I realize that when and as I experience feeling things are unfair that it is a character designed to play/act out on the beliefs/ideas/judgment/opinions I have about myself as self interest within my mind to defend my own created limitations.
I realize that when and as I experience things are unfair that I am only reacting within myself as I am facing my own self created limitations of myself that is based on past experiences as memories as self judgment/beliefs/ideas/opinions and that it is not Who I am within and as the physical but only my mind as energy as an illusion.
I realize that when and as I have any movement within me of fairness/unfairness that it is a character playing out defending my own self created limitations and that is defending the limitations to keep me limited and to not break through the mind barrier that is keeping me enslaved in the cycles of energy.
I realize that when and as I experience unfairness/fairness that it is an experience of the past as a memory, and that what I am experiencing is in fact only a memory as another character of the past and that it is not real within what is actually in fact happening in real time in and as the physical.
I realize that when and as I experience fairness/unfairness that it is a decision I make within me to experience.
I realize that when and as I experience fairness/unfairness that it is a experience that I already decided beforehand before the event happened based on my back chat/comparisons within my reality to have, realizing that I deliberate created the experience for myself and how I am going to experience myself in the future in certain events.
Thus I realize that I am not living in the present as breathe but as the mind within and as memory as characters that only exist to defend the past, never allowing me to change and to birth myself as life, as the characters only want to keep the energy experience they gain from the anger/self righteousness and the fairness and unfairness.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself experiencing unfairness to stop and to breathe and to realize that what I am experiencing as unfair is but only an idea/belief/perception/opinion/judgment of myself and that it is not in fact so and that I can stop and re-birth myself in the breath as a new to live differently as that which is best for all life.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself going into a mindset of back chat about fairness and unfairness that generates anger within me, to stop and realize that I am literally creating the anger within myself by myself through thinking and gossiping about fairness/unfairness within my mind, and to stop and breathe and move myself within and as the physical, as that which is best for all life.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself react when someone asks me to do something for them to stop and to breathe and to look within myself and why I am reacting, to realize that the reaction is only within my mind within me, thus it is indicating to me that I have participated in back chat as the mind within comparison within my world within self interest, only defending my own limitations.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself participating within the emotion of feeling that things in my world is unfair, to stop and breathe and to realize that it isnt helping me or changing what I am doing at all, and to realize that it is in fact only compromising me and creating an experience for myself that is not enjoyable.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself participating within a experience of energy of fairness/unfairness to stop and to bring myself back to the physical experience as breathe as that which is real and to not give into the thoughts/back chat that I create and to move4 myself within and as the physical as being fair myself to change and live what is best for all life and stop all self imposed limitations and enslavement as the mind/past/memories
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