I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself towards others.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself towards others with
in what I do.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself towards others in
what I do and thus sabotaging myself in the rush to keep up in comparison.

I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to create competition with in
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself when I compare myself
to others and with in this negative judgment towards myself sabotage myself
with in doing what I can do best because I now feel that what I am doing isn't
good enough anymore.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into isolation when I compare
myself to others and what they can do because of the judgments I have created
about it and with in this identify myself as les than.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to have identify myself as less than
others with in comparing myself to others and their abilities and what they are
capable of doing when I am still in the learning process and thus I give up on
myself and feel that what I do is useless because there are already people that
can do more and better than me.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in competition with others
through comparing myself with them and what they can do and what I can do.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage my learning process through
looking and comparing myself with others, instead of focusing on myself in
each breath, doing what I do till I become more effective and develop the
skills fully, and not half assed because I rushed it just to reach where others
are already.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to do things half assed because I rush
myself to reach the level of others with in comparing myself to them.F
I forgive myself
that I have not realized that other people have developed the skills they have
through being consistent with in the learning process and that it took time and
effort to built the certain skills they have and are applying.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself not see and realize that I will in time
have effective skills when I apply myself accordingly and that I have to commit
myself with in developing certain skills to have them, and that it does not magically
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to De-motivate myself deliberately
though comparing myself to others and to judge myself as not good enough.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as not good enough when
I compare myself to others.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on myself with in being
consistent with in developing effective skills through comparing myself with
others and judging myself .
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be patient and consistent with
myself in developing effective skills.
I commit myself to
be patient with myself with in developing skills that is best for all and to
when ever I see I go into comparison to stop and breathe, to realize that I am
learning and that with in time and with in applying myself consistently and effectively
that I will develop the skills.
I commit myself to
work with the skills I already have and to develop myself further with in other
skills when I have the time, or I make time, and to when I see I compare and
sabotage myself to write and forgive myself and to stop sabotaging myself.
I commit myself to
focus on myself and to work with myself first and to not participate with in
comparison and sabotaging myself and to develop myself through practically
applying myself for that which is best for all life in all ways.
As I realize
compromising and sabotaging myself is not best for all life as I am postponing
and prolonging my process when I compare myself, and not developing my skills
fully and effectively that will and can support all life to bring about a world
that is best for all life as I birth myself as life.
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