Ok I noticed a interesting Personality suit that I also have, it is the one where I am stressed out, I move around in a stressed out manner, I act stressed out and I have a particular Personality to this.

Through this I see that I actually created a
personality out of it, as certain way I am within my behavior and actions, I AM BUSY, I AM STRESSED OUT, lts go lets go lets get it done I have to go bye, and
this is how I have the suit on.
At the end of the day when I can sit down I
let go of the personality suit of being stressed, why do I say it is a suit,
because I see that I have learned how to act, behave a certain way to get thing
done my way etc and thus I will use these actions, behaviors and traits of
being stressed even if I really am just making it up to get a certain end
result, it is like I am using it to play people, manipulate people, and to get
people to leave me alone and not ask more of me, I am already stressed, leave
me alone.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to create and use the reactions that I have within me when I am
stressed to create and manifest a personality suit for myself to use when I
feel I need to manipulate and control people in my environment through actions
and behaviors, realizing that I can simply breathe and not create such a
experience for myself where I actually put the body under pressure and abusing
myself just to manipulate.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to identify myself as a stressed out person.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to belief that who I am is a stressed out person and to thus
always immediately stress when things get a bit more busy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to identify myself as a stressed person and to thus always immediately react and behave in a stressed manner because of the belief.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to be a stressed out person within the belief that this is who I
am, realizing it is not who I am as I make the decision in the moment and can
thus make a different one instead, such as breathing.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to belief that I am a stressed out person and can not change it
and that I will always be a stressed out person and thus I can only act and
behave stressed out.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and
allowed myself to realize that I have created a personality out of a
feeling/emotion/though that came from the past as a past experience that I have
identified myself with and as, not realizing that the past is the past and thus
I can change it within breathing and not accepting and allowing myself as being
a stressed out personality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to belief that the way I experienced myself in the past must be
who i am and thus I must always act as the past, realizing that each breathe is
a new here breath for me to teak self responsibility to re-create myself as
that which is best for all life in allow ways as life one and equal.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to put my body under stress and harming my body for it within
the belief that I must always be stressed as my personality.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and
allowed myself to realize that stress does not help anyone or anything and in
fact only compromised and sabotages self and others.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and
allowed myself to realize that I can just let go of stress and breathe and
still move myself the same way and even more effectively as stress only creates
more problems than solutions for self and others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to be fooled by stress and that if actually help me, realizing
that stress does not help anything EVER and yet I hold onto it as if it is who
I am, realizing who I am is yet to be born through my own self creation as I
decide who I am in each breathe/birth.
I commit myself to when and as I see myself go
into the stress mode as a personality to stop and to breathe and to look at why
I am stressing myself instead of breathing, to investigate the point and to
take self responsibility for my own creation and to apply writing or self
forgiveness to rebirth myself as life as that which is best for all life and to
create a stress free world through taking real self responsibility as the world
as a whole where we have accepted and allowed a world of stress/fear/anxiety to
exist as we all chance for life and to thus create and establish and support the
equal money system till it is done and we can all have heaven on earth, where personalities isnt needed to live life to survive.
I commit myself to when I see I am accepting
stress as normal and as part of who I am as a personality that is based on
energy that the mind feeds off from the body to sustain itself, to stop and look
at why have I accepted and allowed myself to identify myself as a stressful
person and to stop the mind control and brainwashing of myself.
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