I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to when I am faced with certain events/scenarios in my life that I have judged as fearful/stressful in/as the past as memory, to decide to direct me in/as my actions and ability to take self responsibility in the moment -- where I instead will bring up thoughts as pictures of the past as memories where I have preferred situations/scenarios and distract myself with a differentcharacter I can play instead as the fearful one, and then not take self responsibility and rather run and hide towards the memories/pictures/thoughts.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I have to take self responsibility for an event happening in my life to rather give into the thoughts of – I would rather be doing that followed by the back chat – “I do not like doing this, I do not have to do this, I have choice, this is my free will to not have to do this” and to realize that the moment that is here is also my free will/choice to take self responsibility and to not take self responsibility for the moment that is here and to rather give into the thoughts/back chat I am actually submitting myself to the past as the mind and to neglect the physical reality that is real and to instead give power to the illusion as the mind, proving that I do not yet have free will/choice as I could not make the free choice with my free will to take responsibility for the physical reality and what I/we have created and accepted and allowed to exist for all life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when a situation is “here” in the moment to want/desire to give into the thoughts of escaping the situation/scenario where the thoughts would present a false image to me of/from the past as a preferred situation/scenario where I could rather be watching a movie or be laying on my bed, with Back-chat of false reason and justification in the attempt to manipulate me/myself why I do not have to take self responsibility for the scenario to not have to face the fear/anxiety as the character I exist as, and to rebirth myself in breath -- where the back chat will be that of leading me into temptation such as – “I could be outside sitting on the porch drinking coffee” – “I could rather be entertained with something/someone else rather than facing what is going on in reality” – and to realize that this pattern of thought/behavior is the behavior and thought pattern of the consumerism industry that exist today that is neglecting earth and all the inhabitants and only abusing life and why nothing is changing and only getting worse, and to stop and breathe and to face my reality in the moment of the scenario/event and to not postpone and take self responsibility and live the correction as that which is best for all life and to stop living as a character that only plays illusional roles in the mind and to instead breathe and face reality to fix what i/we have created as hell for all to a place that is best for all life – Equal Money for all.
To Be continued – Self commitment
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