that I am not my internal experiences or thoughts and to instead breathe and bring myself back to reality.

I commit myself to show that The mind is a lie, as the mind is constantly in multi alternate realities created through past experiences/memories while there is ONE reality here that we all share and can confirm to be here in fact as our very breathe, and that the physical reality is the truth as Who I/We are.

I commit myself to show that all experiences is temporary as it is energy based and not real, but a lie to myself in contradiction to what is actually in fact here as reality as the physical and that as long as all humans participate in the LIE as the Mind as Multi alternate realities we will never be able to to solve the problems on earth as all humans as in fact only zombies walking in the flesh while their minds is somewhere else and consuming the flesh to fulfill the experiences they desire/want in their lies/mind that ends up destroying the earth and only causing harm and destruction as no one can see what we are doing to this ONE reality we all share as the truth because they are consumed as the consumers they are by alternate realities in their mind, blinded with lies from the truth that is right here as the very breathe I/we breathe and share.

Day 143 – Living Commitments – Day 15 of 21 – Drowning in experience Continued.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that what I experience is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that what I experience must be real within justifying it through the back chat if “Well I am experiencing this feeling/emotion therefore it must probably be real” – not seeing and realizing that in that moment the back chat is making it seem real and thus I experience it as real where it has physical outflows in my day where I physically participate according to the experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the back chat of “Well I am experiencing this Feeling/emotion therefore it must be real” to exist within and as me as a justification for why I am creating the experience as real.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that what I experience within me as energy from the mind created through participating in thoughts and back chat is only an energetic experience within me that took physical energy from my body as the real energy and turned it into illusionary energy that I then belief must have some purpose/reason and thus I must follow the experience – not seeing and realizing the obvious that I created it with the reason/purpose in it through my back chat and thoughts I had and thus it isn’t special or meaning anything in fact, I created it so from illusions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create experiences for myself through participating within the mind as thoughts and back chat and to then “forget: how I created it with the thoughts and back chat and to after forgetting follow the experience as if it came from somewhere else and that it must mean something, only to find out in the end that I created it after the consequences has played out.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to value experience either good or bad above the physical reality as that which is real and valid, not seeing and realizing that when I valid something that isn’t real but only within the mind as illusions and energy and I attempt to follow and participate within it, in the physical and manifesting and illusion within that which is real I have no idea what I am doing and what the actual consequential outflows will be of my actions, as the world is the example/result of these every actions being applied everyday by all humans.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that it is impossible to stop energetic experiences within me through breathing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that I am subject to the experiences I have within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only always give into energetic experiences I have within me and to never give myself the chance of breathing through them instead and to free myself from the chains of the experience so that I Breathe freely where I am not directed by energy but instead direct myself as self will/movement as life as that which is best for all life in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react and fear all experiences I have within me – within the reaction being of “oh no not this experience again” – not seeing and realizing that within that I have already allowed the experience to direct and control me, instead of breathing and not giving any space for any energetic movement within me as I occupy all of me as myself as breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move through live without nay integrity and self will accepting and allowing everything to influence me and to make me experience something to what I am them enslaved to and limited to as the experience and thus only giving myself the option of following experiences and never living life as myself as life as that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to walk around without any direction in my life, within the fear of life and thus only allowing everything around me to direct me instead of me Breathing and being here as WHO I decide I am in each breath so that I stand as life and cannot be moved by any outside forces through my permission, as my permission is already me giving myself permission to stand as Life and to always life that which is best for all life with no alternatives.

To be continued

Day 142 – Living Commitments – Day 14 of 21 – Drowing in experiences.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I a emotional to belief that the emotion is permanent till it go away by itself in time, not realizing that I can instead BREATHE and not participate within the emotional experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from what I experience as something happening to me, not seeing and realizing that I am the creator of the experience as I am experiencing it only within myself, thus I can stop it, realizing the tool of breathing is how I earth myself HERE with what is real as the physical and not internal experiences of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am within an energetic experience where I feel like I just can not stop the experience, to not test it for myself physically and breathe and to not even consider breathing as I am in fear of the experience I am having which only creates the experience more, thus seeing and realizing that when and as I am within an energetic experience to slow down and to stop all judgment of the experience and to breathe instead of giving into the experience as being real. As breath will proof what is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to when and as I am filed with fear to belief that the fear will always be here in these scenarios, realizing that in that moment I am already creating and manifesting all future scenarios within the already expected experience of fear, instead of Breathing and re – programming myself in BREATHE – realizing that my bodies cells renew every three seconds, and thus I have every three seconds to renew myself in each breath as my entire body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within the understanding that my body at a cellular level is basically new everyday and yet I keep on copying and creating the old over and over onto the new as it is set in stone, which is a lie as the body clearly shows the cells die and renew every few seconds and thus isnt set in stone, and thus re-programming self IN breathe as life as the physical is possible in each breath on what I decide Who I am.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that the physical evidence is here as the flesh/body and the breathe that the past is constantly re-created by me and my participation within each and every thought I have onto the new, instead of giving myself self forgiveness in each breathe where I am walking new in each breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that everyday and all the experiences I have everyday will simply be here and the same till I die, not seeing and realizing that within that belief I have already created every single day I might still be alive to be so, as I have accepted and allowed it as my entire beingness to be so and thus not doing anything real to change it as Who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I decide who I am in each breathe through what I accept and allow.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief it is impossible to change something that I have been living for almost all my life, such as fear/anxiety/stress within certain situations and that because it has always been like that it must always continue like that – typical sheep programming.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to drown myself in the past within the belief that everything from the past must always be the same again in the future and thus always living in a gloomy amnious way of life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT breathe and instead to give into memories of the past and project them into the future as already set in stone things that will happen and how I have to already experience myself when those things happen, realizing that I am deliberately already creating it as such, not giving myself the opportunity to instead breathe and be here in a new moment of change and re-birth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Fear that tomorrow will just be the same as yesterday, and that I will just have all the same thoughts again, where I can not stop them, and where I will have the same reaction again towards the same situations again and that I will do this and that the same again and my day will end the same way again, not seeing and realizing that I am within participating in thoughts/memories and future projections of those things creating it in my whole beingness, and within this LIMIT myself and trap myself in a life of habit and patterns that isnt best for all Life and only in support of the mind enslavement.

To be Continued.

Day 141 – Living Commitments – Day 13 of 21 – commenting faster than breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I am commenting to rush the commenting in the fear of missing the reactive response I have in my mind that I wnat to place, not seeing and realizing that the comment is based on a reaction in the first place and thus it is based on self interest as the ego and not within common sense as that which is best for all life, which is done within breathe and consideration of all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to peoples comments and their words of abuse and self interest as the ego, and to within this reaction do the same to be spiteful, not seeing and realizing that the response I make as the comment from the reaction cannot and will not support or assist the other being as myself and only fuel the energy/possession and create more resistance.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that when and as I react to others comments and words, that I wasn’t breathing effectively and thus the reaction is an opportunity for me to see and be aware of me being/participating within the mind as energy and that I must stop and take a moment to consider my participation and what the cause/effect is and if it is best for all life or not, and that my comment must be a comment that was/is done in breathe where there is no energy movement, so that the comment I make stand as the physical as common sense and what is best for all life and not as an energy movement that supports the mind consciousness system as that which created/create the world the way it is currently as a battle ground for self interest as Ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react in separation of others words/comments and to within that make myself better than them, instead of standing in their shoes and to support and assist them as myself into common sense and that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see/take others words as personal and as an attack and to within this react and immediately go into defense mode where I attack back, only to keep things as they are instead of change, as that which is best for all life in all ways as common sense as that which is best for all life in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when and as I take things personal That I am within the mind as my own internal reality as the only place it is possible to take things personal as everything in the mind is always about self, seeing and realizing that when and as I breathe and that I am here in awareness as the physical where everything is here and not in a limited space as the mind, nothing can be taken personal because there is not person, instead LIFE is here.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that when and as I react to another words/comments that I am in separation of those words/comments and not here walking my process as all words of all being equally and to breathe and direct all words/comments as myself back to life within common sense and that which is best for all life in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that when and as I react to others comments/words that I am giving away my ability to respond responsible and to make my comment/words as effective as possible to support myself and others as myself to a point of common ground within common sense that is best for all life in all ways, but to instead through the reaction only have access to the knowledge and information that is stored within the energy reaction to respond with, that is totally limited and abusive as it only stimulate conflict and egos to defend themselves as energy.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself react to others words/comments to stop and to breathe and to not respond immediately, to first bring myself back to breathe where I am clear of all energy movement and to then only look at the words/comments and to respond (not react) responsible within considering all points and words before use so that my words do not carry energy/ego but life and that which is best for all life to end the abuse on earth.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself react to someone’s words/comments to stop and breathe and to take into consideration that the reaction is only possible if I am not breathing, and to first focus on my breathe and delete all energy.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself react to others comments/words to apply self forgiveness on the words/comments and to stand in their shoes within full understanding so that I can respond equally as that which is best for all life in support of all life in all ways.

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Victimization - Self-Forgiveness

    First realization/insight of the word. I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that the word VIC...